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Logo creation Contest...


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Hey Everyone,

Long time no see! some of you may remember me and I'm sure some of you don't. ;)

I'm looking for some skilled / creative graphics artists to help create a Logo for my new software company.

I will pay at least $100 to anyone who creates a logo I end up using. The amount depends on how much we like it and how much we can afford. But also this will open doors for us to possibly use the invested money through you as well for other graphical needs. Of course you are the graphic designer... so if you feel we should pay you more then by all means quote me a price and I will see if it fits our budget. But I am hoping that with the help I have done in the past here that others may want to help me as well.

The new company name is: IT techware

The type of software we will be offering is basically going to be marketed as a Virtual Technician. It's a program I have been working on for many years.

We need a logo to use for the company. Something that we will be able to use on all of our advertiseing. It will basically be the face for the company.

Coloring theme would be the colors Green Blue and White. But it doesn't need to use all of those colors.

I have allready picked up an investor and a marketing firm to help me market the software.

If anyone here has any ideas on ways to help me market this product please let me know as well. If you have any connections with review sites, magazines, radio and so on it would be a great help! I know there is some of you in here. :)

It would be really great to find some graphic artists in here willing to help me. I think this new software will be a huge success and I will need talented graphic designers I can trust. The logo is only the beginning.

Thanks MSFN! You have done a lot of great things for me!

P.S. For every logo we even consider using I will give the designer a free 1 yr membership to the program. :D

Edited by Siginet
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We actually have thousands of dollars going out already. But we also have a budget. I'm trying to ask friends for help. (Just as I have done for many others.) So that the money that is invested does not get wasted too quickly. The marketing firm we are going through has given us a quote on designing a logo for us... but the quote is very high.

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Maybe if you post some of the requirements for the logo, it will help prospective participants to better "focus" what is required

Has it to be "square", "rectangular" (as a proportion between heigth and width), have any "meaning", use text/font effects on the actual "IT Techware" company name?



Or completely meaningless, like the BASF one?



Edited by jaclaz
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To be honest I don't have any requirments right now. I have no color scheme or size requirments. Except that the final logo should be high quality when I purchase it so that I can resize it and so on to fit any advertising I need. Right now I have new website samples being made as well. But I haven't chosen a color scheme just yet. So the creativity is wide open at this point.

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To be honest I don't have any requirments right now. I have no color scheme or size requirments. Except that the final logo should be high quality when I purchase it so that I can resize it and so on to fit any advertising I need. Right now I have new website samples being made as well. But I haven't chosen a color scheme just yet. So the creativity is wide open at this point.

I've just added a color theme to the above post.

"Coloring theme would be the colors Green Blue and White. But it doesn't need to use all of those colors."

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Some excellent designs, but the graphics that have been utilized don't really say anything to me about technology nor convey the meaning of a virtual technician.

I wish I could help with the design, but I have zero skills in that area.

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Some excellent designs, but the graphics that have been utilized don't really say anything to me about technology nor convey the meaning of a virtual technician.

I wish I could help with the design, but I have zero skills in that area.

I know what you mean. Although some of them are geared toward IT. Like my favorite so far is an ethernet cable wrapping around a globe. There is also a couple with a stickman working on a laptop. ;) I'm actually very happy with some of the logos.

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Once I have the new logo and website ready I'd like to do some market analasys here if some members are interested. I'd like to be sure our pricing structure is set correctly. So I'll be offering free 1 yr licenses to those who participate in the market analasys. ;)

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Some excellent designs, but the graphics that have been utilized don't really say anything to me about technology nor convey the meaning of a virtual technician.

I wish I could help with the design, but I have zero skills in that area.

I know what you mean. Although some of them are geared toward IT. Like my favorite so far is an ethernet cable wrapping around a globe. There is also a couple with a stickman working on a laptop. ;) I'm actually very happy with some of the logos.

Yes, I agree with the order that you have them ranked for what is available.

Those are no doubt some very nice design concepts. :thumbup:

Client Rank: 1st #29 by PonetzGraphics comments: 13

Client Rank: 2nd #43 by viar comments: 2

Client Rank: 3rd #44 by viar comments: 2

The stickman logo is nice but I think the graphic might need to be a bit larger so it's intent is more obvious... I had to take a second look to actually see the "stick laptop", but now that you pointed that out I can see it.

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