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Is 256 and 16 color icons needed in XP?

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I'm making my own shellpack using XPeros installer system and I was wondering do I need to save all the 256 color (8 bit) and 16 color (4 bit) icons?

Shouldn't XP be able to use the 32-bits icons everywhere? Cause some icons only have 32*32, 4-bit icons. Shouldn't I be able to replace them with 32*32, 32-bit?

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I keep only 4-bit images 'cause they are small byte-wise and are the ones used in vga mode. 8-bit are useless under xp IMO.

Edit: 32-bit images stay there of course. :P

Edited by Dave.Net
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Well, I choose to remove 8-bit images based on my particular situation. That is, my video card CAN handle 32-bit mode.

However it may not be as simple as it seems. I had an old SIS video card which didn't support 32-bit modes but -oddly- did show xp's alpha-blended icons. Very weird.

Edited by Dave.Net
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I had an old SIS video card which didn't support 32-bit modes but -oddly- did show xp's alpha-blended icons. Very weird.

They all do because of that "engine" in XP that is made that way. In XP even lousy i810 igp shows alpha-blended stuff. So I guess it has something to do with software.

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IMO 48x48 should be the biggest. But some like the 256 icons, I think they take up too much space...

Yes leave the lower rez icons... May need them ya never know

BTW what type icons are you going to use?

Vista I hope :)

Edited by ricktendo64
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Thank you for your opinions, gonna leave the 16 color icons. :thumbup

And in my opinion as well the 256*256 icons take up way too much space, gonna remove them.

Yes, it's all going to be Vista and Vista-like icons. I have taken them from Energize, XPize, VTP, from around the net and some I've even made myself :rolleyes:

Almost done now.

Edited by daedalus123
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