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Help with driverpacks......


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I am working with driverpacks from here.....http://www.driverpacks.net/

So I download the driverpacks I need and the tool that is needed as well.

I then use the Extracted Iso from my already nlited disk

I browse to the I386 file. Try to slipstream with no luck.

So can someone point me to a english verson of how to do this or provide a step my step guide.

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Download DPs_BASE, it's where you'll find DPs_BASE.exe.

Within the application, click on Settings -> Location, click on Browse and point it to your XP source folder.

More options will become available once it locates the i386 folder. Let me know when you get this far and I can be more detailed. (sorry, not in front of my system, but it's pretty easy once you do it a few times)

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tym, sounds like you are running nLite against a source that has already had nLite run against it. If so, this may well be your problem. When a source is nLited more than once, all kinds of strange errors appear. Always start with a fresh copy of the original files/folders.

Enjoy, John.

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