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Everything posted by Jeronimo
@Junior2613: that is very strange, which Windows edition are you trying this on? Ultimate x64 RTM? It also matters where you got it asmaybe it has already been modified by someone else.
@Junior2613: You have to try a bit more, it is not that difficult (otherwise you are in the wrong forum in my opinion). As I said one of the last (6) packages prior to the error. That means you disable the last 3, test removal packages. If it works properly then re-enable 1 of those 3 step-by-step. Otherwise disable the 1st 3 as well, check again. If ok, then re-enable the last 3 again, check again. Etc., etc. Just remember to discard the image ievery time (you can always cancel by ctrl-c). This should narrow it down for you.
@Junior2613: I have note made any changes to this part only updated the usage of the edition-parameter. The package you are referring to is the 6th on the list. One of the last packages to go correct is most likely the one causing issues for the rest. It would be pretty easy for you to disable these and see which one causes this issue.
I updated my removal batch-file in my topic here. I added the fixreg part, but your preparation can not be added I think. You can create a batch file removal_custom.bat: @echo off REM Initialising environment variables (check for your usage) REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM Windows codebase: amd64, x86 or empty (determine from %DVD%\setup.exe) set cb= REM Windows 7 build set build=7600 REM Sub version set svn=16385 REM Pre-part (the same for all Windows 7 builds?) set pre=31bf3856ad364e35 REM Image edition (Starter, HomeBasic, HomePremium, Professional or Ultimate) set edition=HomePremium REM Obsolete - Image Index (pre-vLite: 1 HomeBasic/Starter, 2 Home Premium, 3 Professional, 4 Ultimate) set II=2 REM Remove Microsoft.NET (C for complete removal, V to keep vLite working or K to keep) set remove.NET=V REM Folder of updates to be integrated set updateloc=C:\Updates REM Extenstion of the updates to be integrated (msu, cab or * for all/both) set update.ext=* REM Folder of drivers to be integrated set driverloc=C:\Drivers REM Language to be integrated set lang=en-US set langcode=0409 REM Program location intlcfg.exe (WAIK) set intlcfg=C:\intlcfg.exe REM Location Language pack and extracted files for Localised Setup set langloc=C:\lng REM DVD & sources-folder containing install.wim (and dism.exe) set DVD=C:\ISO REM Folder for mount (Dism/Imagex) or Root (Imagex) set mount=C:\Mount REM Imagex set imagex="C:\imagex.exe" REM Dism set dism="%sources%\dism.exe" REM Command for install WIM tweak REM ----------------------------- set iwt=install_wim_tweak.exe /p %mount% /m REM Initialisation part 2 call removal.bat init2 REM Prepares a working environment if "%1"=="prep" goto prep goto end REM Preparation for everything REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :prep md "%DVD%" md "%driverloc%" md "%langloc%" xcopy "%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\tools\%cb%\imagex.exe" %SystemDrive%\imagex.exe xcopy "%ProgramFiles%\Windows AIK\tools\%cb%\intlcfg.exe" %SystemDrive%\intlcfg.exe if "%cb%" == "amd64" ( xcopy sausageHack.ini "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\vLite\presets\SausageHack.ini" ) else ( xcopy sausageHack.ini "%ProgramFiles%\vLite\presets\SausageHack.ini" ) goto end :end Best would be to run "removal_custom.bat prep", but "removal.bat prep" would also work: The 1st command would set parameters, call removal.bat with init2 to set the remaing stuff, then continue withprep in removal_custom.bat. The 2nd would set parameters, perform init2 part, run removal.bat with prep and do the above again. Downside: if Mount-folders differ from the 2 batch-files, then both would be created.
@dridzz: maybe you are using an older batch file. I knew there was an action that did not have the mount performed, otherwise I can not explain this. I updated the batch-file. Along with the mentioned changes I also added the fixreg from SausageHack's Guide. If mine is too complex and you want a more detailed guide, then check out his.
Thanks, for x86 I would recommend following 1 of the other guides from Sausagehack or dead0 as this is untested by me (my should work, but untested).
No problem. So you changed nothing beside x86/amd64 and additional options for prep and fixreg?
Sure, that is the reason why I posted here. See my previous post and let me know.
I do not mind you post your guide with my alterations, but please keep in mind I try to keep it flexible. If you put in fixed parameters, then someone might not be able to use it. Where I always use %mount%, you put C:\Mount in the fixreg at the bottom. Maybe I can include some additional options, so that you can use your options together with my removal batch-file. That also keeps it easy to maintain for you. You have to point out what changes you made, otherwise I would have to dig thrue the whole thing.
@Jedi-to-be: ok, bold was just a reminder to myself and notice to important components, not ok means not completely removed by vLite and keep for your Windows 7 edition is self explanatory. I am under the strong impression, that driver integration does not work with dism. I think for this I will stick with vLite the next time. Right now I have re-installed my C-drive for the 1st time since build 7137 and so far I am loving it. RTM takes up 3.89GB with everything installed. I do have a minimal of applications installed as I am a happy user those portable apps or at least those that do not require installation. Those are on my D-drive, which do not even take up 400MB including My documents.
