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Everything posted by cool400
Hi, take a look here: http://nlite.marcin-lisson.de/addons Best regards cool400
Could you please post an example of what you did exactly?
Avira Antivir 8 Free - complete silent and unattended!
cool400 replied to cool400's topic in Application Installs
Hi you all, sorry for y my late reply! I've implemented the blocking for the annoying popup Maybe I will find a better way by replacing the avnotify.exe automatically with with a dummy, but by now it works with a registry-hack. Best regards cool400 -
Thanks a lot - this is really smooth I would like to include this in my WPI-DVD, but how could I manage this? Is it possible to make an SFX like this: EDIT: hmmm...doesn't seem to work Maybe something's wrong with the path ".\install.inf" at the "rundll32.exe"-command? Best regards cool400
Direct-link doesn't work, use this instead: http://www.kifoth.de/jane/html/home.html Regards cool400
Windows XP Unattended Install
cool400 replied to TheReasonIFail's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
I already had this in my WINNT.SIF: [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents="Yes" [Identification] JoinWorkgroup="ARBEITSGRUPPE" But I still get this screen: Any ideas? Best regards Mischa -
Windows XP Unattended Install
cool400 replied to TheReasonIFail's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Thanks for your reply! My (german) workgroup is named "ARBEITSGRUPPE" - should I use this name instead of "MSHOME"? And does anyone know if there's a way to tell nLite to change the WINNT.SIF that way instead of doing this myself? Best regards cool400 -
Windows XP Unattended Install
cool400 replied to TheReasonIFail's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
For me it's the same, but I want to be asked every time before Windows installs - this way I can choose the partition(-size). But wait: if I think about my last installs, I always partitioned my HDD before with Paragon Hard-Disk-Manager. And I never installed Windows on another drive as C: So, if there's a way to circumvent this step and let XP be always installed on an existing drive C: I would maybe use it too But I've got another "problem": while my nLited Windows XP installs, anytime at T-39 (or so, it's a the network-screen) I'm asked about the computer-name and the domain (so it has to be while network got installed)! The strange thing is, that I already filled in a computer-name in nLite, which is as well shown on the screen. I only left the domain empty because I'm not connected to a domain. Is there a way to avoid this window? It's the only thing that's missing for my fully unattended XP-CD. Best regards cool400 -
XP Completed Setup Billboards
cool400 replied to mazin's topic in Setup Billboard Screens for Windows
Hi Stoner, I recommend that you simply replace your old WINNTBBU.DL_ in your nLite-Source-Folder (the file must be located under "I386") with the one you built yourself! To get the DL_-file from the DLL-file simply open the command-prompt in the folder, where your custom-made WINNTBBU.DLL is located and type "makecab WINNTBU.DLL" (edited, accidently I wrote a wrong command!). Right after the command finished you will find your compressed WINNTBBU.DL_ which you can use like described above. Best regards cool400 -
@Jygoro,Acheron I don't know if %InnoSetupPath% is read from the registry - but I had the same problem that only the first part of a path containing spaces was read. This is the solution (replace registry-paths with the right ones for Inno): FOR /F "SKIP=2 USEBACKQ TOKENS=3" %%i IN (`REG QUERY "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyEnable`) DO SET InnoSetupPath=%%i Best regards cool400
Could anyone confirm that I've used the right syntax? ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" RunProgram="\"%%T\\basic\\setup.exe\" /inf=\"%%T\\setup.inf\"" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c \"reg add \"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers\0\Paths\{0e9e68b9-1b29-48f9-8b44-881f89903609}\" /v Description /t REG_SZ /d \"Start des Antivir-Notifiers unterbinden\" /f\"" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c \"reg add \"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers\0\Paths\{0e9e68b9-1b29-48f9-8b44-881f89903609}\" /v SaferFlags /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f\"" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c \"reg add \"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers\0\Paths\{0e9e68b9-1b29-48f9-8b44-881f89903609}\" /v ItemData /t REG_SZ /d \"D:\\Programme\\Avira\\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\\avnotify.exe\" /f\"" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c \"reg add \"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\" /v avgnt /t REG_SZ /d \"\"D:\\Programme\\Avira\\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\\avgnt.exe\" /min /nosplash\" /f\"" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c \"xcopy avdummy.exe \"D:\\Programme\\Avira\\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\\avnotify.exe\" /R /Y\"" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c \"xcopy avdummy.exe \"D:\\Programme\\Avira\\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\\avnotify.dll\" /R /Y\"" InstallPath="C:\\WinXP\\Temp\\Avira" ;!@InstallEnd@! I ask this because it seems that the last REG-command and the XCOPY-commands don't work Best regards cool400
