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Winload.exe error need some help capturing !

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Hi Guys,

I must have missed something and would like someone to clue me in.

I have Vista SP1 that I'm capturing at different spots for image creation and each time I try to apply the image it gets an error.


File: Windows\System32\winload.exe

The file is missing or corrupt.

Not sure what I missed, I did switch to WAIK 1.2 for Vista SP1 but still get the errors. I did try bcdedit.exe but it seems to fail on anything short of /?

When I capture this is the line I use....

imagex /capture /boot /compress maximum c: c:\vistasp1.wim "Base vista sp1 image" /verify

Thanks for your help...

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Sorry, forgot to mention that I was restoring immediately on the same device to start the testing. That way I always have a way point so to speak as it is what I do for XP.

Just doesn't seem to work for Vista????

Really confused here as I've tried it on four different PCs and get the same results.

Does anyone have any ideas?


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Yes, I'm capturing from WinPE.

Make sure that I'm clear here is I'm not syspreping yet as I want different points to go back to in case of failures or issues. Can you not do that in Vista like you can in XP? I mean it is the same desktop that I just created. I just want to be able to place it back down on the desktop. Never needed to sysprep before.

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Yes, I'm capturing from WinPE.

Make sure that I'm clear here is I'm not syspreping yet as I want different points to go back to in case of failures or issues. Can you not do that in Vista like you can in XP? I mean it is the same desktop that I just created. I just want to be able to place it back down on the desktop. Never needed to sysprep before.

You need to sysprep, even if bringing down to the same machine. Sometimes a standard sysprep will not redeploy to the hardware it was captured from and you need to do a generalize. You can only do a generalize 3 times, unless you extend the activation period. If you do a generalize, you can create custom sysprep.inf (or whatever it uses now) to reinstall the drivers again when you go through the welcome.

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He might also want to try building this in a VM - considering it's Vista, a VM package that can take snapshots would probably be better than recapturing images over and over.

Since it's Vista, and sysprep'ing a final image removes hardware info, it's far less a problem (perhaps not a problem at all anymore) to build an image from a VM.

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A Generalize doesn't always remove everything tho. If I install all the drivers for a machine, then generalize, capture and redeploy on another machine, it installs all the drivers on the new system automatically, except video. Can't figure out why video is special.

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Ok guys, the link from cluberti was actually correct.


If you make a .CMD file and add it to your BOOT.WIM for winpe with the following lines you can lay the image back down on the same PC after running diskpart.exe clean...


echo Fixing boot files...


bcdedit /set {default} device partition=c:

bcdedit /set {default} osdevice partition=c:

bcdedit /set {bootmgr} device partition=c:

bcdedit /set {ntldr} device partition=c:


I saved this file as vpartfix.cmd and placed it in the BOOT.WIM system32 folder.

If you only format the HDD and not clean it then you can just apply the image back down without a problem.

I just checked both senerios and both worked fine.

If you want an easy format here is what I built that works fine.


REM Disk format script

REM This script will format partition 1 on Disk 0

Select Disk 0

select Part 1

Format Quick FS=NTFS



Name it whatever you like I called mine vdisk.txt now you can call it with diskpart.exe

diskpart.exe /s vdisk.txt

Now regardless of whatever I'm needing to go back to the call tags are built into my BOOT.WIM

Lastly everyone needs to remember that this only works on the same PC when doing image builds to give you an index you can drop back to if needed. If you want to lay the image down on different hardware you will need to sysprep.

Thanks for the help guys,


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