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Office 2000/XP/2003/2007 Slipstreamer - version 1.7.4


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I am attaching log files from two attempts. Hope they will help you find the problem. Let me know if you need anything else.

OK, thanks. One user is having same problem. I sent him a test version so he can check if problem is solved. I forgot to answer on your second question. You can not use admin slipstream because Retail/OEM editions does not support it, only Enterprise.

Cheers ;)

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Hi mara-, bad news,

:wacko: sorry...

Unlike the previous version, with v1.7.3. there is no way, for me, to complete an unattended setup of Office 2003 Pro.

The installation is interrupted almost at the end, with an error message: "Impossible to complete MS Office setup".... reporting the problem to Microsoft...

In Event Viewer there is an "Event ID: 5000" - Office 11 Setup, containing the following information:

P1 : (90110410-6000-11d38cfe-0150048383c9)

P2 : 11.0.8173.0

P3 : iscachelockedfeaturestates

P4 : 0

P5, 6, 7 : x

Office 2003 setup(0001).txt says:

"Successfully launched MsiExec....

16/09/2008 21.29.11 Chained install return code: 1603

Exit code was an error.

Shutting down chained setup processing.

Error returned from install, removing cache.

Using Office Source Engine at path: W:\FILES\SETUP\OSE.EXE

Successfully started Office Source Engine in stand-alone mode.

Set Verbose logging for subsequent setup.

***** Setup exits

16/09/2008 21.29.11

(return = 1603) "

and Office 2003 setup(0001)_Task.txt:

=== Fine registrazione: 16/09/2008 21.29.11 ===

MSI © (18:8C) [21:29:11:453]: Note: 1: 1708

MSI © (18:8C) [21:29:11:453]: Prodotto: Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 -- Impossibile completare l'operazione di installazione.

MSI © (18:8C) [21:29:11:453]: Attempting to delete file I:\Temp\882d64.mst

MSI © (18:8C) [21:29:11:453]: Unable to delete the file. LastError = 32

MSI © (18:8C) [21:29:11:468]: Grabbed execution mutex.

MSI © (18:8C) [21:29:11:468]: Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if any exist

MSI © (18:8C) [21:29:11:468]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603

=== Verbose logging stopped: 16/09/2008 21.29.11 ===

Ciao :hello:


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Does only unattended way does not work, or even normal not work? Anyway, I found some issues before your report, so I think when I fix those issues everything will be fine. If you have time, I'll send you a test version tomorrow so you can try.

Cheers ;)

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I have tried only in unattended mode (in v. 1.7.2. was almost perfect....).

Two tests for each version, STD and PRO.

In the first case, with STD version, I had a different fault: in the middle of the setup an error message told me that the installation via "transform.mst" is not supported (strangely, because I had no problems and I have run smoothly from an admin install created with Slipstreamer v1.6.2).

Ok for the test version.

Ciao :hello:

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I have tried only in unattended mode (in v. 1.7.2. was almost perfect....).

Two tests for each version, STD and PRO.

In the first case, with STD version, I had a different fault: in the middle of the setup an error message told me that the installation via "transform.mst" is not supported (strangely, because I had no problems and I have run smoothly from an admin install created with Slipstreamer v1.6.2).

Ok for the test version.

Ciao :hello:

OK, I'll PM you today, I still did not finish fixing the bug.

Cheers ;)

Edited by puntoMX
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It does not work with my copy of office2k, keeps asking for serial when my copy doesn't require one (pre-activated).

Since I don't have any original copy of Office2k, support for it is very low. But I can still try to help you. Where do you get prompt for CD key, from the Slipstreamer, or from Office 2000 setup? If from setup, then you need to enter it, since slipstreaming to Office 2k requires creation of administrative install, before slipstream.

Cheers ;)

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Slipstreamer won't continue without one entered, administrative install goes fine. Although maybe you could add an option for an already created one, which I did...

I can't make it optionally when I can't detect if your install is already administrative. I already mentioned that I don't have that edition. Now, I'm not sure that I understand about this cd key problem. When Slipstreamer ask for it, after creating admin install, or before?

Cheers ;)

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