Hi folks, I've made another little tiny script (like used by my Antivir8-AOM) for the Bullzip PDFPrinter, which seems to be a good alternative for the also free available PDFCreator as some people said, it has better results in quality and size of the produced PDFs! What does the script do? First it asks if you would like to create only a 7Zip-SFX-archive (for the use with WPI, Xplode or simply silent-installation) or an nLite-/RyanVM-addon. Then it downloads two little TXT-files from my server including the always up-to-date URLs for downloading Bullzip PDFPrinter and Ghostscript (needed for Bullzip). After this the both setups are downloaded, extracted and re-compressed as a 7Zip-SFX with silent-parameters (and the Bullzip-icon ) and optionally an nLite-/RyanVM-addon is built. The PDFPrinter installs to %programfiles%, Ghostscript to %systemroot%\GS. Here you can download the script: Bullzip PDFPrinter Maybe I will modify the script to let you choose if you would like to install only Bullzip PDFPrinter (where Ghostscript HAS to be installed, because otherwise the installer wants to download it!), only Ghostscript or both together (status-quo). I would be really glad about your feedback! Made: 17.05.2008, MD5-Checksum: D78C7A4E963AAF708D4FE6A93CD5BE21 Best regards cool400 B)
Hi zLord, have you already seen this instruction? Take a look at the "$OEM$"-part, there you will find a download-link (the first one) - simply follw the instructions...and here you go! Best regards cool400
@radix,benners Before I open a new thread I would like to ask you something. I really like the idea to modify Inno-setups to fit my needs, e.g. turning off assistants and deleting shortcuts etc. But now I found a really difficult setup, that seems to be impossible for me to be modified: Agnitum Outpost Security Suite PRO 2008! I've extracted the setup with innounp 0.23+ (see above) and got the setup-script and a lot of files in different folders. To make a long story short: even without changing anything in the ISS-file I get several errors when (re-)compiling the script about not existing files [Files] Source: {code_GetDest}\lic-oss,2.en; DestDir: {code:GetDest}; DestName: lic-oss.en; Flags: dontcopy Source: {code_GetDest}\lic-oss,3.en; DestDir: {code:GetDest}; DestName: lic-oss.en; Flags: dontcopy Source: {code_GetDest}\lic-oss,4.en; DestDir: {code:GetDest}; DestName: lic-oss.en; Flags: dontcopy Source: {code_GetDest}\zlib,2.dll; DestDir: {code:GetDest}; DestName: zlib.dll; AfterInstall: UpdateComponentControl; Flags: restartreplace overwritereadonly uninsrestartdelete ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\w2k\afw,2.sys; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\w2k; DestName: afw.sys; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\w2k\afwcon,2.exe; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\w2k; DestName: afwcon.exe; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\w2k\afwmod,2.exe; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\w2k; DestName: afwmod.exe; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\wlh\afw,2.sys; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\wlh; DestName: afw.sys; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\wlh\afwcon,2.exe; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\wlh; DestName: afwcon.exe; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\wlh\afwmod,2.exe; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\wlh; DestName: afwmod.exe; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\wxp\afw,2.sys; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\wxp; DestName: afw.sys; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\wxp\afwcon,2.exe; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\wxp; DestName: afwcon.exe; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\wxp\afwmod,2.exe; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\chk\wxp; DestName: afwmod.exe; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\w2k\afw,2.sys; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\w2k; DestName: afw.sys; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\w2k\afwcon,2.exe; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\w2k; DestName: afwcon.exe; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\w2k\afwmod,2.exe; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\w2k; DestName: afwmod.exe; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\wlh\afw,2.sys; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\wlh; DestName: afw.sys; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\wlh\afwcon,2.exe; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\wlh; DestName: afwcon.exe; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\wlh\afwmod,2.exe; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\wlh; DestName: afwmod.exe; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\wxp\afw,2.sys; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\wxp; DestName: afw.sys; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\wxp\afwcon,2.exe; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\wxp; DestName: