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Everything posted by TheFlash428

  1. Well, working drivers may have installed, but their may be *better* drivers for your keyboard pad and/or additional software required for full functionality. If the light doesn't come on for wireless, but the wireless connection still works, it may be the same deal, where there were additional drivers/software that controlled the light on the device...or maybe the light doesn't work anymore.
  2. All the computer I've installed on have been using integrated XP disks, and they all work fine.
  3. That's a NO-NO ... 100 degrees Centigrades???? It is common for those of us in the USA to forget that the rest of the world uses celsius degrees (which makes a lot more sense) as opposed to fahrenheit. For an american computer, getting it to run at 70 degrees (F) would be next to impossible, since room temp is usually about 72.
  4. [deleted by poster] /Sorry, I've been up since 3AM and my brain isn't working right today.
  5. This is exactly how I feel--I'll definately be using slipstreamed SP3 on my new images, but won't be pushing it out to the masses via WSUS. One of the main reasons for that is because I create my images using an nLited XP source, with some components removed. Installing SP3 over my old SP2 XP seems to break some things.
  6. We have many laptops on our domain, and I have never found this to be the case--users can log just fine (as long as the login has been cached). They can't install anything, however, but that's no different then if there were connected to the domain network.
  7. If you on a domain network, then any user on the domain can log into the computer using their domain account. By default, any user who logs in will be assigned to the local "Users" group on the computer. If you're not on a domain, I'm pretty sure there is no way to do this without setting up mulitple local accounts on the computer for each user. Also, even if you are using domain accounts, if the computer is off-line (outside your office), then only domain accounts which have been cached will be able to log in. In other words, if a certain user has never logged into the computer before, he/she will not be able to log in if the computer is not attached to the network where the domain controller resides. On top of that, the computer will only cache a certain number of previous username/password logins, so if the computer is out of the office and cannot contact the domain controller, then only that number of previous logons will be remembered. The setting for the number of cached logons to remember is located at: Start --> Run... --> gpedit.msc --> Computer Config --> Windows Settings --> Local Policies --> Security Options --> "Interactive logon: Number of previous logons to cache"
  8. In order to install SP3 on a running system, it needs to be at least SP1; however you can slipstream SP3 onto a a gold (RTM) XP source just fine. I'm not sure about the "Cleaner" part--I've slipstreamed into an XP SP2 disk and it works just fine.
  9. My first though was exactly what jaclaz mentioned. For example, when using Nero, do NOT select a "Bootable Data Disk" as your project and add the ISO file to the CD file structure. What you want to do is select "Disc image or saved project" and choose your ISO file as the image file to write to your disk. (You may have to change the file type to "All Files" in the file selection window, as Nero image may be the default file type, .NRG not .ISO--either will work though). This is based on my experiene using Nero Express from version 6.0, but it should be pretty similar using Nero 7.
  10. Reposted from a response I left on this post: http://www.msfn.org/board/Reinstall-pc-wit...423#entry759423
  11. If all you're doing is slipstreaming SP3, then I suspect it's not nLite the is the problem, but rather one of three things: 1. Your source files are corrupt or incomplete. Several reasons this can happen, but the first things to check would be that the disk you are copying the Windows installation files off of works OK by itself--if not, you know the source CD is bad. 2. Then, I would make sure that Under "Tools --> Folder Options --> view" in Windows Explorer that "Show Hidden Files and Folders" is checked and that "Hide Protected Operating System Files" is UNchecked on the computer you are using to copy the files to. 3. Lastly, I could simply be that you're using a bad CD burner. I've seen where programs like Nero or Roxio claim the burning was successful, when in fact serval files were not copied to the CD correctly because of a faulty CD burning drive. As long as you specify this in nLite it shouldn't be a problem.
  12. I'm not sure what version of Ghost you used, but I have used this method for images created using Ghost 2003 with much success. This method would also require that the image be broken into pieces less than 4.7GB each (if using DVD media), as a single file larger than that will not fit onto a single DVD. By using the instructions posted on this page: http://nightowl.radified.com/bootcd/started.html , you should be able to create an image file to use as the boot source of a CD/DVD which will contain the Ghost Image file you wish to use. If you image spans mulitple files, just burn each to CD using the same method. (As I have completed the initial steps already, if you PM me I may be able to send along a finished copy of the boot image).
