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Grub - USB key is hd(0,3) not hd(0,0)

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Okay, so i am booting a usb key with grub4dos on it

Ive set my BIOS (im on an Intel genuine 845 MB) to boot to USB, and set the primary drive to the usb key (i have 2 hdd's in the PC as well).

When i boot the key, i get:

Trying hd(0,0).....nada

Trying hd(0,1).....nada

Trying hd(0,2).....nada

Trying hd(0,3).....found

Obviously i need the key to be hd(0,0) for some of the commands in my menu.lst to work, for example i need to remap hd(0,0) to hd(0,1):

map (hd0) (hd1)


The menu entries that dont rely on set partition info work fine, i am using find -setroot without issue

Any ideas? Ive tried all the sane things i could think of.....just need to make the key hd(0,0)

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