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Trace Windows 7 boot/shutdown/hibernate/standby/resume issues


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the BSODs come from the DRIVERS flag.


In tarce4 the disk is busy all the time:




The queue depth at 91 is bad. Get a faster disk like a SSD.

Okay, guess I'm done optimizing then... thanks!

I'll try to convince my parents to purchase an SSD or buy a new computer.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Newly created Windows 7 image is taking around 3-5 minutes or so to log off and then shutdown (some computers a lot longer).  Our machines are apart of a domain.


I have tested to see if this was a page file issue, but even with disabling the page file completely, I still have the same issue.


So I created a trace using the Windows Kits. 


From the trace analysis I can see that:


logonui.exe has a start time of 5.08 secs and end time of 230.03 secs (end of log).

WMIADAP.exe has a start time of 17.24 secs and end time of 93.199 secs.

SearchFilterHost.exe has a start time of 39.99 secs and end time of  145.02 secs.


Everything else is really quick.  I went through about 6-7 pages on this forum and didn't recognize my issue.


Please help - this is a very annoying problem as you know and my users are getting frustrated.


Any help would be very much appreciated.


- Kyle

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I need the large generated ETL and not a xml file.


Use this command please:


xbootmgr -trace shutdown -noPrepReboot -traceFlags BASE+LATENCY+DISPATCHER+FILE_IO+FILENAME -stackwalk profile+CSwitch+ReadyThread -resultPath C:\TEMP


Zip the file and upload it (cloud service) and post (send me) a link.

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Newly created Windows 7 image is taking around 3-5 minutes or so to log off and then shutdown (some computers a lot longer).  Our machines are apart of a domain.


Any help would be very much appreciated.



the trace shows that you copy user profiles data during logoff (userenv.dll!CopyProfileDirectoryEx2, userenv.dll!RecurseDirectory which enums all files in the profile). This runs a long time and causes the slowdown.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Andrew,

while having problems with shutting down my computer I have sent you a personal message and uploaded the the zipped etl-file, hoping that you can give me advice.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


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Hi Andrew,

Removing Acronis tools actually solved my shutdown problem. Thank you.

Perhaps I may ask you once more to shorten my laptop´s boottime.

I couln´t yet identify the culprit who is responsible for a long, long boottime. So I made the corresponding etl file and uploaded to the Internet. I would appreciate your help in analyzing the boot trace log. The link I have sent to your personal email address.



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My brother's having a problem where his PC will wake from standby but the monitor won't come on, so he has to hard reboot. I recall having the same problem with my PC a while ago but I can't remember if I ever found a cause or fix or if I just reinstalled Windows in the end.


He's up to date with Windows Updates except for IE11, which won't install properly and just ends up restoring/undoing the Update after a couple of reboots but that's another problem.


I'd be grateful if you could have a look at his trace for me, so that we can hopefully fix this for him.



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