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  1. Ya I saw your screenshot using the chaninja theme. It's a great theme (I actually like the screensaver that comes with the theme) I agree, those icons would look pretty cool!
  2. Thanks! I completely understand about the language problems. For now you can always just use GUI Replacer (but it still doesn't have that many shell packs, because I've only seen one person creating modules for it at http://fizical.deviantart.com/ ) If GUIR becomes big, I bet you will see a lot more shell packs. (GUIR is the program that is language independent)
  3. Hey! I was working on a small FAQ for Shell Packs , and it turned out to be useful to a few poeple, so I'm just sharing it around the net and hope it helps! (I'll try to keep it updated). This FAQ is hosted at 4 sites, and if you want a copy, just let me know. Thanks! [FAQ]Shell Pack Last Updated: June 25 2004, 01:30(EST) Q. What is a Shell Pack? A. In simple words, it involves changing a lot of icons on your system by replacing your current files (including system files) with files from the shell pack. The files being replaced will change for ALL users on the system. Q. Why sometimes Shell Packs are called "Lite" A. Most of the time when a shell pack is called lite, it means that it usually involves a few files that simply replace the main icons. Q. Then, what is considered a full shell pack? A. In addition to the main icons it would also contain the following: AVIs: animations that show up when moving, deleting, copying, etc. BMPs: usually those cover the toolbar icons, the icons in those wizards (printer, hardware, etc.), the "about" window, the system property window, etc. System Tray Icons [usually rare] Visual Styles: you need to have a patched uxtheme.dll or sometimes those shell packs include it Q. Is the shell Pack safe to install? A. There is always a risk with applying a shell pack. The risk is due to the inconsistencies between the file versions from the shell pack and the file version from your system. Most problems arise when the file version in the shell pack is older from the one on your system. In addition, there is the obvious risk of downloading files from the Internet to replace your system files. Q. What files are being replaced? A. It depends on the author of the shell pack, some packs could replace only one file (usually shell32.dll), other packs could replace well over 60 files. Q. How do I know which files are being replaced? A. Most packs don't have an installer script, so you can actually view the files that need to be replaced (Read below on how to replace system files). The shell packs that have an installer script, well you can open the installer script using notepad and take a look at which files it is changing. The installer script usually has a .bat extension unless they are using a program to replace the files (such as replacer), then the list of files replaced would be located in a text file (.txt extension) Q. I downloaded a shell pack, now how do I replace the system files? A. WARNING: Replacing your system files can mess up your system. So proceed at your OWN risk. Before anything create a folder "BackupFiles" and place all the files that you plan on replacing. So hopefully you can revert back to them in case of a problem! 01. Grab Replacer Program 02. Extract the files. 03. Copy the files (data & replacer) 04. Locate the folder with the "hacked" system files 05. Paste the data & replacer files in the aforementioned folder 06. Create a txt file with the files that you want to replace (something like the following): 07. What you did earlier was create a list of files to tell Replacer to change.08. Drag the txt file and drop it over the replacer file. 09. It will ask you if you wish to replace the files you listed. Say yes and wait! 10. Now you will have patched the files 11. The most important step now is to rebuild your icons (reboot if needed). 12. This can be done by using Microsoft's PowerToy TweakUI Download Here 13. Once you download/install it, click repair -> repair icons 14. The beauty of the replacer program is that it backups the files to file.backup 15. Very rare, but some files just won't work, so just boot into safe mode and use follow the steps again 16. There are several other ways to replace your system files. You can check Iceman's Tutorials here Q. You mentioned file version inconsistencies, what is that? A. The easiest way to explain this, open up the folder with the files. Select View -> Details. Again Select View-> Choose Details -> Check File Version. You should be able to see the file versions. I recommend creating a spreadsheet to compare the file versions of the files being replaced with the files on your system. Something similar to this spreadsheet. Q. Some packs have tons of files, do you really expect me to cross verify them? A. I've decided that for almost all of the shell packs that will be released at <<spam>>.net, I will try to make a spreadsheet with their file versions asap. In other words, you will have no excuse not to check the file versions of your system