afwcon.exe; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\wxp\afwmod,2.exe; DestDir: {code:GetUserTempDir}\sdi\i386\Targets\free\wxp; DestName: afwmod.exe; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetDest}\SandBox.cat; DestDir: {code:GetDest}; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetDest}\SandBox.inf; DestDir: {code:GetDest}; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetDest}\ASWFilt.cat; DestDir: {code:GetDest}; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetDest}\ASWFilt.inf; DestDir: {code:GetDest}; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly Source: {code_GetDest}\VBFilt.cat; DestDir: {code:GetDest}; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion uninsremovereadonly ...just to name some of them! The strange thing is: nearly all of the claimed files exist - either in another folder or with a slightly modified name (e.g. afwmod,1.exe instead of afwmod,2.exe) BTW, I didn't know that commas are allowed in file-names? Also there seems to be two parameters in the [setup]-sections that Inno doesn't know: [Setup] ArchitecturesAllowed: x86= ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode: x64= If you've got some suggestions maybe a mod could move this posting to a new thread so that we can keep on discussing there! Best regards and thanks a lot cool400
@johndoe74 Thanks for your addon! As I already have asked in another thread: is it possible to have a look "over your shoulder" to see, how you are building your addons? I mean, which (AutoIt-)scripts you are using and which method and comments for SFXing the files into one EXE-file. Knowing this I may be able to modify your addons to fit my needs, e.g. changing the language to German or changing paths etc. Best regards cool400
@radix,Acheron Is there a new DT-version available? How can the settings be made via an INI-file? And how can I install DT with this INI-file unattended? The Arniworks-installer isn't unattended, right? Or am I doing something wrong? Best regards cool400
Avira Antivir 8 Free - complete silent and unattended!
cool400 replied to cool400's topic in Application Installs
Could you please tell me what you're doing to include Antivir 8 in your setup-process? I would be glad if someone can cofirm if the Antivir-addon works for her/him while the Windows XP-setup! Best regards cool400 -
My above link seems to be okay - on the linked website you will find these download-links for the modded innounp: http://uploaded.to/?id=lhjzbw http://cid-779005b3a75ddabf.skydrive.live....8-03-18%7C6.rar http://www.usaupload.net/d/fzr797nzj4t For me it works like a charm Best regards and good luck cool400
Visibility issues with new Vista theme
cool400 replied to midiboy's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Hi Kel, I found out that using the new Vista-theme the mouseover-boxes disappeared I can't see my app-descriptions/-pictures anymore...have you disabled this feature in this theme? Best regards cool400 -
@radix,skavenger,benners Thanks a lot - this is really great!!! I tried this with ConvertXtoDVD and it seems to work. The only thing I had to figure out was, how I could unpack the new Inno-Installer 5.2.3 - you need a modified version of innounp, which you can find here (there's an english GUI included, the tool speaks chinese ) But I've got one last question: after I compiled the new setup, the installer has grown over 2MB without adding any files Are there any parameters I can choose for a greater file-compression? Best regards and thanks a lot cool400
Avira Antivir 8 Free - complete silent and unattended!
cool400 replied to cool400's topic in Application Installs
Thanks a lot, r0sWell, for your compliments I'm not a coder-guy, I simply grabbed all the stuff I've seen a while ago - e.g. ricktendo64's WinRAR-Addon-Maker - and some basic-knowledge from my BartPE-experience (I developed some plugins for this great project in the past) and hoped, you may like this tool! Best regards and happy weekend cool400 B) -
Hi, the same problem for me - after the silent install a messagebox pops up Is there any solution for this behaviour right now? Best regards cool400
Visibility issues with new Vista theme
cool400 replied to midiboy's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Thanks - I will try it out! I just wondered which font has been used and how I could obtain the "shadow"-effect? BTW, what do I have to change in the wpi.css to change the font and the color of the main-page (where all apps and their checkboxes are listed)? There are so many sections - I don't know which one is the right one Best regards and thanks a lot cool400 -
Visibility issues with new Vista theme
cool400 replied to midiboy's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Hi Kel, this was the same issue I had - I couldn't ready anything in the bottom left corner. So it's easy to change the font-color and maybe the font itself via the CSS-file, right? BTW, have you heard anything from the "button"-guy about which font/app he used for the english buttons, because I want to have them in german! Best regards cool400 -
@Shark Thanks for your really good work! Is there a german version of 8.1.2 Lite available? Best regards cool400