ViniciusFerrao Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 (edited) Okay, I'm adding my drive info without serial.9QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08495:KRATSG:Oct2008:02Jan2009:viniciusferrao:BrazilJust an observation, deimos (my HTPC which has this drive) has longer uptimes. So, I don't remember when I powered on this dude. But was near Christmas.Another unlucky soul PM'ed me his info:SerialNumber:Model:P/N:Firmware:DateCode:SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:USername:Country Origin======================================================================9QM7VZBP:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09146 (09/Oct/2008):KRATSG:Oct2008:24Dec2008:poolcarpet:Malaysia9QM6X90B:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09115 (17/Sep/2008):KRATSG:Oct2008:28Dec2008:DaftMule9QM6W2JE:ST3500320AS: - :SD15: - : - :5Dec2008:19Dec2008:DerSnoezie: Netherlands (no detect in bios)9QM4G4PK:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08503 (16/Jun/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:Nov2008:dskbrk9QM3RWHJ:ST3500320AS:9BX154-568:SD81:08464 (20/May/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:23Dec2008:ToKuRo:Chile (no detect in bios, reboot of death)9QM7KSQJ:ST3500320AS:9BX154-501:SD15:09134 (30/Sep/2008):KRATSG:28Oct2008:07Jan2009:jeroen__online9QM2MFS6:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08406 (10/Apr/2008):KRATSG:12Apr2008:23Dec2008:quattro150:Malaysia9QJ0XJ01:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08496 (12/Jun/2008):KRATSG:Aug/Sep2008:8Jan2009:Nichev9QM717SF:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09114 (16/Sep/2008):KRATSG:13Oct2008:14Dec2008:PrOdiGy19QJ1LESR:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09063 (11/Ago/2008):KRATSG:Nov2008:27Dec2008:AVINNC9QJ1AGEV:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08515 (2/Jul/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:4Jan2009:Ruddrage9QM6354J:ST3500820AS:9BX134-505:SD15:09084 (26/Ago/2008):KRATSG:July2008:20Dec2008:rainshower9QM33FL8:STM3500320AS:9GT154-325:MX15:08396 (03/Abr/2008):KRTASG:Sep2008:30Dec2008:fabio.cillo9QM*****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08367 (14/Mar/2008):KRATSG:Dec2007:Dec2008:Death_Angel:Malaysia9QK*****:ST3750630AS:9BX146-621:HP24:08511 (21/Jun/2008):TK:Oct2008:7Jan2009:Taiketo5QJ*****:ST1000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09121 (20/Sep/2008):WUXISG:October2008:28Dec2008:Styleman9QM8DRHL:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15: - (13/Oct/2008):KRATSG:06Dec2008:24Dec2008:roadstarter9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09076 (21Aug2008):KRATSG:15Oct2008:29Dec2008:labraticmp39QM6****:ST3500320AS: - : SD15 - : - : Oct2008:2Jan2008:eli2k9QM5****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09063 (11/Ago/2008):KRATSG:6Nov2008:27Nov2008:poim769QM2CHR4:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08382 (23/Mar/2008):KRATSG:August-08:Nov-Dec-08:caba2129QJ15ZBN:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08496 (05/Jun/2008):KRATSG:July2008:26Dec2008:GrayGhost9QM27S5F:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08381:JAN 09: DEC 08: timha9QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08495:KRATSG:Oct2008:02Jan2009:viniciusferrao:Brazil Edited January 9, 2009 by ViniciusFerrao
icefloe01 Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 (edited) Anyone here from India? I did not do any in-depth looking on this site, so I do not know the legitimacy of it... Edited January 9, 2009 by icefloe01
Fuzzy_3D Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 Hmm.. now if only we could add the data of all the similar cases listed on That would guarantee a couple of hundred additional entries at the least In all seriousness this "data" is irrelevant to finding a solution, but I guess that's all some of us can do right now. What you need is a poll:I own a Seagate 7200.11 drive and:[it's working fine][it's dead]Though you wouldn't be here if you drive was working so that wouldn't help much either.I'm guessing this will snowball as more and more drives drop like flies.
