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Setting up an internet cafe / LAN without server OS


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Say you are setting up an internet cafe but don't want to set up a domain, so just peer-to-peer, do you have any option to administer the PCs on the LAN from your computer using XP Pro. Rolling out patches / updates for example or resetting user accounts, monitoring PCs, restricting rights on the PCs, disable cmd, regedit, restrict access to the C:\ drive....etc etc

And i am not talking about using Linux.

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You can use a program called "Windows Steady State" to restrict access, rights etc... Free download from MS. It can also be set to reset back to a deafult settings after reboot, Nice feature when running a internet cafe and people make changes or download files. But you will have to admin it on each cpu.

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http://sourceforge.net/projects/synapsis/ - there are a couple of more solutions on sourceforge

Put the default user in the most restrictive group and start running CACLS commands to restrict the system folders and locations of the commands you do not want that group to have access to.

Setting that account to autologon + windows steady state :thumbup

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http://sourceforge.net/projects/synapsis/ - there are a couple of more solutions on sourceforge

Put the default user in the most restrictive group and start running CACLS commands to restrict the system folders and locations of the commands you do not want that group to have access to.

Setting that account to autologon + windows steady state :thumbup

Thanks, looks ike that sourceforge app only comes in source code maeing i have to compile it, and i would guess i was done in VC++ or whatever they are at now VC++.NET i think, which i don't have?

EDIT: I see it's dnne in good ol VB6 which is no probelm to compile.

Edited by rv31
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