files against the shell pack files! Thanks to BudMan, he introduced me to a great software that will print to txt the contents of a folder (including name and file version) check it out here. Thus, download that program, print the name and file version of your system files. Sort them, and just plug them into the spreadsheet file. If you have a newer file than the system pack, I recommend that you don't replace that file Q. How do I uninstall a shell pack? A. Depends on the shell pack. Some come with an uninstall script. So just use that. If it fails, you can use the replacer program and just revert back to your files. You can also just use the system file checker tool. Insert the Windows CD, go to start -> run -> Type cmd -> sfc /scannow Q. Where can I find some shell packs & which ones do you recommend? A. I like the G.A.N.T 2 shell pack by ЀVÌ£ Ïñ Ðì§gû燎 & Crystal Pack by dlb. You can find other packs at: (please take note that some of those packs were created a while ago so their file versions WILL differ from yours!) 01. Preducer's Collection of Shell Packs (includes almost all of the shell packs out there) recommended 02. dlb's Crystal Shell Pack 03. Crystal Shell Pack by MavisXP & Fizical 04. flyakite's OSX Shell Pack 05. iceman's OSX Shell Pack 06. Rivak's Collection of Shell Packs (BeOS, Fedora, Lush & Bluecurve) 07. Kasteo's Noia Shell Pack 08. MPAMPOULAS Collection of Shell Packs (Gartoon & Smooth Metal) 09. ЀVÌ£ Ïñ Ðì§gû燎's G.A.N.T 2 shell pack 10. afix's G.A.N.T Shell Pack 11. Stinger12348's Gorilla shell pack 12. ЀVÌ£ Ïñ Ðì§gû燎's iCandy Junior shell pack 13. CustomXP's Shell collection (GANT, SnowE 2, SnowE, Crystal, Umicons, Gorilla/Orilla, Umicons/Orilla, etc)(note: French ONLY) 14. Hardware Geek's Shell Collection (includes:Crystal , Gant, IYAZOO, Mxx, Snow E, Tux n'tush, Umicons, XP iCandy,etc.) ... Q. Are there other methods to change your system files? A. Yes. You can always buy Icon Packager( from stardock) and use their icons packages. You can also download the Free GUI Replacer and apply its icon packages. Give both of them a try, you might like them. Q. What is GUI Replacer? A. Similarly, as with shell packs, the program replaces the system files. However, it is language and file version independent (in other words, it doesn't matter if you are using English SP1 or French w/o SP1,etc.). The icon packages for GUI Replacer are called Modules. You can pretty much say that the modules are the same thing with the shell packs, but they don't have the aforementioned inconsistencies. Q. Where can I find modules? A. The best resource is: Fizical's Website. Q. What about Icon Packager? A. Probably the safest option you have. It also enjoys the largest pool of icon packages. In addition, there is no need to backup, because it has an option to load the default icons. It also acts as a icon librarian (really nice feature). However, at this current time, it doesn't change system tray icons, toolbar icons, animations. On the other hand, using stardock's other software (WindowBlinds, ObjectBar, etc.), you can then change the visual style, AVIs, BMPs, etc. and obtain a much more "complete" visual change. (The entire object desktop software costs ~$50) Q. Where can I find icon packages for Stardock's Icon Packager? A. Try http://www.wincustomize.com/ or http://www.guiolympics.com Q. Which method do you like? A. It doesn't matter. I find an icon package that I like and then just install it (be it using IP, GUIR, shell packs, etc) . I also try to find icon packages that match certain visual styles, in order to obtain a more "complete" visual change. Q. How can I view the icons inside those .dll files? A. Use an icon viewer program. I like IconShop (freeware) Q. What if I wanted to create a shell pack? How do I hack the system files? (brief overview) A. Well, first of all: 01. You would need to use a program that can hack the resources (icons, videos, sounds, etc.). 02. You can use Restorator (shareware) or Resource Hacker (freeware). 03. You would need to find the icons (or create them yourself) that you wish to replace with the default ones. 04. Copy all the system files that you wish to edit to a new folder. Here is a good list of possible files to hack 05. Then, use the program you downloaded (restorator or resource hacker) and start overwriting the files. Q. So I downloaded Resource Hacker, can you be a little more specific on how to use it?by hush66 A. The following procedure will make use of shell32.dll: Q. How can I update a shell pack? (almost all the files are different from mine) A. Well, you will have to extract all the resources from the old one and overwrite the extracted resources to the new system files. This will be an almost similar process to the aforementioned question (see question above). Credits Major thanks to hush66 & Fizical!, and the rest of the crowd that helped make this a better FAQ (including BudMan, psgamer0921, ...) Fizical (the creator of many GUIR modules) suggested that someone should make a Shell Pack FAQ, so I wrote it up real quick. If you have any feedback, I would appreciate it. Thanks!
