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extract graphics from pdf


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i need to take a screenshot of a pdf file

i think this is the only way to extract non-text data (if not correct me)

but i need the screenshot in good quality, so it must be taken in specific dpi

if i zoom so much the pdf to reach the specific dpi, it will be hard to take the screenshot, because the margins of the area to be screenshotd will be out of the screen

there is a pdf editor that lets you specify the margins (with the usual drag rectangular tool) and then asks you in which dpi you want the screenshot

then it automatically zooms, takes the screenshot and restores zoom and saves the screenshot

does anyone know this tool or any better? or any other way?


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Try the FREE PDFill PDFTools.

However, it needs Ghostscript, and, mainly for compatibility with IrfanView, I do recommend you to install the AFPL Ghostscript 8.54 before installing the PDFTools, so as to prevent it from installing a more recent GPL Ghostscript version, which it does by default to any machine not actually having Ghostscript already present. PDFill also installs a great free PDF printer at the same time. The downside is that it installs its demo pdf form filler, but you won't ever need to even open it (and it doesn't take that much disk space, either), just ignore it.

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anyone please?

i know that there is somewhere out there the program that does what i need...

Look, you have been already given a good hint.




and/or click here:




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unfortunately it is not the same

you must realize that images in pdf files are of two kinds:

1) embeded and able to be extracted using tools as the above (pdf editors recognize them and you can extract them)

2) hardcoded into the pdf file and not being able to be extracted (pdf editors cannot recognize them, they see them as background)

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you must realize that images in pdf files are of two kinds:

I probably realized it before you were even born ;).

2) hardcoded into the pdf file and not being able to be extracted (pdf editors cannot recognize them, they see them as background)


The only down side? I'm not kidding when I say PDF Image Extract saves every image. You'll likely wind up with a folder containing hundreds of images, only a few of which are the ones you were looking for. That's because the program will save all sorts of segments of the original PDF as image files, including the background.

I guess you should sue either the author of the above post or the author of the program or the author of the .pdf, then. :whistle:

Please note how you asked:

i need to take a screenshot of a pdf file

i think this is the only way to extract non-text data (if not correct me)


does anyone know this tool or any better? or any other way?

BOTH your bolded requests were fulfilled, obviously there is no warranty whatever that this approach will work on your particular file, and with the particular image you want to extract. :)

If your file does not contain "trade or military secrets" or "personal sensible data" and if it is redistributable, why don't you post it on a file sharing site and give a link to it?

Maybe someone will have a look at it and suggest you another tool/way. :unsure:


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