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Windows 7 watermark and send feedback removal


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This link works on 7

[...] Remove and Disable Windows 7 Watermark from Desktop U can remove watermark on Windows 7 Build 6801 (32-BIT). 1. Navigate in Explorer to: "C:WindowsSystem32en-USuser32.dll.mui" 2. Take ownership of that file. 3. Copy the file above into the same folder as the original 4. Rename the original file to: "user32.dll.mui-old" 5. Rename copied version of the file to: "user32.dll.mui" 6. Download Resource Hacker 7. Run Resource Hacker 8. Open the following file in Resource Hacker: "C:WindowsSystem32en-USuser32.dll.mui" 9. Extend The String Table "+" 10. Extend the "+" next to "45" 11. Select 1033 12. Find the following lines: 715, "%wsWindows %ws" 716, "%ws Build %ws" 717, "Evaluation copy." 13. Delete or modify the lines to your liking. 14. Save the modified file. 15. Have fun, without the Watermark (or with the edited watermark) ORIGINAL ARTICLE HERE (ITS FOR VISTA BUT ITS ALSO WORK ON WINDOWS 7) Remove and Disable Windows Vista Evaluation Watermark from Desktop


Here's how to remove the Send Feedback link:

(1) Run the Registry Editor (type regedit on the start run menu)

(2) Browse to the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

(3) If it's not already there, add a new DWORD (32-bit) value "FeedbackToolEnabled" and set its data field to 0.

(4) The change should take effect on your next restart

Edited by kartel
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Like I already said, you can still send feedback quickly and easily from the desktop or the start menu. There really is no need to put it at the top of every window. I don't want to supply feedback on every single window I open. If I did, maybe that would make me a "serious beta tester"?

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dont see the point in this? i use and like the feedback links, cause if sommit happens in a window, i can quickly press it while its fresh...if u get me.

its a beta...for testing purposes...SO TEST IT.

and testing means...feedback ;)

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I have submitted feedback for all the software I have installed on my laptop and some older software I had backed-up. Not to mention a few games... As to the OP, the link on top of all windows is very handy, I don't see the point in removing it. After all we are TESTING a beta version that will expire on August 1st, so it's not a permanent OS for now.

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OK, so we've established that some people don't see a need to remove the feedback links and some do, maybe we can stop with the pointless replies now. I'm sure the OP was simply trying to point out something that some of us might find useful, if you don't, great, move along.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have tried to restore the watermark, with no luck. Anyone know how to do this? I've googled and tried this/that until I am ready to give up, lol. It causes some problems running things in compatibility mode. I don't have any backup copy of that file (chit for brains, yes, I know). :hello:

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