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I have a pc with xp installed running word 2002.

Everything working fine untill this morning, when word 2002 won't open. Just hangs at the startup screen.

Tried deleting normal.dot, tried again and it worked fine.

Tried opening it again...hangs....

So it will open fine, aslong as i delete normal.dot before i open it...not exactly practical.

When it hangs, word does open, eventually (1-2hours later). While it is "thinking" it is using no cpu power and about 6mb ram.

Anyone know a solution for this?



Have now tried:

1. Deleting normal.dot, which fixes it untill you try and load it again

2. Registry edit, same as above ^^

3. Reinstalling - No Luck

4. Detect & Repair - No Luck

Any more ideas?


Been on the phone with M$ - THey don't know and don't care.

Searched everywhere on tinterweb and just can't find a solution to this.


Have you tried to start word in safe mode? Does word hang in safe mode? What patches do you have installed? When you reinstalled did you first uninstall reboot install?

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