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Found 5 results

  1. Hopefully this is the right place to post this. In the past I was using StartAllBack's taskbar tweaker in combination with Explorer Patcher and 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. 7+ Taskbar Tweaker had an option that let me rearrange the windows on my taskbar of the same program. For example, I could have 3 separate Chrome Windows (window A, B, and C) and I could right click and drag to move a window to a different position on the taskbar, so A, B, and C could be rearranged to B, A, and C. It seems like a recent Windows update broke Explorer Patcher and 7+ Taskbar Tweaker and 7+ Taskbar Tweaker no longer works. I have since switched to Windhawk with the mod "Taskbar Thumbnail Reorder" but it doesn't work with StartAllBack's taskbar so I have to disable the enhanced classic taskbar in StartAllBack. I really like having the taskbar tweaks that StartAllBack offers, but I like being able to rearrange my windows on the taskbar more. Is it possible to add this feature to StartAllBack?
  2. Some users would prefer to hide the start button, and use the windows key on their keyboard to activate the start menu instead of a button taking up taskbar space. This is easy to do in Win 10 but seem impossible in startallback on windows 11 currently. Could you please add this feature? Thanks.
  3. The title says it all. Currently if you have pinned apps, they will only show in the main monitor taskbar. Would be nice to have an option where you could check to have your pinned icons on all taskbars.
  4. Ability to backup all settings would be very convenient.
  5. Hey @Tihiy I really, really love your StartIsBack++ Windows 10 cound't be usable and acceptable for me without your project I really like the personalization for set custom color, transparency, style for application bar and start menu I just want to ask if a day maybe I could see these customization for the notification area of Windows (where there are Wifi, Bluetooth, LAN, ... toggles) In this way there could be more uniformity PS: I hope to see also an update for a stable version of Aero Glass (But this isn't this the right place for ask [I just dreaming a cooperation for these 2 project😅]) so StartIsBack + Aero = PERFECTION Anyway thank you so much for keep working and updated StartIsBack 🔝
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