icefloe01 Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 Hmm.. now if only we could add the data of all the similar cases listed on That would guarantee a couple of hundred additional entries at the least In all seriousness this "data" is irrelevant to finding a solution... *snip*While it would not be relevent towards finding a solution, it would be relevant towards building a stronger case against Seagate for denying that there is a problem and trying to sweep it under the rug. I'm trying to find if there are any consumer protection groups that work with sort of thing and what steps would need to be done to build a solid case. Afterall, it's clear that SG knows about this and are refusing to acknowledging it.
pichi Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------; PROGRAM FOR READ ALL V LIST (about 4h at 38400); read_V.ttl: Version 0.01, Author: pichi, 09/01/2009;; Download and install:;;; In installation mark: Associate .ttl file to ttpmacro; Info:; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------;COMPORT = '1'; CHANGE IF YOU USE DIFFERENT PORT OF COM1; VARSTITLE = "ST3500320AS 0GB";code2str CRLF $0A0Dcode2str CRLF $0D; CRLF Send (from PC to HDD); HDD receive correctly CR($0D); HDD send CR($0D) + LF($0A)DELAYTIMEOUT0 = 1DELAYTIMEOUT1 = 60IDXBEGIN = $001IDXEND = $200; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------; PORT (COMn)CMD_COMPORT = '/C='strconcat CMD_COMPORT COMPORTconnect CMD_COMPORT; BAUDRATE:; 7=9600, 10=38400, 12=115200setbaud 10; Power supply on of some adapters (RTS and DTR).setrts 1setdtr 1; Pause of 200ms to stabilize powers.mpause 200; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; PROGRAM INIT;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Clear VT screen and scrollclearscreen 1; Clear buffer RXflushrecv; Disable keyboard is more secureenablekeyb 0; echo is turned on.setecho 1; Title of windows:settitle "READ V PARAMS"; ------------------------; ------------------------; SEND Ctrl+zsend $1A; ------------------------; ------------------------; RECEIVE: F3 T>; enter the asynchronous mode (low receiver speed, buffer 1K)setsync 0; Clear the received buffer.flushrecv; Delay time maxtimeout = DELAYTIMEOUT0wait "F3 T>"if result==0 then errornum = 0 goto errorendif; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------; READ LIST FROM V1 TO V1FF; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------index = IDXBEGININDEXSTR = "":read_next_V; Pause of 200ms to empty buffer.mpause 200TXMSG = ""varint = indexcall int2hexstrconcat TXMSG 'V'strconcat TXMSG hexstrsend TXMSG; ------------------------; ------------------------; Create file Vxxx.datFILEPATH = ""getdir FILEPATHstrconcat FILEPATH '\\'strconcat FILEPATH TXMSGstrconcat FILEPATH ".dat"; Pause of 200ms to empty buffer.mpause 200; START LOGlogopen FILEPATH 1 0; ------------------------; ------------------------; Send CR+LF logging inputTXMSG = CRLFsend TXMSG; Delete duplicated files will be easy.; ------------------------; enter the synchronous mode (high receiver speed, buffer 16K);setsync 1; enter the asynchronous mode (low receiver speed, buffer 1K)setsync 0; Clear the received buffer.flushrecv:rcv_loop; Delay time maxtimeout = DELAYTIMEOUT1wait "F3 T>" '\t' '0' '1' '2' 'f' ',' 'a' 'A'if result==0 then errornum = 1 goto errorendifif result>1 goto rcv_loop; BUG TERA TERM: wait doesn't work with '\n' #$0D or #$0A; ------------------------; Close file Vxxx.binlogclose; ------------------------index = index+1if index<IDXEND goto read_next_V; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ******************************************************************************; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------; End of program: close port and go out.; Without messages to let make batch processing if all are OK.; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------:end; Pause of 200ms for sync buffersmpause 200; Go outdisconnect; Power supply off of some adapters (RTS and DTR).setdtr 0setrts 0; Pause of 200ms for discharge capacitors of power supply.mpause 200; Close Tera Termclosettgoto eof; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------:errorERRMSG = "ERROR: "ERRN = ""int2str ERRN errornumstrconcat ERRMSG ERRNstrconcat ERRMSG "\n"if errornum==0 then strconcat ERRMSG "Verify connection or hdd power reset:\nFirst F3 T> not received after Ctrl+z"elseif