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Vista x64 install file too big?
testazzo replied to spartaniz's topic in Unattended Windows Vista/Server 2008
Use commend: Imagex /Split install.wim install.swm 2000 then erase the install.wim file -
if you need to use ISO image, just split the install.win using the command: imagex.exe /split c:\dvd_build\sources\install.wim c:\dvd_build\sources\install.swm 2000 then remove the file c:\dvd_build\sources\install.wim Done
Hi, I have slim Ultimate with vLite, but sleep & hibernate STOP to working. Exactly, going in sleep, start to close all but immediately stat again the session. here is the vLite configuration: ; vLite preset file ; ;#Environment: ; vLite v1.2 ; Framework 2.0.50727.312 ; Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6000.0 64-bit ; ;#Target: ; Windows Vista ULTIMATE 64-bit Service Pack 1 ; Version 6.0.6001.18000 English (United States) ; [Compatibility] ACDSee / XnView Halo 2 KMPlayer Paint.NET Zoom Player DVD Treasury Hauppauge WinTV Logitech Setpoint DriveimageXML Aero Glass Internet Explorer Recommended Scanners and Cameras Windows Fax and Scan Windows Update [CustomHide] [Components] ;# Accessories # Disk Cleanup Games-Inbox Games Games-Premium Inbox Games Mobility Center Snipping Tool Speech Support Welcome Center Windows Sidebar and Gadgets ;# Drivers # Display adapters-Intel Display adapters-NVIDIA Diva Server Ethernet network adapters Modems Printers-Apollo Printers-Brother Printers-Canon Printers-Citizen Printers-Dell Printers-Diconix Printers-Epson Printers-Fuji Xerox Printers-Fujitsu Printers-Gestetner Printers-HP Printers-IBM Printers-Infotec Printers-Konica Printers-Konica Minolta Printers-Kyocera Mita Printers-Lanier Printers-Lexmark Printers-Minolta Printers-Minolta-QMS Printers-NEC Printers-NRG Printers-Oce Printers-Oki Printers-Okidata Printers-Olivetti Printers-Panasonic Printers-QMS Printers-Ricoh Printers-Samsung Printers-Savin Printers-Seikosha Printers-Sharp Printers-Sony Printers-Star Printers-Tally Printers-Tektronix Printers-Wipro ePeripherals Printers-Xerox QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter Scanners Sound controllers TV Tuners-ADS Technologies TV Tuners-ASUSTeK Computer Inc. TV Tuners-AVerMedia Technologies, Inc. TV Tuners-Compro Technology Inc. TV Tuners-Conexant Systems, Inc. TV Tuners-Creatix TV Tuners-Hauppauge TV Tuners-KNC ONE GmbH TV Tuners-KWorld TV Tuners-Lumanate, Inc. TV Tuners-Philips Semiconductors TV Tuners-Pinnacle Systems TV Tuners-TerraTec Electronic GmbH TV Tuners-VidzMedia Pte Ltd. TV Tuners-ViXS Systems Inc. ;# Languages # Arabic Brazillian Bulgarian Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Simplified Chinese Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Table Driven Text Input Processor Thai Traditional Chinese Turkish Ukrainian ;# Multimedia # Media Center Movie and DVD Maker Music and Video samples Sample Pictures Screensavers Shell event sounds Sound Recorder Windows Calendar ;# Network # Internet Information Services (IIS) Windows Collaboration ;# System # BitLocker Drive Encryption Crash Dump Support Digital Locker Disk Defragmenter Disk Quota IMAPIv2 Burning Support Malicious Software Removal Tool Microsoft Agent Natural Language Parental Controls Performance Counters Reliability and Performance Monitor Remote Differential Compression Removable Storage Management Run a legacy CPL elevated Security Center Software Quality Management (SQM) Sync Center Tablet PC User Account Control (UAC) Windows Backup Windows Defender Windows Easy Transfer Windows SAT (Performance Index) Windows Ultimate Extras Zip Folder [Options] DEP (Data Execution Prevention) = Disabled (AlwaysOff) User Account Control (UAC) = Disabled AntiSpyware Realtime Protection = Default AutoPlay = Enabled Paging Executive = Disabled Power scheme = High performance Power button = Default Sleep button = Default Hibernation = Default Control Panel - Classic View = Default Show hidden files and folders = Yes Show protected operating system files = No Show extensions for known file types = Yes IE Phishing Filter = Disabled IE Phishing Verification Ballon Tips = Disabled [services] AELOOKUPSVC = Manual BFE = Manual BITS = Manual CRYPTSVC = Manual CSCSERVICE = Manual DPS = Manual EMDMGMT = Manual IKEEXT = Manual IPHLPSVC = Manual KTMRM = Manual MPSSVC = Manual POLICYAGENT = Manual SAMSS = Manual SECLOGON = Manual SPOOLER = Manual SYSMAIN = Manual TERMSERVICE = Manual TRKWKS = Manual W32TIME = Manual WERSVC = Manual WUAUSERV = Manual [Protection] [Drivers] [unattended] [Hotfixes] [LanguagePacks]
Cannot install a language pack after vlite installation
testazzo replied to Colin MacLaren's topic in vLite
Maybe miss Component "Help & Support" -
just copy your winload.exe into root boot directory & rename it as NTLDR cheers WZ
HOWTO: Windows Vista x86 and x64 in the same DVD
testazzo replied to chon_'s topic in Multi-Boot CD/DVDs
Does NOT WORK for multilang & autopatched VERSION! You need to use vista build 5252 or older bootmgr & boot.ini !!! WZ -
