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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Huh? What do you mean? %systemdrive%\program files\mircosoft antispyware or do you mean a way to install it silently through WPI?
  2. Thank you very much!!! Exactly the kind of thing I was looking for.
  3. Could someone find me or help me to figure out a reg file for auto-registering pdf files to foxit??
  4. First of all let me say I love this projest and have been using it since the first release. Now when I made my CD I noticed that the anattended pack and the regular pack patch different files. Is there any particular reason for this? Why does the unattended pack not replace the bitmaps in msgina.dll used for the shutoff dialog background?? Why doesn't either pack replace the bitmaps in shell32.dll used for the please wait and logoff backgrounds? The same bitmaps are changed in the msgina.dll by the regular pack. As of the way it stands now my way of creating an XPized cd is long and tedious becuase the 2 packs actually patch some different files and I want the full package so I have to patch my xp with one pack reboot and then patch it with the other pack and before reboot and catch the temp files before they are moved. Then I still need to fix the bitmaps in shell32.dll mentioned earlier. I am putting my 2 cents in and asking these questions for the improvement of this project. I am not trying to flame nor do I want to be. I do absolutely love this project and hope it doesn't stop plus bleeds over to longhorn in the future after release.
  5. I think you may have found your problem. Change your cmd file to read those changes also. Then try that.
  6. Here is one for Windows XP with Service pack 2 made by ME!!! LOL Download Here! <------
  7. Okay since you are using absolute pathes make you cmd file read only= "D:\WPI\common\cmdow.exe" @ /hid regedit /s "D:\WPI\common\wpi.reg" start /wait D:\WPI\WPI.hta del /s/q "%userprofile%\desktop\*.lnk" exit and use that since the paths to your apps are absolute you don't need to use the varable of wpipath at all. the cmd file that you used from 3.5 can probably be subsituted also. Try that first.
  8. why not just rename the wpi 3.5.1 folder to wpi? Then keep the layout as d:\wpi d:\wpi\wpi.cmd d:\wpi\common\ d:\wpi\themes\ and so-on that is my layout and I have no probs.
  9. Just take an existing theme like viao and start by replacing the existing graphics with your own. When you rename the folder remember to enter the themes html file with notepad and replace all entries of viao1280x1024 with the same name as that of the folder.
  10. yes it is just an icon wpi just looks for it.
  11. Version 3.5.1 has gone up! Get it here! Link!!! Changelog - Added in better support for windows 2003. More code clean-up (in wpi.hta). Fixed bug when checking defualts while in default theme. 3 more languages added. Polish Portugeuse Hungarian Disabled VideoChanger and the resart to allow for your developing and adding of programs. To enable these features edit WPI.cmd in notepad and delete the two -- dash marks. Remember to do this for both lines to re-enable these features. Compressed VideoChanger.exe and FontInstaller.exe with upx for space saving. Removed Viao theme and added it to the Themes thread. When upgrading to a newer version all you really need to do is to copy over the config.js file in your wpiscripts folder. Now if you have a file you have modified like wpi.cmd and don't want the fontinstaller or videochanger then keep your old cmd file. Useroptions.js has a lot of your settings in it and if you have changed a lot of these you need to keep this file also.
  12. I just need to know for the languages which have been posted that version was not included with. For the most part I can figure out where to put the version number in all the languages I just need to know how to spell version to add it into the languages that don't have it.
  13. Reprted found and fixed in 3.5.1 Thank god for the answer to this problem. I think it slipped by for so long because most seem to use themes other than default now.
  14. I reccomend guirunonce Depends on wich modifications you have done and which theme you use. The main files you need to change are in the wpi scripts folder, take config.js and useroptions.js also take your wpi.cmd file from the old wpi and transfer them to the new wpi and it really is as simple as all that.
  15. Just add the following to your wpi.cmd - regedit /s "%systemdrive%\install\wpi\common\wpi.reg" This should fix all probs.
  16. Yeah probably should upgrade. Lots of people call it from guirunonce through winnt.sif. Call it like this= [GuiRunOnce] %systemdrive%\install\wpi\wpi.cmd and it will run after first logon of windows. Apparently you really need the regtweaks included with wpi.cmd so either call it through .cmd or put the regtweak into wpi and have it done first.
  17. oooooooooooooooooooo Pretty LOL those are cool keep it up! Ya know you can post up in the official thread the right? Just make sure you post only screens and link please.
  18. Version 3.5.1 has gone up! Get it here! Changelog - Added in better support for windows 2003. More code clean-up (in wpi.hta). Fixed bug when checking defualts while in default theme. 2 more languages added. Portugeuse Hungarian Disabled VideoChanger and the resart to allow for your developing and adding of programs. To enable these features edit WPI.cmd in notepad and delete the two -- dash marks. Remember to do this for both lines to re-enable these features. Compressed VideoChanger.exe and FontInstaller.exe with upx for space saving. Removed Viao theme and added it to the Themes thread.
  19. Okays guys minor issue: I need to know how to write "Version" in all of the languages posted. Please help me with this. Also lets keep the languages coming! I want to support as many as is possible.
  20. Okay it has been figured out and a new version will be released within the hour that contains the fix plus other changes.
  21. Ummm are you calling WPI.cmd?? This issue was fixed with a release a loooong time ago. When do you run WPI??
  22. 3 made by Randy Rhoads Alien Screenshot: XPPRO Screenshot: WIN2003 Screenshot: Download Alien Download XPPRO Download WIN2003
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