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Posted (edited)

Hi, is there anybody who knows, which Codec files are necessary for 'only' playing QuickTime files?

No need the browser plugin files.

I won´t the whole unnecessary stuff that comes with the QuickTime installer!

Edited by Jolli


Thanks, i´m using the old one, but there is an new QuickTime version, you´ve seen?

My browser never has this plugin need to use, so i think its useless for me!

This is wy i asked.

If anybody found out, please tell us, which files do we need.

It would be great, if it came with in a Codec pack!


Well, if "your browser" is a "Mozilla Firefox", open the program folder/Plugins and try removing QuickTimePlugin.class, npqtplugin.dll, npqtplugin1.dll etc. (total of 7 files).

As far as I know, the latest version of Quick Time Alternative Lite is 4.0.0. It used to come inside K-Lite a long time ago.



I install QT Lite, than update it's components like this: download full Quicktime (currently I find it as part of Safari), extract with Universal Extractor, then overwrite the codecs with new versions in QT Lite folder. Also in folders AAS (Apple Application Support) and 2-3 files in system32 and 2 files somewhere in Documents and Settings\MYUSERNAME\Application Data\Apple.... I don't delete any files and don't add any that aren't there. Just making sure I don't overwrite QuickTimePlayer.exe and QuickTimePlayer*.bin

The difference in versions is not yet big enough to stop it from working.



Thank you all for the solutions, but I had fancied something else!

Stuff like this thread only working with the new files!


I think you had to put also the new plugin 'npqtplugin7.dll' in '%programfiles%\QuickTime\\Plugins\npqtplugin7.dll', isn´t it?


I think you had to put also the new plugin 'npqtplugin7.dll' in '%programfiles%\QuickTime\\Plugins\npqtplugin7.dll', isn´t it?

That's the browser plugin, I don't use it. I thought you didn't want it too?



Look at my post #4

As far as I know, the latest version of Quick Time Alternative Lite is 4.0.0. It used to come inside K-Lite a long time ago.

Nowadays it comes as a separate installer, and you, like all of us, will have to wait until the updated one is released.



Rigth, i see and once more, its only 1 Developer of both K-Light Codec pack and the QuickTime ligt pack! ok, ok.

If was only a question whether somebody knows the code!

However, is probably a touch too much!

A few more than in my post #6, i thought.

New QuickTime version is out now, 7.6.9 !

Posted (edited)

I suspect that Apple has pressured the "developer" (he's really a packer) with some kind of legal action, so I'm pessimistic about the future of QT Alternative / QT Lite... But we'll see.


Edited by GrofLuigi


In relation to your post #5, I've been doing something similar for quite some time; however, the QuickTime installer package does not contain the files found in Firefox/plugins, like npqtplugin.dll and QuickTimePlugin.class.

Is there any chance that it is one of the many .dll files in QuickTime that just need to be renamed?




In relation to your post #5, I've been doing something similar for quite some time; however, the QuickTime installer package does not contain the files found in Firefox/plugins, like npqtplugin.dll and QuickTimePlugin.class.

Is there any chance that it is one of the many .dll files in QuickTime that just need to be renamed?


You made me download Quicktime installer again. :)

No, it's not present there, I don't know where the QTAlternative/Lite author got it from. I don't see any file that, renamed or not, is equivalent to the files in the folder /Plugins.



Here's something interesting I noticed:

- npqtplugin3.dll has to be added at the beginning if we want Firefox to read and load it from the Plugins folder. I know this from experience with a download manager I tested; renamed a .dll by adding NP at the beginning et voila!

- After replacing every possible title from the QuickTime installer that was the same as the Program Files\QTLite folder (and restarted), I went to Firefox's Tools\Add-ons menu to see (to my great surprise) that it was now version!!! I am sure that prior to that it was and was showing as vulnerable with a recommendation to update.

How about that?


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