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Updates for Windows XP x64 and x86 (Retired)

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As well as providing update lists which I released yesterday, I also made executables which wraps all the Update 1 msu files into one and it installs them in the correct order. Sadly I cannot provide the direct download links here, but you can get them from this website:-


Edited by steven4554
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There are several files that have been named with x64 instead of x86 in the June x86 list.


Also Windows8.1-KB2973448-x64.msu gets installed as part of the KB2962409 update.  You have Windows8.1-KB2962409-x64.msu, but not Windows8.1-KB2973448-x64.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Steve. what you have done is a GOD send, microsoft doesnt get that installing a new O/S having it unpatched and then having to go online to patch it. is very unsecure. so if they provided a monthly rollup and the ability to merge it with an install would be too easy... wouldnt it! But no no no. they make it hard for you. 

SO thanks a lot for what you do! 


Quick question. I have windows 8.1 with update OEM dvd. so I assume I click on the 8.1 64 with update list. 

does that have every patch since that was released? or do I need to find every list you have made, and add them 1 by 1? 


I also noticed that in the list of the patches 8.1 update was in there. is that just a different rollup to the update that is already merged on the OEM install DVD? 

I dont think it would matter anyway would it? it would essentially just write what it needs to anyway right? 


also how does the program know how to apply the patches in order of when released? or is that not as important ?


Again cheers 

Love your work.


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Thanks, I really do appreciate when users like what I'm doing, which is helping the community with ULZ's that cover up MS's short comings.


Yes it includes all updates (with the exception of request only hotfixes) that are post Win8.1 Update, so you can safely install/integrate these updates. I have bookmarked certain MS websites that help me get the info for direct download links, as well as if any update supersedes another previously released update.


No it is the same package, but there 1 or 2 updates you would need to install from the Update Pack section.


As for order of updates, it varies but usually it doesn't really matter in which order you install them. Unless for example, you were installing IE11 in Win7, you would need to install the required updates first before you could install IE11, so that it would work.


Updates that you've already downloaded will be marked in green.

Edited by steven4554
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