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Install the Windows Performance Tool Kit (WPT)

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Hi guys :yes:

I have tried to install WPT on Vista and I get that some Tools can't be installed and there is no listing of WPT at all...How and where do I copy it from Windows 7?





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Hi again!

OK! Thanks for that but it still doesn't work....I have checked "Ready Boost" and just installed the performance Tools but can run the command.....?

Any ideas?

I get not an internal command, external command, etc




I am an id***...I didn't see two listings for the performance tools when installing....now working thank you :thumbup

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Hi MagicAndre1981 :blushing:

Sorry! I wasn't very clear...

When installing SDK you are given several options of what you want to install and I had missed the one under Common Utilities...


I only saw the link under Redistributable Packages and not Common Utilities...

When I rerun the SDK installer...then I noticed it and installed it OK...


I ran the WPT and it shaved over a minute on the startup time...;)



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I ran the WPT and it shaved over a minute on the startup time... ;)



Which is a nice - though vague - absolute metrics whilst in this particualr case it would be interesting to use relative metrics.... :whistle:


I mean, it shaved one minute out of the 1:18 it took before means "wow! :thumbup ", it shaved one minute out of the 32:43   :w00t::ph34r: it took before means "meh. :} "....



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Sorry, it was taking between 2minutes to 2 minutes 45 seconds to start totally and be usable...so even if it isn't the fastest starter in the world of computers with the latest technology...SSD drives etc...I think for an old computer that is pretty impressive....lol

Am I making myself clear......?




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