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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.1


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One thing I wonder: what was the new method of installing XP all about? I now feel kind of "guilty" that you had to revert back to the "old" method? I hope you didn't have to do a lot of work for nothing?

It's not that I tested on some weird config or something, I mean 512mb may be not be a lot for Win8 (even though it still installs fine, as you might recall), but for XP 512mb is OK, isn't it? Just wondering what your new method was...

Well, i tried to make NT5 setup more correct, so it would have worked with some of these insane nlite mods.

But in the end it just resulted in more questions and problems, so I revert it mostly back.

No sure actually why i thought about decompression boot files :angel

EDIT: Seems I spoke too soon. After the full XP setup, after the last reboot, Windows doesn't boot and errors out. So I tried again and noticed that -SaveDriveLetters didn't set the checkbox for "Use migrate.inf for driveletter preaasignment". So I manually ticked that box and thought that was it. After another full setup still no luck, no boot. I'm not sure what's going on, looks like the SATA drivers are not installed?

(BTW: as I mentioned before, this exact same setup works with 2.6.x)

Will fix the command line!

At least this means that boot files and driver integration was successful :yes:

But in TXT phase the driver isn't installed for some reason.

Do you see any difference in DRV folder or in $WIN_NT$.~BT\winnt.sif between v2 and the v3WIP?

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Hmmm, sorry, things are getting a little confusing now. You say "driver integration was successful" and "in TXT phase the driver isn't installed".

Maybe I don't understand you correctly, but going back (another testrun), I again saved all contents of C:\ just before reboot (after WinNTSetup finishes) so I can compare later. There is no $1 folder at all in $WIN_NT$.~LS\OEM$ (which normally holds the Driverpack folder "D" and all its subfolders). Maybe this is what you meant (or just the opposite).

So now I'll have to go back *once again* and see if the failure to integrate the drivers is my error, or if WinNTSetup "forgot" to add them.

EDIT: OK, went in one more time, looks like 3WIP "simply" (?) didn't copy the $OEM$ dir from my XP source, as it normally does... Any ideas?

(Sorry, had to figure this one out in my mind. Of course the TXTmode storage drivers were there, but the Windows mode [sATA] drivers were not).

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EDIT: OK, went in one more time, looks like 3WIP "simply" (?) didn't copy the $OEM$ dir from my XP source, as it normally does... Any ideas?

Could reproduce it in XP VM, it didn't move the folder \$WIN_NT$.~LS\OEM to \OEM.

Also the winnt.sif update doesn't happens cause I mess up the file attributes.

WinNTSetup v3 (WIP 04/09/2013)

- fixed drvbase option not working in some cases

- fixed cmdline SaveDriveLetters, uxtheme

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I tested the new version, only upto just before the final reset (to install XP) but there's still no $1$ folder in $win_nt$.~ls\$oem$

... I guess there's no point in letting the setup continue? I guess the oem folder still isn't copied?

EDIT: For completeness, here's the structure from the same setup with 2.3.6:




---D (Mass storage drivers)

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This folder is created if you choose integration Method 1 in DPBase.

Both versions actually setting Method 2, in DP_Base.

I get pretty much the same output here ...

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Sorry, I don't understand your second sentence.

Yes, I chose Method 1 in DPBase, and this way has always worked with WinNTSetup. What do you mean with:

"Both versions actually setting..."? Both versions of what?

Sorry... I was under the impression that using version 3 it might work the same as version 2.3.6?

Once again: With the *same* source, version 2.3.6 *is* creating the \$1 subfolder, but v3 is not (and so the Mass storage drivers are missing in Windows).

OK, another edit: I use DPMassstorage *before* I use WinNTSetup, to create the ISO. I *don't* use the WinNTOption "Run Driver Packs". I think this is the source of the confusion!? My XP iso (which I also use as source to burn a CD), has the $oem$\$1 folder "burnt-in", so it was automatically copied along, in older WinNTSetup versions).

