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Posts posted by Shotgun
Not sure about INFs but this REG file could do what you need:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="cmd.exe /q /c copy /y \"%1\"\\*.* path-to-mapped-drive"INF would be? (wild guess)
HKCR, "Directory\shell\Backup\", "command", 0, "cmd.exe /q /c copy /y \"%1\"\\*.* path-to-mapped-drive"
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Got it!
Try this (TESTSSE2.BAT):
@echo off
chkcpu /v | findstr "SSE2" | findstr "No" > NUL
rem echo %errorlevel%
if not errorlevel 1 echo No SSE2 support! & goto end
if errorlevel 1 echo Processor supports SSE2! & goto end
:endWhat this does is that the output of chkcpu gets redirected to the first findstr, which finds the line with "SSE2", then that output gets redirected to the 2nd findstr which tests for "No" in the output of the previous command. This 2nd output is redirected to NUL so that nothing is displayed. If you want to check it you can remove the "> NUL" part.
The remark (REM) is to show the value returned. I commented it out in case you want to change something and test.
That single line outputs 0 if the SSE2 has a No and a 1 otherwise.
The following lines just test the value returned and echo the appropiate message.
Hope that helps!
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Long or short hair? (You prefer a lady to have...)
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nice! :
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Pretty much.
I believe the .Default key is what gets mapped to the Default User Profile (the one loaded when no one is logged). Remember that the Default user profile settings only get applied to NEW accounts created after the default profile is modified. Existing profiles won't get any changes.
I remember hearing from un4given1 that the HKEY_CURRENT_USER is really a "shortcut" to the HKEY_USERS\PID of the user who is logged on at that moment.
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Haven't seen many companies using that yet, except maybe that small company that nobody's heard of called Caterpiller...
Ever heard of... Stanley tools?
Very good points beumar. I believe the "S" thing could be reworked a little using some of beumar's advice.
BTW the S looks just like a snake.
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Not if the SSE2 line is ALWAYS in the same place (not checked it thou)which should make it hard to use that information since it will only toggle yes or no and the word "SSE2" will always be in that file.Even if the line changes, it would be a matter of searching for SSE2 then the YES or NO part. But as you mention, the CPUz maybe more useful for checking that.
As for the Intel Chipset, CPUZ, as you said, also detects the chipset but I cannot look for the word "INTEL" since the CPU is also described as INTEL ...Ok. But it also reports the Chipset and IDE Controller. That's the section I believe will help you most. It reports the manufacturer (INTEL) only in the IDE Controller section, but in the CHIPSET it reports the chipset version in the Northbridge? and Southbridge sections.
I guess something like"if exists SSE2 in file.txt then reg add ... SSE2 version "
"if not exists SSE2 in file.txt then reg add .... normal version"
But honestly, I don´t know the exact code. The above is just a wild guess .
I believe you would need to use FINDSTR (windows 2000/XP). It searches for a string within a text file. I'll keep searching for a quick way to use it for what you need.
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piña colada or margarita?
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mmmm. I remember seing this technique posted here in MSFN about a year ago.
Edit: Just checked. This technique has been discussed a LOT of times here in MSFN. Check previous years (2002-2003)
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Check these links:
This is a command line util. Output can be redirected to a file, then the file scanned to check what you need. The option most helpful for what you need is:
CHKCPU /V >> file.txt
This utility has a "ghost" mode that the output gets directed to text file.
you might want to try this:
cpuz -file=test.txt
It also detects the HW chipset.
For the Intel Chipset thing:
For identifying I know that Everest Home edition allows to write a hw report to a text file. Checking the text file could be a possible solution to your problem. Also, everest does not need to be installed to use it, you could run it on a hidden cmd windows from a cd folder, then (with cmd-line parameters) specify that the report be written to a text file. There are some members here, like un4given1, that are cmd-line gurus. If you need to check for a particular string in a text file, he might be able to help.
You may want to check this thread. I have an Intel Chipset, but I have not tried to do an Unattended install of the Intel drivers yet (mostly use UACDs for my work).
When you say the Intel disk drivers, you mean IDE drivers? Have you tried to extract the files from the setup.exe file with 7-zip? I checked mine, and I can extract the contents from the exe file.
Also, you might try and get a look at the My Drivers utility. This utility allows you to backup the drivers files you have installed on your system.
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that just explains wut the icon does, and also i want to find a way to completely remove it, i dont want to hide it, i do have a program that will get rid of it but i have to click it every time i log on and that gets annoying.
If you completely remove it, how are you going to unplug usb devices that are not hot-swappable?
BTW, you haven't specified if you are the ONLY person that's going to use that PC you want to remove the safe-remove icon.
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AM/FM or FM only? (radio)
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Ok people, I've got 6 invites for gmail.
Send me a PM to get your invite link.
Happy New Year to all MSFN members!
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CD or DVD? (Better storage medium) Mine: CDs. DVD get scratched ever so easily. Not "there" yet.
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baseball or basketball?
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I'm still ironing out some small details (like implementing the LIST function, as similar as possible to Firefox's BBCode)
The current file is included.
Check on Help->About Opera the Opera Directory (profile) directory used
Under that directory, there should be a menu subfolder
drop this file on that directory and whenever you find a TEXT area the BBCode menu should appear.
*Note: I changed most of the functions to use Cut & Insert instead of just Insert, the effect this will have is that if you want to quote something, you can copy it to the clipboard then select the quote item OR select some text and then click the quote item. Both ways it should work. The drawback is that the 2nd method will destroy whatever was in the Clipboard before using the function.
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Incredible. It helps to realize the magnitude of the disaster. Hair-raising
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morning or afternoon? (u like the most)
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Here's the same functionality for those using Opera:
bbCode & Pukiwiki Extension for Opera DISCOVERED
Edit: For those interested, I have a modified file that enhances the one mentioned in that URL. Somewhat easier to use.
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I don't know if this helps, but this thread mentions something awfully similar to what ripken204 mentions
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If you refer to "freeware", those are completely free (as in free beer), no strings attached software that you can download and keep. Some have use restrictions if you're planning to use them in a commercial or business environment.
On the other hand, if you refer to those "free-to-try" offers in many tech-sites, then the answer is "It depends". Most of them are just try-out versions or trials of commercial software. Some others are free software, but plagued by spyware or other nasties. Very few are true "FREE" software (freeware) offers. Better be prepared with a good AV, firewall and spyware checking software.
As for "free" webcams and stuff: well if you are lucky enough to get a hold of those "free" things they say they're gonna send you, most of the time they are of very low quality and you will feel pilfered for wasting your time on such things. As a wise man said: "there is no such thing as a free lunch".
My 2 cents.
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Definitely Unattended
Money or Happiness? (which is better)
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Yep I know. Been there...
I once had a fairly heated "discussion" about the virtues of IE alternatives. Opera being the one I use the most. NOW (about a year later) many people have learned to use Opera and the new kid on the block: Firefox.
Now that thread is NOWHERE to be found in the forums (was deleted) and the members who insulted me (and felt insulted) are nowhere to be seen. Ironic!
whats the best way to make a rightclick Menu entry
in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
What about xcopy /E ?