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Microsoft Security Advisory (972890)

Guest wsxedcrfv

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Why are there so many CLSID's?

If we're dealing with just one control, why not just one CLSID kill-bit entry?

Probably lots of different versions, or the control has a lot of entry points (each exposed COM interface needs a class ID).

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  • 3 weeks later...

That is what would be considered a knee-jerk reaction. The severity of their killbit bypass isn't clear, nor is it (currently) seeing wide-spread exploitation, nor is it known if it affects 9x systems.


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Killbits are dead : http://www.hustlelabs.com/bh2009preview/

Bottom line, don't use IE, or any app that embeds its runtime, for going online.

Wow, way to jump to conclusions. Want a mat? ;) The vulnerability is in the ATL code used when building COM components in Visual Studio (all the way back to VC6), not IE - the fix is so that IE won't load any controls that ARE vulnerable. Note that any application that loads C/C++ code built with ATL that is vulnerable, is vulnerable.
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