Hi, You can use GimageX http://www.msfn.org/board/ipb_seo.php?url=...om%2Fgimagex%2F to Change the file "install.wim" where is defined distro name Cya
Add personal programs in WinPe env using Winpeshl.ini (see. http://www.msfn.org/board/alternative-cmdo...78#entry736778) Add personal distribution leaving intact the defaults creating "install_Windows Vista (vLite)ULTIMATE.clg"
SOLVED! The WinPE Enviroment is a PURE 64BIT so CMDOW, NIRCMD etc DOESN't WORK! To solve DEFINITELY the problem use AUTOIT: Forget STARTNET.CMD, instead create a file "Winpeshl.ini" ____________________________________________________________ [LaunchApp] AppPath = ShellExecuteWait.exe "Setup.cmd" "" "" "open" "SW_HIDE" ____________________________________________________________ Create a file Setup.cmd ____________________________________________________________ @echo off for %%a in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%a:\sources\setup.exe set CDROM=%%a: call %CDROM%\sources\$OEM$\Unattended1.cmd start /wait /realtime %CDROM%\sources\setup.exe call %CDROM%\sources\$OEM$\Unattended2.cmd ____________________________________________________________ Unattended1.cmd & Unattended2.cmd scripts taht can be used to load/unload drivers before start Setup! Compile the script (AutoIt) as 64 BIT ____________________________________________________________ ;ShellExecuteWait ( "filename" [, "parameters" [, "workingdir" [, "verb" [, showflag]]]] ) Select Case $CmdLine[5] = "SW_HIDE" ShellExecuteWait($CmdLine[1],$CmdLine[2], $CmdLine[3], $CmdLine[4], @SW_HIDE) Case $CmdLine[5] = "SW_MINIMIZE" ShellExecuteWait($CmdLine[1],$CmdLine[2], $CmdLine[3], $CmdLine[4], @SW_MINIMIZE) Case $CmdLine[5] = "SW_MAXIMIZE" ShellExecuteWait($CmdLine[1],$CmdLine[2], $CmdLine[3], $CmdLine[4], @SW_MAXIMIZE) Case $CmdLine[5] = "SW_SHOWNORMAL" ShellExecuteWait($CmdLine[1],$CmdLine[2], $CmdLine[3], $CmdLine[4], @SW_SHOWNORMAL) EndSelect ____________________________________________________________ put files in mounted WinPE startup image All done .....
What's the way to INCLUDE nircmdc.exe into WinPE? My problem is that cmdow.exe pr nircmd.exe CAN'T BE EXECUTED from STARTNET.CMD in a X64 WinPE Boot image !!!! Seems that's a Group Security Policy LOCK for files differents from HKLM\COMPONENTS\CanonicalData\Components Please HOW can I add my custom executable & run them in X64 WinPE Boot image? How can i create & add Components for wim files? Tnx
kTool (just another software selector)
testazzo replied to kenedy's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
here is the source .. good work (added FontType in config) Really easy to custmize kToolv1.2C.zip -
Hi all This is my solution without change anything in boot.wim <!-- Add Drivers --> <RunSynchronous> <RunSynchronousCommand> <Order>1</Order> <Path>cmd.exe /X /C "FOR %i IN (C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %i:\sources\pnpDrivers SET DriversRoot=%i:\&& start /W ..\Setup.exe"</Path> <Description>Aggiunta dei drivers PNP per iinstallazione</Description> </RunSynchronousCommand> </RunSynchronous> <!-- Run PErsonal procedure --> <RunSynchronous> <RunSynchronousCommand> <Order>2</Order> <Path>cmd.exe /X /C "FOR %i IN (C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %i:\sources\$OEM$\Install\PassoWinPE.cmd start /W %i:\sources\$OEM$\Install\PassoWinPE.cmd"</Path> <Description>Esecuzione al passo windowsPE</Description> </RunSynchronousCommand> </RunSynchronous> Cya
kTool (just another software selector)
testazzo replied to kenedy's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
1. Correct bug that make error in FileFolder if are more than 26 files 2. Add WindowMode to each section 3. Replace "regedit /s" with "regedit /s /i" that apply immediately the changes 4. Add a [PRE] type in FileFolder execution to execute personal program o switches before program TO BE TESTES!!!!! (ie. [preappend data] file.ext [parameters]) [PRE] Folder = .\mypath FolderFiles = msi FolderSwitch= ALLUSERS=TRUE REBOOT=SUPRESS CHECK_WGA=0 LAUNCHPROGRAM=0 LAUNCHSCAN=0 /QB- FolderCommand = PRE FolderPreCommand = msiexec /i WindowMode = Hide This is same as MSI [PRE] Folder = .\mypath FolderFiles = cmd FolderCommand = PRE FolderPreCommand = cmd.exe /c /K START /WAIT WindowMode = Hide kToolv1.2B.rar -
kTool (just another software selector)
testazzo replied to kenedy's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
I added some Varables to make Setup full localizzable ... [Config] ... ListTitle = RunningTitle = GUITitle = OverallProgress= SoftwareInstallation = & add a Progress Type "2" lite named ProgressType = 3 to install INI Files or Drivers, use this script install.cmd ------------ @echo off FOR %%f IN (*.inf) DO rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %%f,DefaultInstall ------------ for silent install I use ShelExec.exe /WAIT /ShowCmd:SW_HIDE install.cmd & this config.ini script .... [iNIFiles] Folder = .\INIFiles FolderFiles = exe FolderSwitch = ShelExec.exe /WAIT /ShowCmd:SW_HIDE install.cmd FolderCommand = RunWait ...... kToolv1.2.rar