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Nero v9.2.6.0 - Silent/Easy/Custom Installation

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This is the numbering for each Nero 9 component.

1 InCD

3 NeroBackItUp

4 NeroBurningROM

5 NeroCoverDesigner

6 NeroExpress

8 NeroImageDrive

9 NeroMediaHome

10 NeroPhotoSnap

12 NeroRecode

13 NeroShowTime

14 NeroSoundTrax

15 NeroStartSmart

16 NeroVision

17 NeroWaveEditor

19 NeroDriveSpeed

20 NeroInfoTool

21 NeroRescueAgent

22 NeroBurnRights

30 Nero ProductInstaller (Mandatory)

49 NeroMoveIt

50 NeroDiscCopy_Gadget

53 SecureDiscViewer

57 NeroDiscSpeed

61 NeroLicense

62 AuthoringTemplates_StarterKit

63 NeroControlCenter (Mandatory)

64 MovieTemplates_StarterKit

65 MovieTemplates_Pack1

66 AuthoringTemplates_Pack1

67 AuthoringTemplates_Pack2

68 AuthoringTemplates_Pack3

69 DolbyFiles

71 Nero Live

74 LiveGadget

75 AskToolbar

The DEFINITION of bloadware! WAKE UP AHEAD!!!

Anyway. This is the installation command.

Nero- /i /qb SERIALNUMBER="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" EULAACCEPTED="1" REMOVEAPP="unit_app_1, unit_app_5, unit_app_10, unit_app_12, unit_app_13, unit_app_14, unit_app_15, unit_app_16, unit_app_17, unit_app_19, unit_app_20, unit_app_21, unit_app_22, unit_app_50, unit_app_57, unit_app_61, unit_app_62, unit_app_64, unit_app_65, unit_app_66, unit_app_67, unit_app_68, unit_app_69, unit_app_71, unit_app_74, unit_app_75"

As you can see from the command, only nero burning rom (4) and nero express (6) will be installed. The rest will not be installed. This is my setup and you can play with the command as you like, removing or adding nero components.

I have read that you MUST install number 61 also, or nero will not open, but that's not true. All you have to do is get AdvrCntr4.dll and run regsvr32 /s AdvrCntr4.dll This will install the registration component but will not install NeroLicense, which is good, because nero wont ask you to register with ahead every once in a while. To get AdvrCntr4.dll, run nero setup, let it finish extracting and go to "%tmp%\nro.tmp"

This setup configuration will not make the nero executable any smaller. I personally don't care. I like the fact that I can use the original installer and just use a switch to customize my installation. I also like the fact that I don't have to extract, modify, delete, rebuild blah blah blah...

BUT! I have a small problem. My regional settings are set to Greek, so nero is installed and working in Greek language.

How do I change that to English? (silently of course)


  • 2 weeks later...

OMFG??!! :D. I need that numbers for Nero 8, Can you get it??.


Depending on what you are after try this site;


I use the Micro version which is Nero Burning ROM and Nero Express everything else is removed.

I have read that you MUST install number 61 also, or nero will not open, but that's not true. All you have to do is get AdvrCntr4.dll and run regsvr32 /s AdvrCntr4.dll This will install the registration component but will not install NeroLicense, which is good, because nero wont ask you to register with ahead every once in a while. To get AdvrCntr4.dll, run nero setup, let it finish extracting and go to "%tmp%\nro.tmp"

where should this file go to? please provide details :)

I use the Micro version which is Nero Burning ROM and Nero Express everything else is removed.

Thanks but i want to make an installer with Nero 8, Nero Express and Nero Recode. The diference between Nero 8 and Nero 9 is that the files of Nero 9 are organized by folders, but in Nero 8 are organized by CAB archives, and i don't know wich files i must deleted and wich must not.

Can you help me??

Posted (edited)
I use the Micro version which is Nero Burning ROM and Nero Express everything else is removed.

Thanks but i want to make an installer with Nero 8, Nero Express and Nero Recode. The diference between Nero 8 and Nero 9 is that the files of Nero 9 are organized by folders, but in Nero 8 are organized by CAB archives, and i don't know wich files i must deleted and wich must not.

Can you help me??

Sure from Updatepack.nl download the Nero 8 Lite instead this should include Nero Burning Rom, Nero Express and Nero Recode.


I have tried the method in this thread and it caused problems for me so I am sticking with Nero 8 it does what I need it to :P

Edited by Stoner81

Care to explain the problems? Cause it's the original installer, using switches added by AHEAD. What possible problems could there be?

Posted (edited)

Thanks Nulceus for your guide, I like use original install, tested & works great for me.

edit: just seen revo in your sig , nice toy ... mine is mini inferno brushless & lipo 3S ...

Edited by Sonic

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