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Everything posted by cool400
I have found the following solution for me - I install ZA free at the first user-logon via RunOnceEx.cmd, which brings up a nice GUI and installs ZA Free silently: REG ADD %KEY%\099 /VE /D "Zonelabs Zonealarm" /f REG ADD %KEY%\099 /V 1 /D "%~d0\INSTALL\zlsSetup_65_737_000_de.exe /s /noreboot /i" /f This should also work with the latest ZA Free-version, but I'm already trying this out! EDIT: I can confirm that the silent-installation also works with version 7.0.462.000 (this is the lastest version that's available in German)! I tested it first with this "old" version because the new one has annoying popups the whole time Best regards cool400
I ran into exactly the same problem: my unattended O2K3-installation stops with an 1602-error When I install it from my HDD everything works fine, but running it unattended via RunOnce from my nLited XP-CD doesn't work... Does anybody has an idea, how I could solve this problem? Best regards cool400
New Regshot alike tool out with added capabilities.
cool400 replied to Martin H's topic in Software Hangout
Hey...very nice tool!!! Thanks a lot for this tip Best regards cool400 -
[Release] Your Uninstaller! 2008 v6.2.1343
cool400 replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
I'm using only Windows XP - maybe we can compare the REG-keys (not the values), as there are some more keys under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Licenses] I will post the names of "my" keys as soon as I'm at home! EDIT: these are the keys that were changed on my system: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Licenses] "{K7C0DB872A3F777C0}" "{I0DC2E522B6B4C5BB}" "{00DC2E522B6B4C5BB}" Do you think that YU gets registered if I save the responsible keys in a REG-file and merge it with the registry on a fresh installation? Let's try it out Best regards cool400 -
@johndoe74 Sorry to ask the same question like some posts before again: how can I add my registration-info to your addon, so that it will be registered right while the installation-process? I have one idea: if I use your addon with nLite, is it possible to insert the registration via "REG.EXE ADD ......."-commands to the "RunOnce"-section of the "Unattended Setup"-menu? This way I successfully registered my PerfectDisk-plugin! I tried to include the Nero Micro-EXE and the REG-file in an SFX-archive into the svcpack-folder, which is then started via the ENTRIES_nero.ini - but this way it hasn't worked! Neither Nero got installed nor it got registered Maybe the registration was to early at T-13 - maybe it has to happen at the first login? If this is true, my above idea may solve this problem...but I haven't already tested it out yet. Any hints for me? Best regards cool400
@mooms Thanks for your hint - I downloaded the ZIP-file and made an SFX-archive which copies the files to %programfiles%\xp-AntiSpy and also generates the shortcuts the Startmenu/Programs and on the desktop! Very good idea @rado This solved my "problem" - anyways thanks for you help! Best regards cool400
I can confirm, that there are asian symbols - no "?"!!! So this might be due to the removal of asian language... I'm also asking myself if I can remove ALL languages and ALL keyboard-layouts - AFAIK the native language stays in the system, right? So my german XP will stay german if I remove all languages including the german-ones...I hope I personally don't need to see language-symbols of languages, that I don't speak, read or write (and this is beside German only English and a little French!) Regards cool400
THX, I already figured that out! Is there a way to avoid that the installation-window appears on the screen? Because I want a complete "silent" installation! Best regards cool400
@rado Thanks for this addon! I ask myself if there is a way to NOT install the ebay-link (don't know if it's only in the german version)? I tried to do something with AutoIt, but the checkboxes are not controlable Best regards cool400
[Release] Your Uninstaller! 2008 v6.2.1343
cool400 replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
@johndoe Thanks, very fine piece of work!!! I've got the same question: how do I register Your Uninstaller! silently? I made a regshot while typing in my serial-number, but I don't know if the serial is stored in the registry. There are only some values under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Licenses] changed - are these responsible for the registration? It seems that no file is changed while registration...very strange! Best regards and thanks a lot cool400 -
@Radix Thanks for your great script! But if I'm right it will only work for an english version of ZA. Is it possible to change your script to work with the german version? Best regards and thanks a lot cool400
[Release] Raxco PerfectDisk 2008 Professional v9.0.0 Build 76
cool400 replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
Sure - I know that and I inserted my own key!!! The only thing I would like to know is if I can insert your REG-command to the "RunOnce"-section under the "Unattended"-part in nLite to avoid using a batch-script if johndoe74's addon is already doing (nearly) the full job? If that's not possible and I HAVE to use your batch-script for registering PD, wherefrom do I run it? Do I make a whatever.CMD of it and run it within nLite? Regards cool400 -
[Release] Raxco PerfectDisk 2008 Professional v9.0.0 Build 76
cool400 replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
@Radix Sorry if I bothered you...this was not my intention! I'm new to all of this and I'm only trying to make things as easy as possible for me. But I've run into a problem: I used johndoe74's addon and tried to use your "REG.EXE ...."-code to register PD - but it seems that I made a mistake! I inserted your "REG.EXE ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Raxco\PerfectDisk\9.0" /v "License" /t REG_Binary /d "4534bghfhfhfkjlj8787ghghghghfgfg" /f>nul" to the "RunOnce"-section under the "Unattended"-part in nLite, but this has no effect. Could you tell me where I can use your CMD-script? I think I will have to make a CMD-file and execute it anywhere - but where do I have to tell nLite this? Thanks for your help and best regards cool400 -
[Release] Raxco PerfectDisk 2008 Professional v9.0.0 Build 76
cool400 replied to johndoe74's topic in Application Add-Ons
Thanks for this fine release! I've got the same question as Venos: is there an (easier) way to register PD while the silent-installation? The way radix described is not possible/necessary because PD already installs unattended! Or is it possible to execute only the "REG.EXE ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Raxco\PerfectDisk\9.0" /v "License" /t REG_Binary /d "4534bghfhfhfkjlj8787ghghghghfgfg" /f>nul" as a command at RunOnce in nLite? Best regards Mischa -
Your Uninstaller! Vista PRO 2006 Last Version Silent Ins
cool400 replied to aymandg's topic in Application Installs
Have you managed to add the license-key while the silent-setup? How can I do this? Best regards cool400 -
Hi, thanks for this great tip!!! I asked myself if it's also possible to burn (S)VCDs? And what about Audio-CDs? Best regards cool400
Hi, maybe I missed some informations, but I don't know where I can get the files mentioned in "filelist.txt" from... I download the file "Nero-" - should I now install Nero and grab the files from...hmmm...from where? E.g. I don't have a folder called "DrWeb" or "Redist". Or should I extract it anywhere? And if, how should I extract it? BTW, I installed "Inno_Setup_5.2.0_OneClick" previously... Another question is, if the Nero Mirco RC7 is final? It's really small...what is missing or not functional? Sorry for this many questions, but I didn't find the answers to them in this thread! Thanks for your good work, Archeron, and keep on with it - and you other guys too... Best regards cool400
@all As I'm new to unanttended installs I like to know if anyone can tell me how to integrate SpybotSD 1.4 in my nLite-CD? Thanks in advance Best regards cool400 B)
@all Could anybody tell me how to silently install Ad-Aware 1.06 SE and the languagepack using nLite? I'm totally new to this and haven't found anything using the search-function Thanks in advance! Best regards cool400