  4. you can grab for free eTrust EZ Antivirus & firewall from here: http://www.my-etrust.com/microsoft/index.cfm
  5. About a few weeks ago, I was asking myself the same question. In all honesty, both are pretty good. I used WD in the past and I decided to go with maxtor this time around (one touch series 120gb).
  6. Glad to hear that! A few things: 1. When you first get your T41, call up ibm and request the "recovery" CDs. They are free if you call within 30 days from the day your bought the laptop. 2. IBM eats up some chunk from the HD because they actually create a partition and store those aforementioned recovery CDs in it. (basically, if for some reason, your laptop just won't start, there is a button you can click and it brings up a menu where you can restore everything back to the first day you got the laptop) On my system it took up about 5GBs. 3. There are several excellent ways to keep your system updated -IBM Update Connector (simply updates your computer w/o the need for you to know what version the drivers/softwares are.) -IBM Software Installer (it displays your current software versions, and shows you the versions on the IBM website, you will have to figure out which ones you should download) -IBM Matrix Driver Downlods (this is online, where you go online and basically download everything manually and check the versions manually) -IBM Automated Solutions (basically a wannabe tech support) 4. If you do call, and if this is your first IBM. Mention that you are a first time buyer and you heard you are eligible for a 20% discount! (on the express models, you might not have that luxury, but sometimes the sales rep. gives you 5%). Regardless, it doesn't hurt to try! A while back a very nice person wrote a FAQ on T40s (which is almost the same for to T41s) http://www.aaltonen.us/forums/viewtopic.php?t=9 Congrats!
  7. I recommend an IBM T41. I have a T40 and it is by far one of the best laptops you can ever own. I also wanted to mention I was a big fan of touchpad until I bought my first IBM and started using the trackpoint. It is actually a lot faster for me! Search google and you'll find various laptop reviews. Again, I don't think you can go wrong with an IBM (you have 3yrs warranty).
  8. I'm surprised no one mentioned Nikons! They are excellent!. My best suggestion is to first figure out what you want in a camera. Then if you have the chance go to a camera store and take a look at several cameras. You have to like the "look and feel" of a camera to feel comfortable with it. I have a casio, and my choices were primarily based on dimensions, weight, LCD screen size & picture quality.
  9. for your first post.. that looks pretty good Shun Di!
  10. Just to let you aware of something, always check the Affiliates area of websites. You'll notice MSFN & TZ are on each other's list. Also, since most websites use same type of content management system, forum system, etc. most of them tend to have the same look & feel. Especially since most themes are avaiable for free online. It gets worse when you start looking at hosting services, most of them use several already made templates. So they end up looking all the same. (Having already said that, I too use a CMS, but it is a lot easier than actually taking the time to start something from scratch) Hope that helps. (oh ya msfn was here before tz)
  11. 01. Make sure all computers are connected to the network. In other words, make sure each computer can actually see the other computer. 02. Share the printer from your main computer (you can even specify a password). Goto Control Panel -> Printer Settings -> Right Click on the printer -> Share it 03. (restart and do all that stuff) - thou I doubt it is needed 04. Go to your secondary computers, and add your printer (control panel -> printers -> add printer) It should start installing the printer drivers 05. Everything should be working (by the way, I have the same setup! three computers with one connected to a printer over a linksys wireless network)
  12. I usually don't post here anymore, but I had to say something. TSF, you are the reason WMP has "great" skins !
  13. ouch! hahah
  14. FthrJack now sits around and looks pretty!
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