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nlite breaks MSDN XP w/SP3 VLK unless "options" are selected


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I have made a post about this last year to which there was no resolution: http://www.msfn.org/board/Dreaded-framedyn...ml&p=646947

After starting from scratch with an untouched, freshly downloaded MSDN XP VLK w/ SP3 already integrated, I have irrefutable proof that nlite breaks the install. No other tools, addons or anything else used; I simply add a series of tweaks in the "tweaks section" and what results at the end of the install is the framedyn.dll error and messed-up icons:


Now, if I select the "options" section of nlite (make it green) but do not actually make any changes in that section, nlite processes the same as above yet I DO NOT get the problem! There is some kind of processing done in nlite that severely messes up my VLK (be it MSND SP3 or XP RTM) if I don't select the options tab. I suspect that this bug is specific to VLK images since so many other people do not have issue.

I was reminded of this problem when onpiece made an addon that defeated an XP SP3 integration bug and no longer required to disable SFC to get working. So I went ahead and unselected the options tab in nlite (where SFC enable/disable is located) and ran an install and saw the bug creep up. Now, OF COURSE, my further testing to replicate this bug involved NO other tools or addons whatsoever. Just a naked MSDN XP VLK ISO, nlite, and an install in VirtualPC 2007.

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This could be side-effect of the fixed bug in the next version, missing nlite.inf entries if only tweaks selected.

Please let me know if 1.4.7 fails, out on Monday.

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  • 1 month later...

Interesting. I was just mentioning some problems I was having like this in another topic.

Back when Sp2 had come out. I noticed some strange differences between XP slipstreamed SP2 compared with MSDN XP SP2 pre-integrated discs used with nlite when removing the same things. I was also not using any other customizing apps. I would get very different results from the pre-integrated once installed. Some errors like this one but also internet problems. I eventually gave up and started using 2003.

Now I am back to XP with SP3 and I was concerned about those problems coming up again with pre-integrated Sp3 discs. I only have the pre-integrated disc to use so i hope that whatever happened back then nuhi has it figured out now. I did use your newest version 1.4.8 with my sp3 disc.

Can someone confirm who has also used a SP3 pre-integrated disc that this problem has been fixed in 1.4.8 and that there are no other issues that come up?


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  • 7 months later...

I have a SIMILAR issue with nLite ONLY when I check "Options" (I cant use options) I get an error. This is bugging me so much. I am using MSDN Windows XP SP3 OEM. Here is screenshots.



Please look into a resolution.

Edited by PimpSquash
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PimpSquash, pretty pictures, now please attach (not paste) your Last Session.ini. Make sure to always start with a fresh copy of your CD files/folders, do all your work in one nLite session and integrate only one SP. Please report when you have a solution, so others can benefit. Enjoy, John.

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My last session is here:

http://www.premiergeeks.com/msdn/last_session.ini (Right click and Save As, my web server uses utf-8.)

I have not integrated a service pack. I have tested this configuration without using the options tab (un-checking it) and it works fine. I am guessing it's a similar bug to the one that this topic was based off of. I was just wondering what nLite does to the i386 folder when it gives you the option to put the Documents and Settings folder on a different partition. This is the only option I need to change in my Windows installation.

So, does anyone know how to either manually change the Documents and Settings partition in the Windows installation or know of a tool other than nLite that can do this?

Edited by PimpSquash
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PimpSquash, look in the file HIVESFT.INF for the definition of the user profile. Have you formatted your D:\ HDD? If not, that is your problem. Windows install does not do a format on any but the install HDD. There are several threads here about defining the user profile. Please do a search for more information.

I do not think you have found an nLite bug considering you are running the latest version and many people have used these options without difficulties. Enjoy, John.

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Hmm, this may be my problem! I am excited to hear that, this should be an easy fix. Usually you do not have to format the other partition, must be a SP3 update. I will give the HIVESFT.INF a try, and post back with my results.

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Usually you do not have to format the other partition, must be a SP3 update.

If you want to create directories on D: and there is no D:, ... install crashes. It has always been like that. It was never going to stop and ask you where you want your D: partition to be created, how big, what file system..etc.

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