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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP

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Posted (edited)

Mimo, I'm not talking about auto updates, I'm talking about entering windowsupdate.com. There, it's not required, neither as HP, nor as op. That's why I insist on this.

Please test.


Im talked also about MU/WU. An I just tested it (rvkroots.exe in HF) and my result: (see below) :)


Seriously, without this patch, HFSLIP will (unintentionally) fool the slipstreamed Windows, thinking that the update was installed successfully.

Yes, that was also my experience I just made. Under HKLM...InstalledComponents I found this updates but under HKLM...Certificates I didn't found it. So, just the Installed-flag will be set but in fact it will not be installed.

I just look at your patch! :)

Edited by Mim0


Ok, for some reason, it seems that rvkroots is not properly slipstreamed, even if MU/WU doesn't want it after installation.

Patch tuesday and new flash.

Get the cab here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7065652/SWFLASH.CAB

new HFs:

IE8 272 2913, replaces previous cumm update.

MRT 4.11 replaces 4.10

271 2808

270 5219

273 1847

the ones above replace 2718523, 961501 and 958644

272 3135 this doesn't replace ay previous HF.

Waiting for tyhe new version...

Posted (edited)

Ok. I have finished downloading my Patch Tuesday updates. And here's the list.

August 2012 Patch Tuesday

KB number | MS bulletin | description | download links | updates replaced | other notes

Windows XP x86

2722913 | MS12-052 | IE security | 30527 30532 | replaces (ms12-037) 2699988 |

2723135 | MS12-053 | rpdwd.sys | 30590 | replaces (ms12-036) 2685939 | xp x86 only

2705219 | MS12-054 | browser.dll & netapi32.dll | 30497 | replaces (ms08-067) 958644 |

2712808 | MS12-054 | localspl.dll | 30529 | replaces (ms09-022) 961501 |

2731847 | MS12-055 | win32k.sys | 30564 | replaces (ms12-047) 2718523 |

2661254 | advisory | crypt32.dll | 30503 | | see below

890830 | MSRT 4.11 | | 16 | replaces v4.10 |

Note: 2661254 + 2728973 (rvkroots.exe) replaces 2718704. 2661254 is not a high-priority update AFAIK.

office 2003

2687323 | MS12-060 | mscomctl | 30623 | replaces (ms12-027) 2597112 |

2687324 | MS12-043 | msxml5 | 30631 | replaces (ms08-069) 951535 | revised bulletin

2687403 | | outlfltr | 30632 | replaces 2598343

office 2007

2596615 | MS12-057 | mso | 30614 | replaces (ms11-073) 2584063 |

2596754 | MS12-057 | msconv97 | 30633 | replaces (ms10-105) 2288931 |

2687441 | MS12-060 | mscomctl | 30619 | replaces (ms12-027) 2598041 |

2596856 | MS12-043 | msxml5 | 30626 | none | revised bulletin

2687400 | | outlfltr | 30642 | (you know which)

Note: 2596615 and 2596856 are also offered to people who installed the Compatibility Pack.

Edited by Explorer09

2661254 will be a high-priority update but not until October when it's pushed out through WU/MU/AU.


2661254 will be a high-priority update but not until October when it's pushed out through WU/MU/AU.

I see. Perhaps MS want to give companies some transition period to upgrade their certificates. Just a guessing.


Thanx, guys!

@explorer09: I think there's a HUGE bug in your patch. The correct filename is rootsupd.exe, not updroots.exe!!!



Hey, mimo, when rvkroots.exe is present in HF instead of hfsvcpack, it should be flagged as "misplaced" and NOT as "unknown", becasue it's not an unknown file, it's just misplaced.


Posted (edited)

Thanx, guys!

@explorer09: I think there's a HUGE bug in your patch. The correct filename is rootsupd.exe, not updroots.exe!!!


The filenames in my patch and in the original code are extracted files, so there's no error.

rvkroots.exe and rootsupd.exe (along with other EXEs) are extracted into "WORK\I386E" by the script, so inside "WORK\I386E" you won't find any names that look like rvkroots.exe or rootsupd.exe.

Except these:

updroots.exe (Main executable inside rvkroots.exe and rootsupd.exe. Should be the same file.)

authroots.sst (from rootsupd.exe)

delroots.sst (from rootsupd.exe)

roots.sst (from rootsupd.exe)

disallowedcert.sst (from rvkroots.exe)

updroots.sst (from rootsupd.exe)

rvkroots.inf (INF files are handled in another part of the script.)

rootsupd.inf (INF files are handled in another part of the script.)

advpack.dll and w95inf16.dll and w95inf32.dll (These are used to parsing INF files and are useless to HFSLIP.)

Edited by Explorer09
Posted (edited)

new file-checker for XP:

- Added: KB2722913 (MS12-052: Internet Explorer)
- Added: KB2723135 (MS12-053: Remote Desktop)
- Added: KB2705219 (MS12-054: Windows Networking Components, 1. Remote Administration Protocol)
- Added: KB2712808 (MS12-054: Windows Networking Components, 2. Print Spooler Service)
- Added: KB2731847 (MS12-055: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers)
- Added: KB2661254 (Security Advisory 2661254: Minimum Certificate Key Length)
- Added: KB2732052 (Cumulative Time Zone Update)
- Added: Malicious Software Removal Tool 4.11.6500.0
- Added: Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.271
- Removed: KB2699988 (MS12-037: Internet Explorer, replaced by KB2722913)
- Removed: KB2685939 (MS12-036: Remote Desktop, replaced by KB2723135)
- Removed: KB958644 (MS08-067: Server Service, replaced by KB2705219)
- Removed: KB961501 (MS09-022: Print Spooler, replaced by KB2712808)
- Removed: KB2718523 (MS12-047: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers, replaced by KB2731847)
- Removed: KB2718704 (Security Advisory 2718704: Certificate Revocation, replaced by KB2661254)
- Removed: KB2633952 (Cumulative Time Zone Update, replaced by KB2732052)
- Removed: KB2698707 (Morocco DST Update, replaced by KB2732052)
- Removed: Malicious Software Removal Tool 4.10.6402.0
- Removed: Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.270

Download: HFSLIPFC v.2012/05/04 with WindowsXP-update-list v.2012/08/16

Edited by Mim0

Hey, the script says that flash .ocx file is of wrong size. I rechecked and I have the correct version.

file size is 9.285.832, but hfslipfc wants 9.284.808.

I believe mimo forgot to update the script with the correct file size for ver .271.


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