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MS stop sell xp. When?


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I have look on the web and I am finding different dates and info on this. How long till we will not be able to buy Win XP Pro, and XP home. Last I heard was Jan of 09. Can anyone comfirm this?

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There are different stop dates for different distros of XP, which is why you are seeing multiple dates. I don't have a list of them but the different versions are OEM, Retail, Volume License, etc. You'll still be able to buy XP in stores (retail version) after the final day because that day is sale date. So stores may still have copies floating around to get. Oh also, you should be able to get the Vista downgrade-rights XP for a little while to come also.

edit: typo

Edited by Tripredacus
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As of four days ago.

Microsoft Thursday said it would continue to offer Windows XP Home via OEMs for ultra-low-cost computers until 2010 or when the next version of the operating system ships.

Microsoft said the XP plan is consumer-focused only, and a company spokesman said, "As for impact on enterprise, this announcement reiterates Microsoft's plan of record, in that sales of other editions of Windows XP will end June 30, 2008."

Full article.


confirmed at BetaNews


Edited by RJM
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