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How to integrate KB940510?

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Hi with this new patch for WGA kb940510 does not appear I can preintegrate into the source of UA disc as usual?

Anyone know a way to pre register or install this patch?

Noticed the WGAER_M.exe located in "SoftwareDistribution\Download\Install" following a windows update session. This runs following a reboot.

This is no biggy but would be nice to have included.

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iirc WGA is not a distributable update, since it has an end-user agreement you must accept. It is targetted at users who already have their computer, and not for system builders to integrate. We got into a discussion with our rep when he found out we were installing Windows Updates on some computers via the website, instead of using the media they send us. Since we are not given WGA at all, we were told we are not supposed to put it on there because the end-user has to be the one to accept the agreement.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a way to make the update not appear on a machine. I find the update useless on fresh installs of machines that I know are perfectly legal. So I investigated a little bit and found a way to make Windows Update "think" I have the update installed.

One registry setting is added when the update is installed:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Genuine Advantage\WGAER_M]


Of course this registry entry is only valid as long as the wgaer_m version remains the same. When a newer version of it is released, change the registry setting.

Similarly, I use the same idea of a simple registry setting to have MSRT "installed" by default. I do not think it is necessary to scan for malicious software on a fresh install, so I implement this registry setting:



This is the Version number of the June 2008 MSRT.

Now in order to have these registry entries slipstreamed into a vista install, a little bit of work has to be done. First, mount the image. Then, find the software file in c:\windows\system32\config folder. This file has to be mounted in the registry. The easiest way is to run:

reg load HKLM\WIN-SYS "c:\Mount\Windows\system32\config\software"

Now navigate to HKLM\WIN-SYS\Microsoft\Genuine Advantage\WGAER_M and HKLM\WIN-SYS\Microsoft\RemovalTools\MRT and change the values.

To unload the registry run:

reg unload hklm\win-sys

And voila, next time you install, Malicious Software Removal Tool and Windows Genuine Advantage Check are "installed."

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If you dont want it , then put it on hide , and save the "SoftwareDistribution" folder , and past that in your mounted install.win in system32

I use that to hide the language packs in windows update etc.

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Yeah that is a good way to do it. I just prefer to have the only hidden updates to be the language packs. Have either of you found a way to slipstream the Silverlight update into an image? Besides Installing, installing the update, and then taking an image of the computer as the new install.wim.

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the end-user has to be the one to accept the agreement

This update doesnt have that.

Sorry I spaced when I replied. I was referring to XP and forgot this was in the Vista forum. :whistle:

No problem :hello:

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  • 2 weeks later...
The easiest way is to run:

reg load HKLM\WIN-SYS "c:\Mount\Windows\system32\config\software"

Now navigate to HKLM\WIN-SYS\Microsoft\Genuine Advantage\WGAER_M and HKLM\WIN-SYS\Microsoft\RemovalTools\MRT and change the values.

How do I "navigate to" that key?

What do Iuse to navigate to that key with? My oewn regedit?

The regedit contained in the Vista WIM image thats now mounted?

Theres only your post on the entire internet that mentions this reg load.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. Thats pretty cool that I am the only person mentioning it on the entire internet.

You need to use regedit to access the key. Run regedit (your own regedit, not the one in the image) and then navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Section and you will notice the WIN_SYS Subkey. This contains all the registry information that you just "loaded."

Opening the registry this way is similar to mounting a wim file. When you mount an image, you can "browse" through the files and folders using windows explorer. When you "load" the registry of an image, you can "browse" through the various registry entries using regedit. When you close regedit, the changes are saved to the software file. When you commit your changes to the mounted image, the new image contains the new registry settings.

Just for an fyi the new registry setting for this months MSRT (JULY 2008) is:



If you want to add it to your image, make sure you make the change to this registry key



Hopefully that answers your questions.

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Nice inclusion, however followed your guide mounted the wim, loaded the

reg load HKLM\WIN-SYS "c:\Mount\Windows\system32\config\software"
then merged this key
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Genuine Advantage\WGAER_M]


But when I drill down through the new

HKLM\WIN-SYS\Microsoft\Genuine Advantage\WGAER_M and HKLM\WIN-SYS\Microsoft\RemovalTools\MRT

The Genuine Advantage folder does not exist under?

Where may I be going wrong? :blink:

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Ah...your merging the wrong registry key. When you merge:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Genuine Advantage\WGAER_M]


you are actually merging it to the local computer, not the mounted registry. I was just pointing out where in the registry you could find the new keys in case you needed to update them for a new month yourself. Sorry about the mixup. Instead, merge these two entries after mounting the registry

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIN-SYS\Microsoft\Genuine Advantage\WGAER_M]




Notice the bolded WIN-SYS part. This WIN-SYS subkey is the entire mounted software registry. If you use the word "Software" in its place, then you are making changes to the local computer instead, not the mounted registry.

Basically, load the registry, merge the two above registry entries, and unload the registry to make the changes.

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