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Both version of Winntsetup setting the method 2 in DPbase ini file.

And it's DPBase that creates the \$WIN_NT$.~LS\$OEM$\$1\D folder.

No version should copy this folder in the root, it will be copied later by the real setup.

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I don't use the DPBase option *in* WinNTSetup, the $1 folder is there already in the *source*. I'm really sorry to keep getting on about this, please tell me to shut up anytime.

As you might recall, I copied all files from C: just before the first reboot using 2.3.6, I still have this folder so I can compare how the new version differs.

Maybe we can take this one step at a time: The folder "old" (= setup files created by 2.3.6) *does* have the \oem$\$1\d subfolder (seems logical to me, as it's copied along with the full $oem$ folder, which also holds other stuff, like cmdlines.txt), while the folder "new" (= setup files created by 3WIP) does not. To me that looks like something is missing?

I think we should "forget" about DPbase, and focus on why the $oem$ folder isn't copied?

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:lol: So we talking the whole time about different thing.

1. I thought it was about the msstmake way of driver integration

Then I thought it was about driver pack integration via driverpackbase.

Now it seems it's all about the $OEM$ folder on your CD/ISO that's not being copied in v3.

Well the good thing is that it could fixed some bugs i had not found else.

Anyway next version will copy this folder, too.

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Oh man, I'm so glad you're still smiling... As I said, I was not feeling too good about this at all, luckily it's resolved, and just before dinnertime for me :-)

I was just running another test copying the $oem$ folder manually (from the "old" folder) before reboot. I guess this test will be successful :-)

So now you're saying copying the $oem$ folder wasn't even included in v3 yet!? Aargghh, now I want my money back! Oh wait... :whistle:


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IT still doesn't work. Looks like there's still something wrong with the mass storage drivers.

The install folders look OK this time ("almost" the same as the 2.3.6 ones), and the setup looks like everything's going OK. But the final reboot into XP fails (the quick flashing bluescreen looks familiar, like there are no SATA drivers at all).

To me it looks like the drivers *are there* this time, but some setting(s) are still wrong/missing.

Please let me know what I can do to debug this.

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Depending on the used Driverpacks method the actual install should be executed through: \$WIN_NT$.~BT\winnt.sif


Well there have to be any difference in the \$WIN_NT$.~BT\winnt.sif files

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Maybe we're getting somewhere again. Babysteps...

(1) Here's my (working and tested x1000) commandline for WinNTSetyp (2.3.6)

WinNTSetup2_x86.exe -nt5 -source:k: -syspart:c: -unattend:winnt.sif -savedriveletters -drivers:L: -reboot

(2) From that winnt.sif (which is a *separate* file, not in the iso):

OemPnpDriversPath="Drivers\1;Drivers\2;Drivers\3;Drivers\4;Drivers\5;Drivers\6;D\M\3;D\M\A;D\M\AD; (etc.)!

as you can see, the first 6 folders are my own pc-specific drivers, the rest is de Driverpacks Mass Storage drivers (method 1).

The resultant \$WIN_NT$.~BT\winnt.sif indeed has this full line! (As confirmed from my folder with the saved setup files). At the very end, WinNTSetup adds ";DRV;DRV\1;DRV\2", etc. (From the mounted L: drive).

Now on to the new version 3WIP:

(3) Commandline is the same (with "nt5" without the dash, of course)

(4) The separate winnt.sif is also the same

(5) The resultant \$WIN_NT$.~BT\winnt.sif only has:


Aah, so I guess we found another thing: WinNTSetup 3WIP doesn't add the *existing* part of this line at the beginning.

I must admit I only found this as I was typing this... I'll await your response, but it looks like this can be resolved?!

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Okay, that great these missing entries in OemPnpDriversPath could explain the BSOD after last reboot.

We will know if you fix the line in winnt.sif after running v3, with the correct data one form v2.

BTW: In v2 doe you have selected an winnt.sif file?

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