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Posts posted by rehbar

  1. I can change logo of xp text but i could not change fonts, style and background color... How can and if by resorce hacker then where this information is placed?

  2. Do sothing which i tell you.

    1. At run prompt type cmd and click on ok.

    2. Open my computer and click on tool and see folder option is apear?

    if folder option not apear or after runing cmd command it restart computer then there is virus in your system...

  3. Hello users

    I want's to that nlite automatically delete partation c:\ , then create it and then format it with ntfs support. I only want;s to delete c:\ partation all other partation remain safe. Wahat i do with .sif file? :ph34r:

  4. Use resorce hacker to changin boot screenof any os like 2k xp , 2003....

    Note: ... copy ntoskrnl.exe and ntkrnlmp.exe orignal files form xp cd. They will be in ex_ form so rename them to .ex_ to .cab and then extract them and then open in resorce hacker.

    Use your 16 coulors bmp pitcure to replace xp logo. The first black screen will boot screen so you have to replace it. Then save it and

    by makecab command make theire cabnets one by one and rename them .cab to .ex_ .

    Copy theses filese into i386 folder of xp. and use nlite and disable windows file protection. Then instal xp it will use your custom boot screen.

    Try and pm me if work

  5. Can we edit WINNTBBA.DLL file. And will same mathed will work for it too as for WINNTBBU.DLL ?

    Also why not it edit 4bit background and others.. This will appear when we install xp into Pentium4 or in that

    Computer which XP have no driver for it's VGA lik intel845, intel865, intel915 or nvidia nforce etcc..

  6. ok and thanks Murman and for your information "nitroshift" take in mind that ther is Winxp manager is too for showing this tweak. My Question is file not tweak..

  7. Hi end users and advance users....

    I want's to know that which file show Windows Version on desktop in Win XP. I want's to know file name not regestry name....

    If there is no file then where from it obtain version information to show on desktop?

    Which file add this registry ?

  8. who uses windows 98 anymore.. you realize we are in 2006 right?

    idiott get lost from here. :realmad:

    If you dislike then ask microsoft don't use msdos startup files to start 2000, 2003 XP , Vista text based setup :thumbup and also ask to motheboard menufacturer to recover bios don't use msdos to recover it. :thumbup

    If you can't do it then get lost with dull mind from this form. :realmad:

    Msdos and windows 98 need of every one and perhaps remain as floppy is need of every one. :whistle:

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