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Everything posted by prathapml

  1. I saw again your edited first post and saw your site - no info about this. while you mention there to put the i386 directory under the PRO1 directory, in my case the PRO1,PRO2, and PRO3 are *the* i386 folders. [maybe that was a crucial difference and that's what is causing errors for all these people, but I see no reason why it can't be adapted to my directory structure] I already said : 3. i've edited txtsetup.sif - SetupSourcePath = "\PRO2\" is the only modification i made. I changed the path appropriately in each of these - PRO1, PRO2, and PRO3 are the former I386 directories. To describe what I did: PRO1 is NOT containing any other files or the I386 folder. It is *the* I386 folder itself (renamed and no other mods except for txtsetup.sif). So, for example, if E:\ is my cd drive, I edited E:\PRO1\txtsetup.sif as per above. My cd idents are not corrupted and are in the root of the CD (just to remove ambiguousness, they aren't in a folder "ROOT" on the cd, they exist directly as files in the CD's root). >> It would be easier to use boot folders to boot the cd from. if you meant this - C:\$WIN_NT$.~LS - rename this folder to install C:\$WIN_NT$.~BT - rename this folder to BOOT (all capital letters) I tried to keep modifications to a minimum, so I'm not using the "reducing source" at all. if you mean that I can put the boot sectors of the CD in a single folder, i'm already doing that. I use EasyBoot. Before anybody says that the problem could be with using EasyBoot, see the relevant "point No.2" in my previous post here. Some more details - 1. my setupldr.bin is in the PRO1,PRO2,PRO3 folders (which were previously the I386 folder). 2. That's the proper location, and it's properly hexed, that's actually why the text-mode install starts up at all. So that rules out any error with the setupldr.bin or the xpboot.bin 3. Just to clarify, I declare I don't have any other setupldr.bi_, txtsetup.si_,dosnet.in_ and such lying around on this CD - the only such files are the edited ones. I tried editing dosnet.inf from to because PRO1 is my I386 folder now. But dosnet.inf can't be the reason because as far as i know it's used only at the file-copy stage, and here, I haven't even got past the EULA. I even tried leaving txtsetup.sif at default: SetupSourcePath = "\" It still doesn't work. To be exact, this is the problem many of us here are facing: 1. Starting the normal install after booting from CD gets past the "press Enter to setup windows", "Press R to use Recovery Console", "F3 to exit setup" stage. Pressing Enter brings up the Agreement screen - it then searches a bit for the EULA, and gives up saying "eula.txt not found, press F3 to exit setup". That's the end of that route. 2. On the other hand, booting and choosing the unattended setup directly pops up a screen saying "this is an upgrade CD, please insert the retail CD, or press F3 to exit setup". No option works at that stage, except to exit. My opinion is this variance with unattended happens because the winnt.sif file was accessed and it tells setup to skip the initial screens and stop for input at disk partitioning. But right where it is supposed to show the EULA and "Press F8 to agree", it finds that it isn't able to even see the eula.txt file that's meant to be skipped. So it deduces somehow that it's got to be an upgrade CD and not a retail. I am puzzled seeing that if it is able to follow the winnt.sif file, why not also see the eula.txt. In both cases, Setup loads as it normally would - with all the million RAID and SCSI hardware drivers. I hope this post gives enough info for someone to detect the error, or for someone to duplicate the error, and tell us what's wrong. Cheers !!!
  2. my XP pro install: (3 versions) normal says didn't find the EULA unattended says "this is an upgrade, insert your XP pro cd for setup to continue" plain-but-auto-uses-winnt.sif says the same -------------------- how did you solve the problem, if you had faced it before ? (you might know with your experience as to what causes this) details of relevant things: 1. i haven't made the "BOOT" folder, since anyway it doesn't speed-up things at CD-boot text-mode setup. 2. i've properly hexed the boot-sector and setupldr.bin - these problems can't be relevant to these files because, then it wouldn't get to the point where it can complain this error. 3. i've edited txtsetup.sif - SetupSourcePath = "\PRO2\" is the only modification i made. I changed the path appropriately in each of these - PRO1, PRO2, and PRO3 are the former I386 directories. 3. there's no error with winnt.sif or svcpack.inf. Do I also have to edit "dosnet.inf" ? An example of my CD structure: MYCD-ROOT | |--autorun.inf |--win51IP |---OEM |---PRO1 |---PRO2 |---DOCS |---SUPPORT and so on, this was just an example - all my files are in the right folders just as gosh said - dont point out that this/that file is missing. this is just a rough sketch. i'm pretty familiar with unattended CD making - been following most of the posts on the forum since july 2k3. The problem is almost certainly in txtsetup.sif as it has many other references to I386 folder too, but i don't see anybody here talking about anything other than modifying SetupSourcePath = "\" The entire setup and configuration works perfectly (as tested the normal way instead of PRO1,PRO2,etc.) and no modifications since then, except what the guide here says. Please help me.
  3. @devil, could you please describe how you converted your .bat to an exe ? It seems like a very good thing to do. Cheers !!!
