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nLite bug with KB977816 and KB2115168 - Windows XP


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Normally nLite does not care about the sort order of updates because it checks the file versions of .dlls, etc and always uses the latest one when 2 updates have the same file. I guess nLite does not perform this version check on .ax files. This affects KB977816 and KB2115168. These updates both contain l3codecx.ax. On KB977816, l3codecx.ax is version and on KB2115168 it is version

The fix is simple. Make sure when you are sorting your update list that KB977816 is before KB2115168 or Windows Update will correctly show that KB2115168 is needed.

Edited by -X-
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  • 2 weeks later...

Does this bug happens on other file types?

If so, then we have to be careful of these files, too.

(Overlapping files that do not have .exe or .dll extension)
afd.sys KB2509553 KB2592799
mswrd8.wpc KB973904 KB2485663
srv.sys KB2345886 KB2508429
tcpip6.sys KB978338 KB2509553

I hope someone can check these out.

Edited by Explorer09
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I just checked. nLite handles .sys and .wpc file extensions correctly....latest versions used.

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  • 1 month later...

>>>Does this bug happens on other file types?

If so, then we have to be careful of these files, too.

(Overlapping files that do not have .exe or .dll extension)

afd.sys KB2509553 KB2592799

mswrd8.wpc KB973904 KB2485663

srv.sys KB2345886 KB2508429

tcpip6.sys KB978338 KB2509553

I hope someone can check these out.<<<

KB978338 failed to install on nLited XP CD. Last session attached.

Edited by PinkFreud
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My tests showed that no matter the sort order, nLite will always use version 5.1.2600.5935 of tcpip.sys.

tcpip.sys is not the problem (for me) it's nLite using the older version of tcpip6.sys...

...nLite should use the higher version .sys files with it off.

It didn't.

Does this bug happens on other file types?

If so, then we have to be careful of these files, too.

(Overlapping files that do not have .exe or .dll extension)

afd.sys KB2509553 KB2592799

mswrd8.wpc KB973904 KB2485663

srv.sys KB2345886 KB2508429

tcpip6.sys KB978338 KB2509553

I hope someone can check these out.

Apparently it does, see below.:whistle:

I found a fix but it ain't pretty. I moved (after running nLite but before create ISO) older version of tcpip6.sys from I386 to I386/System32 folder & copied newer ver to I386, made ISO & tested in VM...Good news & bad news... KB978338 & KB2509553 both installed BUT KB2592799 failed due to afd.sys conflict with KB2509553. KB2592799 adds Afd.sys 5.1.2600.6142 (8/17/11) but nLite used older ver Afd.sys 5.1.2600.5695 (10/16/08) from KB2509553.

Re-ran nLite from a fresh source & did the same...before create ISO moved all "old" versions (Tcpip6.sys, Tcpip.sys & afd.sys) to I386/System32 & added "new" ver to I386, tested in VM, all is well :)

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Good work :)however..... what about KB2592799? :whistle:

......both installed BUT KB2592799 failed due to afd.sys conflict with KB2509553. KB2592799 adds Afd.sys 5.1.2600.6142 (8/17/11) but nLite used older ver Afd.sys 5.1.2600.5695 (10/16/08) from KB2509553...

Where do we put that one? :unsure:In-between? :blink:

Thanks for your hard work on this!


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KB2592799 should be after KB2509553 but you should have that sorted already when you sort by date (oldest to newest).

Here are the steps.

1. Add all the updates.

2. Click the date column and put the oldest date first. There will be one without a date. Don't worry about this one since it has no file collisions.

3. Move KB978338 below KB2509553. (only on XP Home)

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Key word of course being should...


0.453: ================================================================================

0.453: 2012/06/22 14:58:08.296 (local)

0.453: c:\61337bd47297d88c3155\update\update.exe (version

0.515: DoInstallation: GetProcAddress(InitializeCustomizationDLL) Returned: 0x7f

0.531: Hotfix started with following command line: /q /n /z /o /b:sp3gdr

0.531: In Function GetReleaseSet, line 1240, RegQueryValueEx failed with error 0x2

0.531: Return Value From IsMachineSafe = 0

0.531: IsMachineSafe returned 441092

0.531: Fist Condition in Prereq.IsMachineSafe.Section Failed

0.531: Condition Check for Line 1 of PreRequisite returned FALSE

0.547: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102

0.547: KB2686509 Setup encountered an error: Setup cannot continue because one or more prerequisites required to install KB2686509 failed. For More details check the Log File c:\windows\KB2686509.log

0.547: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102

0.547: Setup cannot continue because one or more prerequisites required to install KB2686509 failed. For More details check the Log File c:\windows\KB2686509.log

0.547: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf0f4

0.547: Update.exe return code was masked to 0x643 for MSI custom action compliance.

Edited by PinkFreud
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Do you disable(like the Windows key) any keys or remap keys?

EDIT: Also, do you do anything with remove components with the keyboards?

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>>>Do you disable(like the Windows key) any keys or remap keys?<<<


>>>Also, do you do anything with remove components with the keyboards?<<<

Yes. I check & remove everything under ;# Keyboards # & ;# Languages #

This guy "Freudi" (ironical, given my username no?) blames it on nLited installs being "unclean aka sloppy" >>>LINK<<<

In the "Faultykeyboard.log" contains only file names that end in ". DLL"

Search in this case, which lists the files on the hard disk and the folder "\ Windows \ System32" (% windir% \ System32), so do not move. The cause is possibly the (apparently incomplete) removal of (keyboard) languages such as questioning using "nLite"....


If a kbd *. Dll while in "HKLM \ ... \ Keyboard Layouts" is entered, but not in the file% windir% \ system32 is present on the system, it lands in the "faultykeybord.log". If it is to default in Windows XP, QWERTY keyboard layout is (what with "* kbd. Dll" very likely), it (s) but for example, by creating and manipulating a Windows XP installation nLite with eg "away" was has nLite works simply unclean aka sloppy. See also Section 2 of the article. Otherwise there would be the appropriate registry entries are not - and would KB2686509 can be easily installed.

Above quote is translated from German to English

Edited by PinkFreud
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