  13. Yes--at least with the RC's
  14. I've been trying to figure out a way to do this myself for a while. Thanks! Also, if you need to set the "password required", that can be done by: NET USER [username] /PASSWORDREQ:YES
  15. Agreed. To elaborate, open up your device manager (START --> Run... --> devmgmt.msc), and look for any items that have an exclation point icon next to them. These are devices which currently do not have devices installed, and I can assume your wireless NIC is included there. If possible, as ponch recommends I would try to download drivers from the manufacturers web site (some are better about providing these than others), or if you can't do that, you can try the websites of the manufacturers of the actual components.
  16. Technically, what you have done goes against the EULA for your OEM copy of windows, as the computer you installed XP on (even if it did work), does not have a valid XP sticker (license) to run the software. As far as your problem, sounds like something went wrong with the SP2 install.
  17. It can depend on your setup, but yes, most likely you will have to create accounts for all users on your network that will need to access the share, and permissions set accordingly.
  18. You may be making this more difficult than it has to be... You could just use the following in a .cmd file NET USE Z: \\server\share [/PERSISTENT:YES] Where "\\server\share" represents the UNC path you are trying to map to the drive letter "Z". Use the /PERSISTENT:YES switch to reconnect the mapped drive at the next logon. If I read your question right, this should do what you're trying to achieve.
  19. One thing to check... I don't know if you're using XP Pro or Home ed., but if you have XP Pro, go to the group policy editor (gpedit.msc) and check the following setting: User Config/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Windows Explorer/Remove CD Burning Features If this setting is turned on, then the computer will behave exactly as you are describing (I don't know where this setting may resides in the registry). Also, if you are on a domain, this setting may be controlled by a domain group policy, in which case you won't be able to modify it from the local client. If I'm reading this correctly, this is normal. You won't be able to actually "see" the track files in Windows Explorer.
  20. Of course, SP3 will be out any day now, which could render all (or most) of these updates obsolete. But yes, in a server environment, WSUS may be the way to go for patch management.
  21. The deal is that SP3 will be the third service pack for Microsoft Windows XP. Microsoft has done a great job keeping this operating systems up-to-date with frequent service packs, as it has only been 3.5+ years since the last service pack was released! (Sarcasm directed at Microsoft, not "98 Guy") I'm assuming you mean a public release, which has been scheduled for "the first half of 2008"-- but based on the current forecast, most are predicting that it will be out sometime next month (April).
  22. I'm not sure of what kind of "recovery DVD" you have, but often times these recovery CD's contain factory loaded images of your computer, and are not actually XP installation disks. I believe NLite only works with actual XP installation CDs, and not recovery disks. the i386 folder should be contained within your installation source as well, so you would need to point NLite to one folder level higher, if you are in fact using a disk that has the XP installation files on it. (disclaimer: I am not an nlite expert, and I'm only basing my above statement on personal experience) Admins: This post may need to be moved to the NLite forum?
  23. I am more excited about being able to integrate SP3 into my install source, since that will save time from having to download all of the post SP2 updates (even if you are using update packs). I'm not sure what advantage installing SP3 on an already up-to-date system will really have though.
  24. Any of these things may help troubleshoot the shutdown during gameplay, but I do find that it shuts itself down while trying to go into standby mode (which is most likely not heat related). Are any any entries in the event viewer that might help diagnose the problem (errors during the standby process)?
  25. Here's what you do: -Reboot you computer. Log in as a different user than the one you want to change (i.e. "administrator"). -Go into the "Documents and Settings" folder and change the name of the folder for the user profile you wish to change (rename it to anything you want, but DO NOT DELETE IT!) -Log off of current account and then log in using the user account you wish to change the profile name of. Since you changed the name of this user's profile folder previously, a brand-new windows profile should be created for that user (with the correct user name). -Reboot. Once again, log in as the different user (not the one you're changing). -Copy the entire contents of the old (renamed) "Documents and Settings" profile folder into the newly created one. (MAKE SURE HIDDEN FILES AND PROTECTED SYSTEM FILES ARE VISIBLE). -You should now be able to log off the different account and log in using the user account with the changed profile name and all of the old settings should be present, and the profile folder name should now match that of the username. If everything is successful, you can delete the old profile folder. **NOTE: The "My Documents" folder can sometimes get quite large. If this is the case you may want to actually MOVE the contents of this folder from one location to another rather than COPY them...if you know what you're doing.
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