  4. DESPERATELY QUICK HELP NEEDED: would somebody here know how to silently install myIE2 ? please, AaronXP ? looked thru its installed documentation and on its website. neither googling nor searching the forums gave me an answer and my new unattended CD is about an hour away from finalising. Thanking all in advance, prathapml
  5. Iceman, i had in fact got the above ICF-enable script from you. would you mind telling me (or posting the auto-click) script too ?
  6. I have a vbscript to enable ICF automatically, but wscript asks for confirmation. i tried cscript <any.vbs> //B to do it silently, but still it asks "Yes/No". This is it: OPTION EXPLICIT DIM ICSSC_DEFAULT, CONNECTION_PUBLIC, CONNECTION_PRIVATE, CONNECTION_ALL DIM NetSharingManager DIM PublicConnection, PrivateConnection DIM EveryConnectionCollection DIM objArgs DIM con ICSSC_DEFAULT = 0 CONNECTION_PUBLIC = 0 CONNECTION_PRIVATE = 1 CONNECTION_ALL = 2 Main( ) sub Main( ) if Initialize() = TRUE then GetConnectionObjects() FirewallTestByName(con) end if end sub sub FirewallTestByName(conName) on error resume next DIM Item DIM EveryConnection DIM objNCProps DIM szMsg DIM bFound bFound = false for each Item in EveryConnectionCollection set EveryConnection = NetSharingManager.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection(Item) set objNCProps = NetSharingManager.NetConnectionProps(Item) bFound = true EveryConnection.EnableInternetFirewall next end sub function Initialize() DIM bReturn bReturn = FALSE set NetSharingManager = Wscript.CreateObject("HNetCfg.HNetShare.1") if (IsObject(NetSharingManager)) = FALSE then Wscript.Echo("Unable to get the HNetCfg.HnetShare.1 object") else if (IsNull(NetSharingManager.SharingInstalled) = TRUE) then Wscript.Echo("Sharing isn't available on this platform.") else bReturn = TRUE end if end if Initialize = bReturn end function function GetConnectionObjects() DIM bReturn DIM Item bReturn = TRUE if GetConnection(CONNECTION_PUBLIC) = FALSE then bReturn = FALSE end if if GetConnection(CONNECTION_PRIVATE) = FALSE then bReturn = FALSE end if if GetConnection(CONNECTION_ALL) = FALSE then bReturn = FALSE end if GetConnectionObjects = bReturn end function function GetConnection(CONNECTION_TYPE) DIM bReturn DIM Connection DIM Item bReturn = TRUE if (CONNECTION_PUBLIC = CONNECTION_TYPE) then set Connection = NetSharingManager.EnumPublicConnections(ICSSC_DEFAULT) if (Connection.Count > 0) and (Connection.Count < 2) then for each Item in Connection set PublicConnection = NetSharingManager.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection(Item) next else bReturn = FALSE end if elseif (CONNECTION_PRIVATE = CONNECTION_TYPE) then set Connection = NetSharingManager.EnumPrivateConnections(ICSSC_DEFAULT) if (Connection.Count > 0) and (Connection.Count < 2) then for each Item in Connection set PrivateConnection = NetSharingManager.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection(Item) next else bReturn = FALSE end if elseif (CONNECTION_ALL = CONNECTION_TYPE) then set Connection = NetSharingManager.EnumEveryConnection if (Connection.Count > 0) then set EveryConnectionCollection = Connection else bReturn = FALSE end if else bReturn = FALSE end if if (TRUE = bReturn) then if (Connection.Count = 0) then Wscript.Echo("No " + CStr(ConvertConnectionTypeToString(CONNECTION_TYPE)) + " connections exist (Connection.Count gave us 0)") bReturn = FALSE elseif (Connection.Count > 1) and (CONNECTION_ALL <> CONNECTION_TYPE) then Wscript.Echo("ERROR: There was more than one " + ConvertConnectionTypeToString(CONNECTION_TYPE) + " connection (" + CStr(Connection.Count) + ")") bReturn = FALSE end if end if GetConnection = bReturn end function function ConvertConnectionTypeToString(ConnectionID) DIM ConnectionString if (ConnectionID = CONNECTION_PUBLIC) then ConnectionString = "public" elseif (ConnectionID = CONNECTION_PRIVATE) then ConnectionString = "private" elseif (ConnectionID = CONNECTION_ALL) then ConnectionString = "all" else ConnectionString = "Unknown: " + CStr(ConnectionID) end if ConvertConnectionTypeToString = ConnectionString end function I think windows doesn't allow auto-changing of network settings. If so, what can i do to have the above VBS run silently. Thanks. prathapml
  7. Could somebody please add a switch for Abiword 2.x ? while the abiword-setup-2.0.1.exe /S, it still asks for language, which doesn't make it much of an unattended install. Also, Quick View Plus 7.0 gives absolutely no info about itself when you execute its setup with /?. It simply starts in normal mode. It is an installshield app. when run with -R no setup.iss is created in the windows dir. Thanks
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