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WIN51IP.SP3 left behind in my SOURCE folder?


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I've just noticed that if I use HFSLIP to slipstream SP3 into my SP2 source, it leaves a copy of the WIN51IP.SP3 file in the SOURCE folder, as well as the SOURCESS folder.

Is this normal/intended..?

SP3 isn't slipstreaming into my source, is it? Doesn't look like it to me, but thought I should ask.

I tried searching the forum for an answer but got wayyy to many search results to make heads, tails, or toes of it. =-)


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The 2 byte identification sp3 file is normal and intended. Msft has been putting sp# filenames at the root directory of install CDs since w2k. When you slipstream a service pack with hfslip, it gets slipstreamed into the source folder.

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  • 3 weeks later...

since we're talking about leftovers, why does hfslip leave some unneeded files in the sourcess root folder?

As far as i recall, the're boot.catalog, boot.bin and hfslip.log.

These files shouldn't be there...I always delete them, and never had any trouble.

hfslip.log is also stored in hfslip's root folder and the other two are absolutely unneeded.


Edited by jvidal
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NOLOGCOPY=1 in your HFTOOLS\HFANSWER.INI file to stop the log from being copied to the SOURCESS folder.


The BOOT.BIN is are used to burn a bootable Winblow$ Setup CD if you have mk-whatsit or CDIMAGE in your HFTOOLS\ folder. If I remember correctly, BOOB.BIN is created under the following circumstances: BBIE.EXE is in your HFTOOLS\ folder, and an original Windows Setup CD is in your CD drive. BBIE sucks the boot sector from the CD as BOOT.BIN and saves it for whatever burning software is used to make the resulting CD bootable.

Not sure what BOOT.catalog is tho; might be something to do with a multiboot-CD. I haven't ventured into that territory yet. One brain-cramping project per month please... =-)

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I did a quick google search, and boot.catalog is related to mkisofs, and so you have the option of using cdimage.exe instead, and with that, then hfslip dosen't add anything extra into the sourcess folder for making an iso(however, mkisofs just writes the file to the first sector of the iso, which becomes the boot-block when burned to disc, and dosen't add it into the main root of the iso, just like cdimage.exe)...

(Personally, then i feel that there's no reason to use a non-win32-native tool compiled with mingw or cygwin, when theres a perfectly fine native win32 tool available in cdimage.exe; but that's just me, and not that there's anything wrong with Jörg Schilling's cdrecord suite of tools at all...)

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i prefer/use cdimage as well... i couldn't find the right version of mkisofs, nor make the versions i did find to work... when i started using cdimage, it worked perfectly the first time, so that's what i stuck with...

Edited by spinjector
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Hmm, i just looked at the code quickly, and i don't understand why you have boot.bin in SOURCESS, since that shouldn't be possible:

HFTOOLS\mkisofs.exe %MKISSW% -b %BBIN% -o "%TEMPISO%" -V "%ISOTITLE%" %SOURCE%

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Well, it seems something is not quite right then, because IT IS THERE (I'm not making it up...why would I?).

Anyway, after switching to cdimage.exe and adding "NOLOGCOPY=1" to hfanswer.ini, none of those 3 files are present now (just like it should be).

oh, PD: just before starting the iso building process (Or is it after??? not sure right now), I see a "file not found" error mesage in the DOS BOX.

I have always ignored it. since everything works just fine.


In case you're wondering, check out my log...


Edited by jvidal
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