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Windows XP SP3 slipstreaming wrap-up


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describes *some* of the options, but what does removing the *other* files do (which options are obsolete or removed)?


---remove the msrdp.cab line in DOSNET.inf.

...and Microsoft advises to first install sp2, to be sure, before installing sp3...

Could there be something forgotten, as Microsoft doesn't seem be se sure completely?

I deleted the sp1 cab that I could find in my \i386 slipstream/integrated result, not sure if this is O.K. (working from a SP1 setup disk, not sure wich version of SP1).

Looking for all cab files with the search assistant, also see the cab files:





is that "SP" relating to versions that can be deleted, or NOT -> I suppose NOT, because these cab files also are on the original XP-SP1 disk..?

(Later on I'll find out if my edits work; last night I got the next errors during windows installation:

c:\$WIN_NT$~LS\i386\msrdp.cab missing => I skipped

idem ..\~BT\sym_u3.sys => I skipped

The result afterwards: "sym_u3 could not be found setup failed"

Yesterday, I couldn't find the msrdp.cab line that I had to remove. But today lookign again, it was there and now removed... Suppose that sym_u3.sys error is related to that? As the file is just there copied well in my new supposed to be XP pro SP3 setup disk on a memory stick)

Tip: I noticed that in some (most Spanish speaking) countries they sell illegal Windows "Unattended Edition", together with the PC's. They also made some modifications, like the menu icon (left-below) that is much smaller and leaves more space, or an integrated shell ld5 hash (&others) file determinator and comparer (yep, that's is what one needs slipstreaming and integrating new setup disks, to be sure not bit bytes).

There only seems to be a Spanish wikipedia article about this version and workgroups:


=> something like it was a Microsoft employee who started this, first with permission of his boss, to take out (at that point) more or less unnecesary items to make the Windows faster and smaller.

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...and Microsoft advises to first install sp2, to be sure, before installing sp3...

Have been using the guide for >month now. Do not confuse slipstreaming and overinstalling. The latter means you have windows installed already and "upgrade" to a new SP.

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I hope someone here can answer this for me.

Here is the situation. Back when SP2 came out I had slipstreamed SP2 from my SP1 source disk and then would use nlite on this to remove items. I had no issues with this with nlite or once installed.

I then downloaded a SP2 pre-integrated from Microsoft and used nlite on this iso. I removed the exact same things as I did with the slipstream copy. The differences were astonishing once the iso was installed & had some issues with nlite also. I had lots more issues once in the install. Issues with IE6, internet, wireless etc.

I came to the conclusion that clearly nlite was better with a slipstreamed SP disk then a pre-integrated one from MS. Must have something to do with how nlite looks at the source.

I am now wondering if this is going to be the same issue with SP3. I recently got a pre-integrated SP3 disc and I'm wondering if a slipstreamed disc from SP1 or SP2 would be better to use with nlite then a pre integrated SP3 one from MS?

Has anyone else had issues like this with pre-integrated discs from Microsoft and nlite? Please post if you have or have not had any issues especially with SP3 pre integrated. THANKS

Edited by Madhits45
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Microsoft advises to first install sp2, to be sure, before installing sp3...

SP1a is the only thing ive ever seen MS recommend to have installed prior to applying SP3.

=> something like it was a Microsoft employee who started this, first with permission of his boss, to take out (at that point) more or less unnecesary items to make the Windows faster and smaller.

I dont need a snopes article to tell me that a pirated windows distro wasnt developed inside MS with approval. I think you are confusing the MinWin* project with 'litened up and cracked versions of windows.

*on a related note, the hostname of Windows Vista during setup is "MINWIN" :)

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I hope someone here can answer this for me.

Here is the situation. Back when SP2 came out I had slipstreamed SP2 from my SP1 source disk and then would use nlite on this to remove items. I had no issues with this with nlite or once installed.

I then downloaded a SP2 pre-integrated from Microsoft and used nlite on this iso. I removed the exact same things as I did with the slipstream copy. The differences were astonishing once the iso was installed & had some issues with nlite also. I had lots more issues once in the install. Issues with IE6, internet, wireless etc.

I came to the conclusion that clearly nlite was better with a slipstreamed SP disk then a pre-integrated one from MS. Must have something to do with how nlite looks at the source.

I am now wondering if this is going to be the same issue with SP3. I recently got a pre-integrated SP3 disc and I'm wondering if a slipstreamed disc from SP1 or SP2 would be better to use with nlite then a pre integrated SP3 one from MS?

Has anyone else had issues like this with pre-integrated discs from Microsoft and nlite? Please post if you have or have not had any issues especially with SP3 pre integrated. THANKS

So no one has a possible answer to this question. Has anyone tried SP3 slipstreamed and SP3 pre integrated with nlite and seen a difference once installed?

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So no one has a possible answer to this question. Has anyone tried SP3 slipstreamed and SP3 pre integrated with nlite and seen a difference once installed?

You may be one of the first to come across this problem. I figured things out by using a synchronizer, in my case ViceVersa Pro (you can download a trial).

-That gives you the exact difference between two installation sets. It is probably best to figure that out first.

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So no one has a possible answer to this question. Has anyone tried SP3 slipstreamed and SP3 pre integrated with nlite and seen a difference once installed?

You may be one of the first to come across this problem. I figured things out by using a synchronizer, in my case ViceVersa Pro (you can download a trial).

-That gives you the exact difference between two installation sets. It is probably best to figure that out first.

I have beyond compare. I ran the comparison on SP2 integrated and Slipstreamed and there were differences but there were not many differences in the individual files compared. The differences were just dates on the files. However there were more files in the slipstreamed version as I recall. Now I have not done the same with SP3. The thing is the files that were missing from the pre-integrated SP2 did not seem to be very important. They were files for items I usually would remove with nlite anyway.

My conclusion was that even with the differences Nlite should not yield these strange results that I found. I believe the real issue here was the fact that some of the sif files and other files nlite edits were organized differently and that was causing the problems.

Has anyone else used a pre-integrated source with nlite and had any strange results? I would like to hear about it. I think there is something here.

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