errornum==1 then strconcat ERRMSG "Verify connection or hdd power reset:\nIntermediate F3 T> not received"else strconcat ERRMSG "UNKNOWN ERROR"endifmessagebox ERRMSG TITLEgoto end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Convert varint into a hexadecimal string of characteres hexstr (max FFFF); call int2hex:int2hexint2hexflag = 0hexstr = ""tmp0 = varint/4096tmp = varint%4096tmp1 = tmp/256tmp = tmp%256tmp2 = tmp/16tmp3 = tmp%16; '0'=48; 'A'=65if tmp0<10 then tmp0 = tmp0+48else tmp0 = tmp0+55endifif tmp1<10 then tmp1 = tmp1+48else tmp1 = tmp1+55endifif tmp2<10 then tmp2 = tmp2+48else tmp2 = tmp2+55endifif tmp3<10 then tmp3 = tmp3+48else tmp3 = tmp3+55endifif (tmp0<>48)||(int2hexflag<>0) then int2hexflag = 1 code2str tmptmp tmp0 strconcat hexstr tmptmpendif; IN THIS CASE EVER OBTAIN 3 DIGITS (for good filenames order)int2hexflag = 1if (tmp1<>48)||(int2hexflag<>0) then int2hexflag = 1 code2str tmptmp tmp1 strconcat hexstr tmptmpendifif (tmp2<>48)||(int2hexflag<>0) then int2hexflag = 1 code2str tmptmp tmp2 strconcat hexstr tmptmpendifcode2str tmptmp tmp3strconcat hexstr tmptmpreturn; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------:eofexit
DerSnoezie Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 Yeah, but I'm afraid I'm the impatient type XD Comments from seagate moderators stating that this particular problem with 7200.11 drives is restricted to some isolated cases and nowhere near statistically significant have been bugging me too much.
poolcarpet Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 Uh oh, I hope this doesn't overload MSFN servers......P.S:
Fuzzy_3D Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 While it would not be relevent towards finding a solution, it would be relevant towards building a stronger case against Seagate for denying that there is a problem and trying to sweep it under the rug. I'm trying to find if there are any consumer protection groups that work with sort of thing and what steps would need to be done to build a solid case. Afterall, it's clear that SG knows about this and are refusing to acknowledging it. That's true, but all I'm concerned about right now is getting the data back. They can keep their sodding POS drive for all I care. I want to keep this topic on fixing the problem, unless that's become an afterthought. I'm guessing most people have come to terms with losing the data by now. Maybe you should start a separate thread to go after Seagate and their complete failure with this drive. And their nazi controlled forum. And their non existent tech support. And their general asshattery.
Fuzzy_3D Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------; PROGRAM FOR READ ALL V LIST (about 4h at 38400); read_V.ttl: Version 0.01, Author: pichi, 09/01/2009...Uh, cool. How do I use it, and what does it do?
Nichev Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 I haven't spoken to Timha about the dates, his hard drive may be some sort of terminator sent back from the future to unleash epic fail upon humanity... Which really wouldn't surprise me.Fixed:SerialNumber:Model:P/N:Firmware:DateCode:SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:USername:Country Origin======================================================================9QM7VZBP:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09146 (09/Oct/2008):KRATSG:Oct2008:24Dec2008:poolcarpet:Malaysia9QM6X90B:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09115 (17/Sep/2008):KRATSG:Oct2008:28Dec2008:DaftMule9QM6W2JE:ST3500320AS: - :SD15: - : - :5Dec2008:19Dec2008:DerSnoezie: Netherlands (no detect in bios)9QM4G4PK:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08503 (16/Jun/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:Nov2008:dskbrk9QM3RWHJ:ST3500320AS:9BX154-568:SD81:08464 (20/May/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:23Dec2008:ToKuRo:Chile (no detect in bios, reboot of death)9QM7KSQJ:ST3500320AS:9BX154-501:SD15:09134 (30/Sep/2008):KRATSG:28Oct2008:07Jan2009:jeroen__online9QM2MFS6:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08406 (10/Apr/2008):KRATSG:12Apr2008:23Dec2008:quattro150:Malaysia9QJ0XJ01:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08496 (12/Jun/2008):KRATSG:Aug/Sep2008:8Jan2009:Nichev9QM717SF:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09114 (16/Sep/2008):KRATSG:13Oct2008:14Dec2008:PrOdiGy19QJ1LESR:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09063 (11/Ago/2008):KRATSG:Nov2008:27Dec2008:AVINNC9QJ1AGEV:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08515 (2/Jul/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:4Jan2009:Ruddrage9QM6354J:ST3500820AS:9BX134-505:SD15:09084 (26/Ago/2008):KRATSG:July2008:20Dec2008:rainshower9QM33FL8:STM3500320AS:9GT154-325:MX15:08396 (03/Abr/2008):KRTASG:Sep2008:30Dec2008:fabio.cillo9QM*****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08367 (14/Mar/2008):KRATSG:Dec2007:Dec2008:Death_Angel:Malaysia9QK*****:ST3750630AS:9BX146-621:HP24:08511 (21/Jun/2008):TK:Oct2008:7Jan2009:Taiketo5QJ*****:ST1000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09121 (20/Sep/2008):WUXISG:October2008:28Dec2008:Styleman9QM8DRHL:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15: - (13/Oct/2008):KRATSG:06Dec2008:24Dec2008:roadstarter9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09076 (21Aug2008):KRATSG:15Oct2008:29Dec2008:labraticmp39QM6****:ST3500320AS: - : SD15 - : - : Oct2008:2Jan2008:eli2k9QM5****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09063 (11/Ago/2008):KRATSG:6Nov2008:27Nov2008:poim769QM2CHR4:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08382 (23/Mar/2008):KRATSG:August-08:Nov-Dec-08:caba2129QJ15ZBN:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08496 (05/Jun/2008):KRATSG:July2008:26Dec2008:GrayGhost9QM27S5F:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08381:DEC 08:JAN 09: timha9QJ0****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08495:KRATSG:Oct2008:02Jan2009:viniciusferrao:Brazil
ViniciusFerrao Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 Okay Pichi what to do with this "transistor-transistor-logic" script?
DerSnoezie Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 (edited) Looks like a link to a (selfbuilt?) utility which allows you to communicate with your crapped out drive via the com port and the 3.3V RS232 adapter. followed by some instructions?; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------; PROGRAM FOR READ ALL V LIST (about 4h at 38400); read_V.ttl: Version 0.01, Author: pichi, 09/01/2009...Uh, cool. How do I use it, and what does it do? Edited January 9, 2009 by DerSnoezie
icefloe01 Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 (edited) That's true, but all I'm concerned about right now is getting the data back. They can keep their sodding POS drive for all I care. I want to keep this topic on fixing the problem, unless that's become an afterthought.No, I don't think it's become an afterthought, it just requires some "behind the scenes" work that would cause the thread to become a bit obscure, especially to search engines. So the more updates we have on failed drives, the better this thread it will appear in Google and other search engines. So maybe what would be better thing to do, since this thread has a pretty good view count and listing in Google, is to start a thread dedicated towards writing the code for fixing it as both fatlip and pichi seem to be making strides in that area, and then relevant updates and links could be posted here. What does everyone think of that? Edited January 9, 2009 by icefloe01
pichi Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 Handle the program with care (for programmers only).The program may stop the computer for 1 minute (DELAYTIMEOUT1 = 60).Wait until you see the message and the mouse works.This is due to sync buffer problems of Tera Term.I have repeated the process to verifier each Vxxx.datSome Vxxx.dat had small missing strings (due to pauses).IDXBEGIN = $001 (the first index to read)IDXEND = $200 (the last+1 index to read)This read from V001 to V1FF.Copy the post text to read_V.ttl created file.Copy read_V.ttl file into a empty directory.Download and install: read_V.ttlYou must have ttl association correctly.To hide log windows try:showtt 6More info:
icefloe01 Posted January 9, 2009 Posted January 9, 2009 (edited) Something else we can do; if you have a google account, sign in and try various searches for seagate problems. At the bottom of the page is a link to add a result. There you can add a link to the first page of this forum topic. The more people add similar results, the higher this forum will appear for others to find their way here. Edited January 9, 2009 by icefloe01
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