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:unsure: Tihiy's Rev2000 worked on my Win2000/AdvSrv Edition as long as i did not use any "un-official" updaters;When any vistapack or usp5 was installed on W2K with Rev2000 all would go A.W.O.L.....Yet Autopatcher2000(APUP)always has worked great :thumbup Now jus keepin' it simple :rolleyes:

Here is additional KDW function with user32.dll since KDW0.75


Transparent Desktop Icon and set Desktop Text Color.

You can set following registry.



;Transparent Desktop Text On=1 Off=0


;Desktop Text Color Auto =ffffffff Other=Color

Thx. :yes:

Oh god yes, you have no idea how much I've wanted this.

Posted (edited)

Hi win2000.

I found out why Revolutions Pack wouldn't work for me.

It didn't like your user32.dll!

If I uninstalled it and rolled back to the original, RP then worked fine.

Unfortunately it didn't bring back the icons in Windows Movie Maker, and seemed to be doing nasty things with some of my existing Explorer icons, especially in the Control Panel, so I uninstalled it again.

Any other ideas for the Movie Maker icons, or is it a lost cause?

Cheers, Dave.


Edited by Dave-H

I made an additional KDW function with user32.dll since KDW0.76b.

you can use keyboard shortcut as same as WinXP, Win2003 and Intellipoint.

Win + L ... Lock Computer quickly.

Win + B ... Set focus to notify Area.

Win + C ... Call Control Panel.

Win + H ... Safty Hotplug.

Win + A ... Application Wizard

Win + P ... Add or Remove Programs tool

Win + I ... Mouse property.

Win + K ... Keyboard property.


win2000: This looks like a very impressive project. Great work! :)

Unfortunately, I've run into a couple of issues. :(

1) Not all CUDA applications work properly. In particular, the application "Badaboom" does not work properly. Badaboom opens up, can be configured, and input video files can be opened. However, all transcoding operations fail.

Note that all CUDA applications require an nVidia 8xxx series card or newer as well as the CUDA driver, toolkit, and SDK. It probably isn't possible to add support for this without having a compatible nVidia card.

2) When SHELL32.DLL is replaced in system32, the application "SuperCopier 2" no longer works. SuperCopier 2 is an application that attaches to the shell to override normal Windows file copying.

I'm very glad to see that this is still an active project. Keep up the good work. :)


Posted (edited)


It hooks the Function SHFileOparation in SHELL32.dll

You can use it with to rewrite from 'shell32.dll' to 'shell2k.dll' SC2Hook.dll :yes:

2) When SHELL32.DLL is replaced in system32, the application "SuperCopier 2" no longer works. SuperCopier 2 is an application that attaches to the shell to override normal Windows file copying.
Edited by win2000

Sounds good. Thanks for the tip. :)

FYI, I found another video application that doesn't seem to work with KDW: TMPGEnc MPEG Editor 3.0. It reports that an unsupported version of Windows is being used (both with and without KDW).



There is only a problem.

TMPGEnc requires .Net Framework 3.0.

FYI, I found another video application that doesn't seem to work with KDW: TMPGEnc MPEG Editor 3.0. It reports that an unsupported version of Windows is being used (both with and without KDW).
Posted (edited)

Happy New Year win2000, and everybody!


Just a thought leading from what I was experimenting with earlier.

As Tihiy has stopped development of his Windows 2000 Revolutions Pack as far as I know, is it something you'd consider incorporating into KDW?

Not particularly the new Explorer icons, which I can take or leave, but just support for 32bit icons in the OS generally would be a major enhancement, even if it doesn't actually make the icons work in things like Movie Maker 2!

Just a suggestion.



Edited by Dave-H
A happy new year.

Now I'm trying DRM v3 on Win2000.

Does anyone know the sites which require DRM v3 and available from foreign country?

The video on demand service at


says that it needs Windows Media Player 11 rather than 10.

Whether that means it uses DRM 3 I don't know, but worth checking out.


Any response on the possible inclusion of Revolutions Pack in KDW?


  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...


I don't know if you're still monitoring this thread, as you haven't posted here for ages, but I must bring a couple of things to your attention.

First the good news!

My AVS Video Converter now works with your kernel32.dll installed, as of KDW 0.77.

As you said previously in this thread that you didn't think that would be possible, I'm really pleased!


Now the bad news.......

There seems to be an issue with your user32.dll.

If it is installed on my system, I cannot log off and on again more than once.

It works the first time, but the second time I log off, the system just goes to a blank desktop with the mouse cursor, and goes no further.

The keyboard and mouse are still "live" but no keystrokes do anything, including Ctrl>Alt>Delete.

The only way out is to do a hard restart on the crate.

If I restore the original user32.dll, it all comes good and works fine.

I'm afraid that I don't know when this behaviour started.

There is also now an issue with your 2kdll.dll, as of KDW 0.77b.

If it is installed (version 5.1.2599.8), there are problems with some applications on my system.

Specifically, Internet Explorer crashes when run, as does your Windows Media Player 10.

They both report exception errors in ntdll.dll.

Also, rather strangely, Notepad won't run!

There may be other problems, but these are the ones I quickly found.

I don't know whether these problems are general, or whether they're happening just on my system.

Perhaps others using KDW could comment.........

I hope this feedback gets to you somehow win2000.

I did try e-mailing you some time ago, and sending you a PM, but no response.

You are obviously still developing KDW, as new versions keep appearing, but I really hope that you do pick up this feedback.

Cheers, Dave.


  • 2 weeks later...


I release kdw 0.78a.

I found bug that if you install in system 2kdll.dll and kernel32.dll , crush some application, and fixed it.

and Don't you install Win2000 Revolutions Pack ?

it breaks kdw user32.dll export link table( But I supported from ver 0.78.)

And I found ntdll.dll has critical bug in RtlCaptureStackBackTrace

and I made a patch and constructed install package for multilingal based v5.0.2195.7080.

Windows bug RtlCaptureStackBackTrace in NTDLL.DLL


I release kdw 0.78a.

I found bug that if you install in system 2kdll.dll and kernel32.dll , crush some application, and fixed it.

and Don't you install Win2000 Revolutions Pack ?

it breaks kdw user32.dll export link table( But I supported from ver 0.78.)

And I found ntdll.dll has critical bug in RtlCaptureStackBackTrace

and I made a patch and constructed install package for multilingal based v5.0.2195.7080.

Windows bug RtlCaptureStackBackTrace in NTDLL.DLL

Thanks Win2000!


I sent you a PM.

I will try all this out when I get back from my holiday in a couple of weeks.

Thanks for all you've done and are doing to keep Windows 2000 alive!



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