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Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86


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Slightly, yes, I observed that also. I suppose it's something with the way the compression algorithm works, but don't know exactly why.

EDIT: Making some tests with compression parameters I could check that the different output sizes for sequential runs with the same settigns are not caused by 7-zip compression, differences seems to arise during the admin install creation or patching stage.

Edited by strel
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My2GirlsDad, clarckg888, what I did: I built passive merged installer with 1.1 SP1, 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2, 3.5 SP1, with regular hotfixes and langpacks and not removing any subcomponent; I used HFSLIP 1.7.10 beta D over a vanilla XP SP3 applying the former installer in the HFSVCPACK folder, the process worked well except a couple of file not found messages not stopping the process and not while applying custom .NET installer, that I suppose has to do with some kind of error with HFSLIP beta itself. Nothing more. I went through the install process on a Virtual PC 2007 and ALL frameworks and langpacks installed correctly (HFSLIP Total Slipstream entry in Add/Remove Programs). Then I run windows update and no KB974417 nor any .NET hotfix were listed.


I am totally confused now. I did the same thing you did... XP Home SP2 in source, SP3 hotfix in HF, and installer in HFSVCPACK, nothing else, using 1.7.10 beta D. I went through the install process on a Virtual PC 2007 as you did. Still only 1.1 SP1 is installed but not 2.0 SP2 or 3.0 SP2 or 3.5 SP1. What am I doing wrong?

Please check my entries and help me figure this out.

Thank you.


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Some ideas:

- You should check your SVCPACK.INF file after running HFSLIP. Maybe there's some kind of error with HFSLIP beta.

- Look for %SYSTEMROOT%\DNF20install.log file and check for any error. Check also the event viewer.

- You say you're using SP2 version and updating to SP3. I'd try doing it in 2 different steps, the first for applying the SP3 and the second for applying SP3 hotfixes+.NET custom installers.

- You say you used XP home, I used pro, don't know if there might be some limitation at T-13 in the home version not present in the pro. Anybody any comment on this??

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Thanks for this new version. I really like the features to remove MSXML and the older VC Redistributables :thumbup

BTW I don't install .NET 1.1 as almost all software runs as .NET 2.0. To get less problems I now install both .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 at first logon. This also requires that all software depending on .NET have to installed last. I do configure any registry settings at T13 though to apply them to the default user account.

Keep in mind Microsoft will also release .NET Framework 4.0 in a few months. You can download .NET Framework 4.0 beta 2 here.

Edited by Acheron
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  • 2 weeks later...

Use Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118, WinXP install AutoCAD 2006 cannot be detected Net 1.1 Langpacks and they could not be installed, you need to manually remove Net 1.1 Langpacks before installing

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AutoCAD 2006 not installing if .NET 1.1 langpack from custom SNMsynth is installed? Are you meaning that? Don't know what the problem is, I supposse it is something with that software, or maybe with your install sequence or timming. What I can tell you is that the .NET 1.1 langpack component in your custom SNMsynth installer(s)/add-on(s), is the administrative install of that langpack without further modifications.

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I clearly need to be a tech wizard to understand this stuff.. I have problems reading through the OP and understanding what it is exactly that I need to do, to get all the .NET packages slipstreamed/integrated into the unattended XP disc. This guide isn't meant for those of us with "intermediate" knowledge of this stuff.. I have no clue how to make this work for me :P

Edited by Zaitzev
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I have used SNMsynth script and in the OUT1 folder i have three files:




How can i slipstream these files to make an unattended XP disc?

can somebody help me????

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