IcemanND Posted February 6, 2008 Author Posted February 6, 2008 iceangel89 said: IcemanND said: @ Iceangel89 - Page 6 step 6You should be able to remount the wim and copy those files. the copy the wim back into the iso folder and recreate the iso.err u mean that i have to find out whatever services i need? like imagex? i dont see imagex there did i? but anyway i'll try that.Good guide tho That step does the copying of the tools to the CD, imagex and others.
iceangel89 Posted February 9, 2008 Posted February 9, 2008 mmm did that but somehow its missing... maybe it didn't go into the wim... but nvmnow when i start from step 5 Quote 5. Now mount the Windows PE boot image as a folder on your machine so that it may be edited by typing the following: imagex /mountrw c:\winpe_x86\winpe.wim 1 c:\winpe_x86\mountthen at step 9 Quote 9. Prepare the Windows PE Image by typing, this removes unneeded items from the image: peimg /prep c:\winpe_x86\mount\Windows /fi get C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools>peimg /prep D:\winpe_x86\mount\Windows /fPreinstallation Environment Image Setup Tool for WindowsCopyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.The image directory specified is a Windows PE image that waspreviously prepared with the /PREP command.PEIMG failed to complete the operation with status code i skip that step?
IcemanND Posted February 9, 2008 Author Posted February 9, 2008 Unless you started completely over from scratch you only need to run the Prep command on the mounted image once. It removes the installable packages that you did not install.
DigeratiPrime Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 Although I've been meaning fully go through the guide again since Vista/WAIK SP1 released, I wanted to point out a few "regressions" I noticed in the new pdf Copying and pasting the text inside the quotations does not preserve line breaks.On Page 2 there are two instances of "Error! Bookmark not defined." one at "Installing drivers to Windows PE" a second at "Install_Drivers.CMD".I am not sure why but the new pdf is about 4x the size of the original one despite being about the same length and having no images.WAIK (SP1) now available, maybe mention or add a download link on page 5 since its not immediately obvious?BTW I integrated the LAN Driverpack before as well, a couple drivers did not integrate but those that did did not cause any problems. I am going to be looking further into the integration of the new series of driverpacks soon.Keep up the good work
nationals Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Hi,But where can I get the following file?Install_MSD.cmd & Install_Network.cmd?if "%installmsd%"=="true" call Install_MSD.cmd %MSDPath%if "%installlan%"=="true" call Install_Network.cmd %LANPath%thanks!
IcemanND Posted April 1, 2008 Author Posted April 1, 2008 WOW. over 3000 downloads and no one has ever noticed that, including me.Both lines should be changed to:if "%installmsd%"=="true" call Install_Drivers.cmd %MSDPath%if "%installlan%"=="true" call Install_Drivers.cmd %LANPath%
nationals Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 I found this after I download and read the pdf file.but one more thing,the codeset Drivers=% 1should be change to set Drivers=%1 and I have add the following to the build_all.cmd file:Set installghost=trueSet GhostPath=C:\Apps\Ghostif "%installghost%"=="true" xcopy %GhostPath% %PEDest%\mount\windowsand then, put the ghost32.exe(ver. 8.3) and ghostexp.exe to the folder - C:\Apps\Ghost.
GTO455 Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 Great guide IcemanND, Thanks!Can someone use the the following in an example? I can't seem to wrap my head around this part. I understand that you create the file, but how does the syntax look? Install_Drivers.CMDWhen calling pass a variable pointing to the driver directory which contains the drivers you wish to install, the given directory will be recursively searched. set Drivers=%1 set DestFolder=c:\winpe_x86 pushd %Drivers% for /f %%i in ('dir /s /b *.inf') do ( peimg /inf:%%i %DestFolder%\mount\windows if ERRORLEVEL 1 echo %%i>>%Drivers%\bad_driver.txt ) popd
IcemanND Posted April 2, 2008 Author Posted April 2, 2008 dir /s /b *.inf returns a list of all of the INF files in the directory passed to the batch file which is stored in the %Drivers% variable.each file in the list is then passed to the PEIMG command to be processed and then the process is repeated until the end of the list.
GTO455 Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 Ok..... so let's say I have a directory called "MyDrivers" off of my C:\ drive. And that folder contains several subfolders with *.inf, *.cat, etc. files in them. How would I use the Install_Drivers.CMD file to parse those folders? (Like I said, I'm not understanding this part...) IcemanND said: dir /s /b *.inf returns a list of all of the INF files in the directory passed to the batch file which is stored in the %Drivers% variable.each file in the list is then passed to the PEIMG command to be processed and then the process is repeated until the end of the list.
GTO455 Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 Worked like a charm! Thank you! IcemanND said: install_drivers.cmd c:\MyDrivers
nole_kage Posted April 13, 2008 Posted April 13, 2008 IThe information on DISK PART was a life saver. I had some problems applying a VISTA image I made months back. Used the DISK PART that was on the Win PE that is generated in the MDT as a genericx86.iso and it finally booted. Many thanks to you and the people of these forums for wonderful info. I'll post the problem I had and the solution for it in one of the threads here just incase anyone runs into this problem. Once again thanks.
sagarsanghavi Posted April 27, 2008 Posted April 27, 2008 Hi Sir,I went to your pdf for winpe creation and other good scripts, i Had one query i have created a master wim File , Using all you scripts, As i want to have the CD/DVD for the installation of Wim Images for Windows Xp, My master image is more than 5GB so when i burn the DVD its files system change from Bootable to UDf and then i am not able to but, So for that if want to split and Put diffrenton CD/DVD can help me in Step by Step procedure on how to split and and merge the wim image to Deploy on MAchine using CD/DVD or can show me any other ay to deploy the master image which is more then 5 GB,Your Help is apprectiated..........Thanks & Regards,Sagar Sanghavi IcemanND said: I wrote up this tutorial for my coworkers but my boss is reluctant to let me give it out. He's afraid i will create too much additional support work for me. So rather than let it collect dust on my hard drive I thought I would at least post it here for everyone else's reading pleasure.If you have additions, changes, find errors, etc. let me know and I'll update as appropriate and give credit where due.Also, this does not have anything to do with WDS directly; though I'm sure that some of the processes described in the document may apply.1/14 - added export command to build_all.cmd script and removed erroneous spaces. Updated information on adding Mass storage drivers for current Mass Storage Driverpack version - Thanks DigeratiPrime. 1439 prior downloads8/25 - updated added method for adding drivers to running PE and shrinking image using export command. Thanks to p4ntb0y for the suggestions. 896 prior downloads7/26 - Updated PDF to reflect comments from JuMz and chiners_68. Thanks guys. 140 prior downloads
Philep Posted May 8, 2008 Posted May 8, 2008 Hi, I tried this guide, first i've made the winPE cd. Then i added the boot.wim to boot images on WDS. I also made an image using imagex and the Windows PE cd. But when i boot a computer via PXE, the windows vista environment starts and runs X:\Windows\system32\wpinit After that it does nothing. Anyone got an idea what this could be?ThanksPhilippe.
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