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Opera v10.6 <audio> playback doesn't work on 9x?


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Does anyone get Opera v10.6 to play <audio> tags correctly? I can see the player controls, but it doesn't play. I think it may be a problem with its playback libraries (gstreamer), as audio.canPlayType() returns empty for standard MIME types (like "audio/ogg" or "audio/wav") instead of "maybe" or "probably". Anyone get it to play audio?

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Yes, although not intentionally. Opera runs in the default compatibility mode which I have set to 0/DCFG1/"Default mode".

When I choose "Disable KernelEx extensions" for Opera, support for the <source> element is lost (the audio controls still appear). Any KernelEx compatibility mode enables it. The ogg clip plays as expected; the mp3 source fails in a way that correctly falls through to the ogg source (when followed by the ogg source), but does not display the error message (when no alternate source is provided).

I also have Kexstubs and some other non-standard KernelEx extensions installed. I've been attempting to narrow down the exact dependency.

Opera also works best with the Msimg32.dll from WinME.

Edit: level of support

Edit2: The problem seems to be gstreamer. gstreamer.dll and its plugins are linked for subsystem=5.0, so won't load on Win9x without the help of KernelEx. The plugin dlls are also in cascading subfolders instead of in the app directory, so perhaps can't even be found.

Later tonight I will try patching the subsystem values of these dlls and placing them directly in the Opera folder.

Edited by jumper
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gstreamer.dll will load if the subsystem is patched, but the rest of the plugins won't load and Opera hangs as a result. There must be missing delay-load functions.

KernelEx is required for Opera 10.6x HTML5 video and audio at this time.

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Interesting that the subsystem change helps only partially. It might be possible to replace to an older version of gstreamer, but on a quick search I couldn't find binaries.

Can KernelEx report what functions of it were used at a given time?

What does msimg32.dll help with, transparency? Is it a simple DLL replace or does it require KernelEx?

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msimg32.dll fixes the ugly transparency mask problems with graphics and icons. msimg32.dll does not exist by default, so it is not a replacement. All you need to do is copy the file to your system folder. KenerlEx is not needed.

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>Interesting that the subsystem change helps only partially. It might be possible to replace to an older version of gstreamer, but on a quick search I couldn't find binaries.

It seems to have been Linux-only until recently. Source code is available going back ten years, so we might be able to port it to (or recompile it for) Win9x.

>Can KernelEx report what functions of it were used at a given time?

The standard version cannot, but Kexstubs can. I'm working a way to redirect more KernelEx support through Kexstubs for easier debugging without requiring a special version of KernelEx.

>What does msimg32.dll help with, transparency? Is it a simple DLL replace or does it require KernelEx?

I think so. Opera usually prompts Win9x users to upgrade msimg32.dll to the WinMe version. Yes, it's just a simple DLL replace; or KernelEx will provide an updated version. Either way will work. :)

@Foxbat: Win98se comes with version 5.00.1693.1 of Msimg32.dll. In my experience, the WinMe version fixes nothing but the warning message--transparencies still don't work. Perhaps my various video adapters have been the limiting factor....

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@Foxbat: Win98se comes with version 5.00.1693.1 of Msimg32.dll. In my experience, the WinMe version fixes nothing but the warning message--transparencies still don't work. Perhaps my various video adapters have been the limiting factor....

My apolgies. I completely forgot that an older Msimg32.dll already exist as I use bat files to do the replacing for me (I must be getting spoiled). I use the updated dll with modified Opera themes.

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Source code is available going back ten years, so we might be able to port it to (or recompile it for) Win9x.
I suppose, but that's too much trouble right now. :) Even though it might just compile without a hitch.
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