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FYI: Firefox 3.5 may cause your PC to lag and stutter on youtube - Sol


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Guys I troubleshooted for months trying to solve this. LONG story short, the problem turned out to be a bad design in Firefox 3.5. It writes all your tabs and session data to disk in a blocking main thread, every 10 seconds.

The solution is to increase that interval in your about:config to something like once every 5 minutes. Check this out:



This single issue is the largest Firefox performance disaster I've ever seen!

Here's a guy who bought a new PC JUST because of this issue (he thought his PC was the problem.) http://lifehacker.com/5342636/how-to-fix-a...ness-in-firefox

I just spent WEEKS troubleshooting the crap out of this problem, and could not solve it. I was tracing stacks on Firefox.exe threads in Process Explorer, debugging memory dumps in WinDbg, running safe mode, trying processor optimized builds, reverting to FF 3.5.0, reverting to FF 3.0.13, swapping out my Sessionstore.js, etc.

This post by a Mozilla developer sheds some light on the technicalities causing this: http://shawnwilsher.com/archives/294/


This affected so many people it's outrageous. I had to share it here because I saw a thread where someone was complaining about their youtube and PC lagging in general. Hope it helps someone; it's helped thousands already!

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Confirm. Ff3.50 and 3.52 are worse on YouTube and other videos. Thanks to have pinpointed the cause!

Ff3.50 and 3.52 have other drawbacks. Nothing damning, but interface choices (leave the app open if no document displayed...) that are less comfortable now. And the improvements I hoped (a working mouse scroll, compatible with my added driver 4dmain.exe) don't arrive.

I'll revert to Ff3.00 next.

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I just spent WEEKS troubleshooting the crap out of this problem, and could not solve it. I was tracing stacks on Firefox.exe threads in Process Explorer, debugging memory dumps in WinDbg, running safe mode, trying processor optimized builds, reverting to FF 3.5.0, reverting to FF 3.0.13, swapping out my Sessionstore.js, etc.

have you guys tried reproducing the problem in newly released FF versions 3.0.14 and 3.5.3?

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FF runs into nearly 100% CPU-Usage when opening a chat (webkicks.de) when

flashed animations are used. I tried same page with same animations with Opera -

nearly NO CPU-Usage accured. It`s a strange behaviour, even a fresh install of FF is like that.

My girlfriend`s PC (my older outdated AMD SingleCore) run into freezes by that.

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FF runs into nearly 100% CPU-Usage when opening a chat (webkicks.de) when

flashed animations are used. I tried same page with same animations with Opera -

nearly NO CPU-Usage accured. It`s a strange behaviour, even a fresh install of FF is like that.

My girlfriend`s PC (my older outdated AMD SingleCore) run into freezes by that.

what specific versions of Firefox are you and your girlfriend are using, g-force?

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