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Registry entry for all photos?


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There was a way, but not CS3, however on photofiles, you can right click and press edit with photoshop and it will open it.

Or you can right click, open with, select photoshop, and check that default box. Do that for each pic file type.

Honestly to preview photos or open them for viewing, just use Windows photo gallery, or the vista equivalent.

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Its ok I found a way, took an hour or two to find in the registry, but it was one registry entry. :D

Which you aren't going to share :ph34r: , so that maybe in the future another user may save that hour or two? :whistle:


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Ah sorry, I forgot. :rolleyes:

@="Edit with Photoshop"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\SystemFileAssociations\image\shell\Edit with Photoshop\command]
@="C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Photoshop CS3\\Photoshop.exe" "%1"

But of course you can change "Edit with Photoshop" to anything you like. Same with the link. Remember to have double back-slashes and add "%1" to the link.

Edited by x-Shadow-x
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Good. :)

For the record, when we are talking of file association, this can come handy:


WAssociate is FreeWare written for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 200 and XP. It manages the associations between file name extensions and file types stored in the Windows registry. These stored file types determine the appearance and actions supported for a file by Windows.


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