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Why not going virtual ?

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(Purists, please don't kill me). People who are and have worked hard have the right to relax (in the cinema for instance, which is also virtual).


You can simply drag and drop between your (Vista or WIN 7) system and the WIN 98 Virtual Machine or share one or more folder(s) to allow for transfers.

Screen resolution problems can be solved by installing IE6 SP1 (and MGDx updates). You need to fiddle a bit with the different options in "actions" (menu above) and "configuration" (right menu) for the screen configuration. (Also set DOSBOX (DOSboxoptions.bat) to fullscreen mode).

Tihyis "revolutionary" programs work fine. KernelEx as well.

Even my old 16 bit WIN 95/98 programs (no way to make them run otherwise) work fine. (an astronomy program, called Tycho Notes).

Acess to the CD drive D: and to my (USB) TEAC external floppy drive A: is no problem.

Internet is a bit slow, but sufficient (with kerio PF 2.15 and Clamwin to protect you). Didn't try any other browser than IE6 SP1.

Please pay attention to the difference in wording between "Windows Virtual PC" and "Virtual PC 2007". The first one allows to run WIn XP (in Windows XP mode, but NOT WIN 98), the second one (referenced through the link above) was created long before the second one and runs WIN 98 just fine. But you cannot have both on the same (e.g. WIN 7) installation. If you want to have WIN 98 with WIN 7, you need to disinstall Win Virtual PC (or install them on different drives).



(sent from my WIN 98 VM)

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Why virtualize when the real thing runs so well? :thumbup It's the fastest, most reliable Windows I've used, including 2K and XP-Pro.

If Virtual PC 2007 (is that the one that runs 98 properly?) will run on XP without completely depleting the system, I'll consider it for some testing purposes. Myself, I don't have or want Vista or Win-7. As for the other available virtualization options, Win 98 doesn't seem to run well at all on VirtualBox. Puppy Linux didn't seem to behave properly either. The processor stays at 100% when I tried 98 and everything on both host and guest lags bad. So far, VirtualBox has been disappointing for me. Haven't tried VMWare but if I've heard right, it has the same problem with 98. At present, my use for VirtualBox is limited to checking out some of the new versions of Linux.

For virtual 98 systems, I've had good results with the old Connectix Virtual PC 5.1. The VPC additions it comes with solve the high processor usage. I haven't tried hacking them to make them work with VirtualBox yet. It makes me wonder why the newer versions have that problem with virtual 9X systems. I starting to think it's deliberate because big money doesn't want 98 around even as a virtual system. Connectix VPC also runs 2K and XP guest systems quite well. I've also run some Linux based CDs on it, including the Acronis Rescue CD, which has opened up all kinds of possibilities, including near-clones of existing physical systems (re-installs some drivers on the first virtual run). The best thing about the original vendors version of VPC is that it runs well on a 98SE host. Microsoft removed a lot of VPCs abilities when they acquired it, a lot more than most people are aware of.


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Even my old 16 bit WIN 95/98 programs (no way to make them run otherwise) work fine. (an astronomy program, called Tycho Notes).

Cannot say if it's "the same" thing, but there is a program called "Tycho Notes 2000" that runs on later OS. :unsure:



You can use another VM to workaround the need to instal/uninstall the two Virtual PC versions, a list is here:


Personally, and expecially for running one or two Win9x programs I would go for Qemu (optionally with Qemu Manager).


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  • 2 months later...

Cannot say if it's "the same" thing, but there is a program called "Tycho Notes 2000" that runs on later OS. :unsure:



Hi jaclaz,

sorry for coming back lately, but sometimes it takes some time before ideas of others enter my mind ;-).

Did you mean that it is possible to install programs with a 16 bit installer on a 64 bits machine ? (Had now the same problem with another program).

All I read on th net says that this does not work :-((.


Sorry, forgot to say/ even if I install the program on my virtual machine and copy the folder over to the host (worked for other programs, as apparently no registry entries, Tycho Notes does not work on the 64 bits machine).

Edited by RodgerOver
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