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Posts posted by colore
are you happy with notepad in Win7 too ?
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this is not very strong arguement
you say Win7 needs a better CPU to show that it's superior to WinXP
but if I use a better CPU with WinXP it may end up faster than Win7 with that better CPU!
I think it MUST be expected that Win7 must perform better with even the pretty much same CPU, in comparison with WinXP, that's what we should call a leap forward
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Intel Celeron 900 processor is new in comparison with Intel T2050
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I managed to get a new laptop that has Intel Celeron 900 processor, 2GB RAM of unknown speed and Windows 7 64bit system, which is a signigicant upgrade from the previous laptop of Intel 2050, WinXP 32bit Pro.
What I expected from this upgrade:
1) faster boot and shut down speeds
2) more responsive system
3) system that is able to hold more open windows/apps
4) new innovative functionality from OS
instead, I noticed almost NONE improvement
the only innovation I saw in Win7 is the start menu and its ability to search there (oh, I really don't care about fancy animations while opening or closing windows)
do I miss something?
what does Win7 offer over WinXP?
what does 64bit offer over 32bit?
what do newer processors offer over old ones?
are there any tests to see the supposed improvement?
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actually the drive does not boot to windows, so this does not mean that it won't work if connected in usb case, right?
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a laptop hard disk has some problem, it makes sounds and does not boot in XP (it stays in the boot screen for hours)
what can I do to safely and fully recover all the data?
i was thinking somehow (via an adapter or something) to connect the drive to another pc/laptop, then produce an image of the problematic drive, then buy a new laptop drive, load the image on it, install the new drive to the problematic laptop
is this the way to go? i am asking, because i really do not want to loose the data of that disk
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i have a dying laptop (years old technology) with XP Pro installed and I want to transfer the OS, parameters, files, documents etc to a new pc that has other hardware ofcourse (latest technology)
is there any way?
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also the software you suggested shows that the specific plugin is already disabled and not connected, plus no info about the location of the file, so what can i do next?
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what is the easiest and of most high quality way to produce animations/movies like this:
also is there a way to duplicate a graphics I found in videos like this?
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there it says:
"To delete the add-in from your computer, manually delete the file from its folder in Windows."
how do i find its folder?
is deleting the file enough, or registry entries or other files and parameters are left? how can i properly and fully uninstall office plugins?
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whenever i start powerpoint i get this:
how can i fix it?
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it seems it's a trend every software to install its own MS Office plugin, which is annoying
how do I unistall them or disable them, without uninstalling the software?
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whenever i start powerpoint 2010 i get this:
how do I stop this?
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even if you uninstall that Smartdraw program, it lets an annoying reminder to buy it, which popups when XP starts
contacting them about how to uninstall it gets no respose
any idea?
I need to FULLY and COMPLETELY uninstall this virus that these scums from Smartdraw company leave in people's pc's
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please post the full batch
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and i need to save it as a .bat or .cmd file?
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I use a batch file to empty it from time to time...
rmdir/s/q %TEMP%
MKDIR %TEMP%that's interesting
does it run itself or you need to double click it?
can we make it run every now and then?
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the problem is i dont have the cd!
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i cannot uninstall Office 2003 from add/remove programs, neither with ork.exe
is there any way?
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is there an app that enables you to install many fonts with one click ?
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unfortunately it is not the same
you must realize that images in pdf files are of two kinds:
1) embeded and able to be extracted using tools as the above (pdf editors recognize them and you can extract them)
2) hardcoded into the pdf file and not being able to be extracted (pdf editors cannot recognize them, they see them as background)
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anyone please?
i know that there is somewhere out there the program that does what i need...
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where does this program offer what I am asking??
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i need to take a screenshot of a pdf file
i think this is the only way to extract non-text data (if not correct me)
but i need the screenshot in good quality, so it must be taken in specific dpi
if i zoom so much the pdf to reach the specific dpi, it will be hard to take the screenshot, because the margins of the area to be screenshotd will be out of the screen
there is a pdf editor that lets you specify the margins (with the usual drag rectangular tool) and then asks you in which dpi you want the screenshot
then it automatically zooms, takes the screenshot and restores zoom and saves the screenshot
does anyone know this tool or any better? or any other way?
cut white borders in pdf while viewing
in Software Hangout
there are supposed to exist pdf viewers that cut out the white borders of pdf files, so that will take advantage to display the pdf text in bigger portion of the screen
which does so? i think foxit doesn't