I already used this tool and it provided valuable information for my removal batch-file.
Take it easy guys, stick to the discussion and I do not think there will be an issue. If you walk the path of where did you get..., then I bet there will be a lock on it. I would like to see some numbers on how much you are able to reduce the image and installation.
If you are doing to manual mount, then make sure it is the same mount-dir as set in removal.bat. Also make sure the wimfilter is installed (vLite requests this upon first run) and that you are using imagex from the Windows Vista AIK. I have not had good experiences with dism and imagex from Windows 7 AIK. The only application I might support with the partly .NET removal (vLIte) is install_wim_tweak as this seems broken by .NET removal. Other than that it is not supported: if you want to keep .NET keep it (K), if you want it removed use the options presented (V/C).
@Junior2613: if you already have a mount and get errors on the package-removal, I suggest you test again and let the removal batch do the mount @liquid0624: system32 is for the 64-bit files, SysWOW64 for the 32-bit files (open up a file in notepad and look for processorArchitecture).
@trickstar: I know these files are used by BITS, but I have not had an update on Windows Update where I can test that it does not break functionality. I might remove these if I can verify it for now I included it in the removal batch, but not activated yet (see BITS related files). Only things that I might change is the addition of setting ownership (if someone can provide details on which files, during the removal stage) and maybe a set of command to aid users in the guide SausageHack provided here.
I am going to update the removal.bat shortly. I would recommend grabbing that 1 when it is available. Would be even better to have your modifications clearly marked and add them per default. However it is not necessary to add imagex to the dir of the removal, it does require less changes to the batchfile.
@Jedi-to-be: could you use an image after vLite component removal, remove the "@echo off line"/ownership-commands (takeown/icacls) in removal.bat and run the cleanup stage for me as following? removal.bat cleanup > errors3.txt 2>&1 Zip the file errors3.txt and post it here if you can.
Saw your guide, have not read it completely, in stead of reg file, you could use the following command: reg delete HKLM\wim\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\{98D99750-0B8A-4c59-9151-589053683D73} I keep my removal batch-file up to date in the topic Windows 7 x64 vLite "extreme removal". There were some errors/issues in previous releases. From what I see: double quote missing after .log Maybe if you mark your changes, you can easily add them or maybe I will (not sure if it is just the prep-section). I would not keep to seperate removals for x86 and x64, they nearly always need to make changes to the file anyway.
Access denied means the operation cannot be performed. Considering we aer trying to remove redundant files, I am not sure they are all removed. But if you are happy, then I am happy. I have no issues with removing files, just trying to help you guys out.
@Jedi-to-be: the tweak needs to be run only once per image id and judging by the short time it runs I doubt it handles access for all files. However with the commands I gave you the files in winsxs are made available, I thought this was the issue you and dcatcher had. If you can provide more explicit information on which files (or folders) give access denied, then I can provide a better solution (or use the commands on the complete image). Do this without my previous solution, because I would like to know which folders are an issue, for the sake of performance and reliability I do not want to handle every file/folder in the image.
@Jedi-to-be: wow that are 29 packages less out of the box and still the IE package related to html-support present. WOuld love to get my hands on that version @dcatcher: I only tried x64 with imagex under Windows 7, I could include an ownership of the files if it is just winsxs try adding the following just after mount of image under cleanup: takeown /f "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*" >nul takeown /f "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_*" /r >nul icacls "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*" /grant Administrators:F /q >nul icacls "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_*" /grant Administrators:F /q /t >nul This might take quite a bit more time, but check if this resolves your issues. I might ad it as an option later on.
@Jedi-to-be: Should work right away, although you might get some errors on none removable packages and non-existing files. For drivers see the removal.bat and remove the appropriate sections. With my guide you would not need Windows features anymore, that is part of the idea. What I would like to know about the N-edition is weither you can use the IE-tab plugin within Firefox. If so I would most definetely want that one. I know what it is supposed to be "missing", however I have not heard any news on an N-edition for Windows 7, only on the E-edition with the Browser-selection. @awalraja/Junior2613: with the old removal.bat yes, but see the new one, use edition. @dcatcher: I have heard others before about this, but the only issues I am having with access denied is with the folders under Users\Public\Documents. I have no UAC activated, so I need not use the elevated prompt, not usre if that might be an issue.
@awalraja: mentioning of files required means you add files to the "protect files" in vLite yourself. Windows picture viewer was also broken for me, I could not find out what component or pacakge it was and as I have a good enough replacement (IrfanView) I let it go. For Windows Media Player I use Media Player Classic Home Cinema (although others prefer mplayerc, VLC).
@dcatcher: do not remove the language packages, they are automatically removed when you remove a component. Do not use dism to mount the image as it does not work properly in combination with install wim tweak. Finally the index is indeed not handy, I will try and change it to use the edition. Also the language code is for seondary languages only not for primary en-US, this might break it as well.
@dcatcher/Junior2613: what Windows edition are you performing this on? I do not know which packages you keep (do not remove), maybe this is the reason without more information I can not tell: for instance do you keep the Snipping Tool package and remove Game Explorer with vLite, then this could be the reason?