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Removing background from images

Alex Ross

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I am designing a catalog however the photos have a background, for

example the pictures are of shoes but i can see the table the shoe is

sitting on and the background behind the shoe, is there a way to cut

the shoes out in Photoshop so the background is removed?


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There are several ways to cut objects out in photoshop:

* Using Photoshop's Magic Eraser tool

* Using Photoshop's Background Eraser tool

* Using the Extract command

* Using Quick Mask mode to make a selection and layer mask

* Using the Pen Tool to make a selection and layer mask

Or just select your object (with lassu tool) and make a work path of it and save it as a eps photoshop file, see if that works...

What version of photoshop are you using?


Edited by xadusx
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I am finding this too hard, I googled and found some companies that do this sort of thing, has anyone tried them? Is clipping path the same as deepetching. http://www.deepetch.com seems to be one good one, I also saw http://www.rapidclipping.com/Photoshop_clipping/home.htm and http://www.ezyclipping.com. Has anyone had any experience with this sort of thing. My catalog has over 300 images of jewelery and jackets with fur fitted on manequins due in two weeks, all shot on a blue studio background. Do I require alpha channel masking? Can anyone help please?

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  • 1 year later...

why dont you post images you want editing and I will render them for you :)

I would assume that:

My catalog has over 300 images of jewelery and jackets with fur fitted on manequins due in two weeks, all shot on a blue studio background.

the two weeks starting on 08 December 2008 has elapsed in the meantime, thus I would guess that your kind offer is a bit too late. :whistle:


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