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Posted (edited)

I discontinued English and Multilanguage releases because InstallShield 2009 takes forever to load the files and modified them. And that's time I don't usually have. There only two installers now, x86 and x64. Sorry for the inconvenience.

These installers now include Application Support as it is required for iTunes to work.

You need to install QuickTime Alternative 3.1.0 or newer.

Current version:

Modifications: No Bonjour service, no iTunesHelper or iPodService at startup and no MobileMe support. Shortcuts are not advertised.

Note: People with iPhone or iTouch need to install Mobile Device Support separately. Otherwise, iTunes will work but won't be able to sync them. Also, I've been made aware that Nanos 5G need it as well.

Get the installers here.

Thanks to sp00f and MUIZ for hosting these files.

Edited by ajua


I'm very thankfull elajua has picked up this project for me.

Good luck with your releases and I hope this project continues for many more releases yet to come. :thumbup

I've also link'd to your releases and this thread from my msfn repository.


Posted (edited)

x64 versions do not seem to work. They don't install at all.

Also, I installed the x86 version on my MSI Wind earlier - which is running Windows XP Home - and some folder called Archivos something was created in the root of the C: drive. Why is that?

Edited by mulrich
x64 versions do not seem to work. They don't install at all.

Also, I installed the x86 version on my MSI Wind earlier - which is running Windows XP Home - and some folder called Archivos something was created in the root of the C: drive. Why is that?

Did you get any errors with x64 builds? Did you use the multilanguage installer or the english version?

Try extracting the files to run the MSI file and use switches to create a log file to see what is going on.

I don't have any means to test x64 installers.

That path you saw is created because i inadvertently kept a path information i use by default with WinRAR when creating SFX files. I will do my best to update x86 builds soon. However, it doesn't have anything to do with iTunes installer at all. You can delete those folders safely.

Posted (edited)

Nope, no errors or anything, because it doesn't even start in the first place. I think the problem is that you set it to extract to the system drive, which Vista probably won't allow. I'm no expert on this, so I don't know for sure.

I tried extracting the exe and running the msi, but that merely stopped because of an error.

Edited by mulrich
Posted (edited)

The files will extract to user's temp folder, using the standard %TEMP% windows variable.

What error did you get when trying to run the MSI file? Or the error occurred when extracting?

I already updated x86 builds to fix the creation of those empty folders. I'm uploading them right now.

Edited by elajua

I don't get any errors, because it doesn't run in the first place. Whenever I "run" it, I get the busy mouse cursor for a few seconds, but after that, nothing happens.

Regarding the MSI file, it runs the installer, but when it gets to the "Installing" part, it just says an error occured and the setup cannot continue. No errors codes or anything.


Will try my best to get a Windows x64 machine so i can test it. I can't promise anything though.

Can you try using logging switches to see if you get any indication of what is going on?

The new x86 builds were uploaded minutes ago.


I may sound a bit stupid now, but you're speaking in a language I don't understand. XD "Logging switches"? Sorry I can't be of more help.

I may sound a bit stupid now, but you're speaking in a language I don't understand. XD "Logging switches"? Sorry I can't be of more help.
Don't worry. I thought you saw that in my first reply i highlighted the word switches and make it a link to Microsoft's Windows Installer command-line switches.

Run the MSI like this: itunes.msi /qb /Liwem "C:\Temp\logfile.log"

Just make sure the path exists because it won't be created automatically. You can create a text file and rename its extension to .log

Please attach the log file.


Well s***, running it with those commands made it actually work. It even made it switchless. When I ran the .msi without those commands, I'd get the whole iTunes installer.

I dunno how, but it's installed now. I've attached the log file anyway.


PS.: I couldn't attach the .log file, so I zipped it up.


Well s***, running it with those commands made it actually work. It even made it switchless. When I ran the .msi without those commands, I'd get the whole iTunes installer.

I dunno how, but it's installed now. I've attached the log file anyway.


PS.: I couldn't attach the .log file, so I zipped it up.

Glad you got working now. If you still have problems running the SFX archive, you can always extract the files and run the installer with /qb which is for silent installation (the log switches are not necessary) and only displays status messages.

I just reviewed the log and it seems all is ok with the installation. You were the only person that had problems with the SFX archive.

Test iTunes thoroughly and post if you encounter any errors.

It leaves a folder behind with a strange name.

C:\Archivos de Programa

Archivo who? :blink:

It is Spanish for Program Files.

Can you check the date of the file you installed? I already updated all the builds to remove the creation of that folder.

Go to the download link and look the new file dates to compare.

Posted (edited)

I will redownload , :hello:

And if you need a host for your installers, just PM me.

Edited by sp00f

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