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{JSCRIPT}= if ( getOSlang()=="ENU" && (getOSver()=="XP") || (getOSver()=="Vista") ) {RUNBG} "%wpipath%\Install\autoit\EN\malwareEN.exe"

This command fails to run, I guess is because of the {RUNBG} command. I need the process to run in the background, how can I do this?

{JSCRIPT}= if ( getOSlang()=="ENU" && (getOSver()=="XP") || (getOSver()=="Vista") ) alert("Your message") //this one runs

Thank you

  mritter said:

I never thought of it that way. I did some quick tests and it can be done:

{JSCRIPT}=if (getOSver()=="XP") msiexec.exe /i "%wpipath%\Install\required\IE8\IE8-Setup-Full XP EN.msi" /qb

{JSCRIPT}=if (getOSver()=="Win7") msiexec.exe /i "%wpipath%\Install\required\IE8\IE8-Setup-Win7.msi" /qb

You may have to do some tweaking with the quotes. All I did for a test was:

{JSCRIPT}=if (getOSver()=="XP") alert("XP!")

You can call any JavaScript or WPI functions with {JSCRIPT}. Be careful with it.


{JSCRIPT}= if (getOSlang()=="ENU" && (getOSver()=="XP" || getOSver()=="Vista") ) {RUNBG} "%wpipath%\Install\autoit\EN\malwareEN.exe"

It's all in the parentheses...........


That command does not work, I try different ways with the parenthesys, and it doesn't work. The bolean operation is fine. But the command to execute {RUNBG} "%wpipath%\Install\autoit\EN\malwareEN.exe" doesn't run!

That's the issue,{RUNBG}. Doesn't execute the command

Thank you,


  mritter said:
{JSCRIPT}= if (getOSlang()=="ENU" && (getOSver()=="XP" || getOSver()=="Vista") ) {RUNBG} "%wpipath%\Install\autoit\EN\malwareEN.exe"

It's all in the parentheses...........


Just for testing purposes, do

{RUNBG} notepad.exe

with your {JSCRIPT} code. It will launch it and keep on going to the next item.


{JSCRIPT}= if (getOSlang()=="ENU" && (getOSver()=="XP" || getOSver()=="Vista") ) {RUNBG} notepad.exe

{JSCRIPT}= if (getOSlang()=="ENU" && (getOSver()=="XP" || getOSver()=="Vista") ) {RUNBG} alert("XP!")

{JSCRIPT}= if (getOSlang()=="ENU" && (getOSver()=="XP" || getOSver()=="Vista") ) alert("XP!")

commands 1 and 2, do not work. Command 3 works.

Command 2, is basically command 3, but ran in the background which is what I need, and it does not work

any ideas on how to implement this? or is it something we could add to the next version of WPI

Thank you,



OK. Did some more testing with actual programs. No, it wasn't working the way I thought. Do this:

{JSCRIPT}=if (getOSlang()=="ENU" && (getOSver()=="XP" || getOSver()=="Vista")) RunCmd("notepad.exe",true,false)

The second arg is to show output or not. Usually this will be true.

The last arg is the wait option:

true: will wait for program to finish

false: will not wait for program to finish

No need to specify {RUNBG}, change the last arg in RunCmd().

Sorry for the confusion.

  • 1 month later...

Hi and many thanks for all your hard work on wpi,

I have just started using the creatshortcut option, would it be possible to say,

when you choose the destination, eg. allusers start menu/programs, for it to create the folder if it does not exist ?

i use mainley portable software, i just pack the folder to a .7zip and extract.

i want to use the createshortcut option to create the shortcuts and folders in the start menu

i know it would be possible for me to create a directory before i ran the createshortcut command, but this would cause me problems later on i think.

{JSCRIPT}=CreateShortcut("Shortcut to CCleaner","C:\Utilities\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe","","C:\Utilities\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe","","AllUsersPrograms","SystemUtilites") (dont work)

{JSCRIPT}=CreateShortcut("Shortcut to CCleaner","C:\Utilities\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe","","C:\Utilities\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe","","AllUsersPrograms","") (works fine)

i hope i explained myself correctley and

keep up the good work :sneaky:

  • 3 weeks later...


I would like to request a new command line parameter for WPI.hta.

I would like the ability to bypass the question:

WPI has detected a previous installation that has not completed.

Would you like to continue the installation?

Click Ok to continue installation.

Click Cancel to abort previous installation.

So for example, "WPI.hta continue_installation=true"

Thank you.

Posted (edited)

I use WPI with my packaged 7zip silent switch sfx's that all have a nice icons, would be nice if there was an option in WPI that would use that icon when I hover instead of me having to extract that icon, convert it to PNG and add it to images

So my request (if doable) is to have the option in "Picture" config to "Use installer icon"

Edited by ricktendo64
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


@ricktendo64 here is I made it as your linked wallpaper;




for to use them immediately;

Big ones should replace with in WPI\Graphics\InstallBg




and here's little ones for preview of them from Options Page. should replace with WPI\Common\imgs\Skins\InstallBg




I think they are good. And if WPI would add them, it will good. For to use them we should replace them with exist ones or we have to add manually from optionswizard.js I think.

edit: for clarification and added little ones of pictures.

Edited by ZEUS__

you're welcome sensei @ricktendo64 :) I'm glad you like it. I attached little ones for previews from Options Page.

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