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Everything posted by saugatak

  1. saugatak


    @TommyP, this is great, much easier than $$OEM$$ method.
  2. @FDV: Should this entry in SYSOC.IN_ be edited out? AutoUpdate=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,au.inf,,7 Is this the Windows AutoUpdate program? Also, in my FDV'd HFSLIP Win2k (with Notepad, Defrag, Cleanmgr.exe and WordPad removed), I noticed that the following programs normally found in a non-FDV Win2k were missing: a. Start ==> Programs ==> Accessories ==> System Tools ==> Character Map b. Start ==> Programs ==> Accessories ==> Paint c. Start ==> Programs ==> Accessories ==> Calculator I don't care that the above 3 programs are missing. I was just wondering if my edits to the FDV files had the unintended effect of removing the above 3 programs? @Oleg_II: THANKS for the tip on Notepad. I am going to do as you suggested.
  3. FDV, I put the XP version of NTDETECT.COM and ntldr in the FIX folder. When I look at SOURCESS/I386 folder, however, Win2k NTDETECT.COM and ntldr are present. Also, the HFSLIP'd Win2k install on VMWare has the Win2k version of NTDETECT.COM and ntldr. What am I doing wrong?
  4. FDV, you recommend putting the WINNT.SIF file in the FIX folder, but FDVFILES folder also has WINNT.SIF. Should we: a. have WINNT.SIF only in the FIX folder and remove WINNT.SIF from FDVFILES folders? b. leave WINNT.SIF in both FIX and FDVFILES folders? Also, if I want to modify the WINNT.SIF file, is it OK to put my modified WINNT.SIF file into the FDVFILES, or should your WINNT.SIF in FDVFILES be left alone?
  5. @FDV, I figured out how to get Nero and VMWare working. It turns out that my laptop went into hibernation mode in the middle of running HFSLIP and I burned an incomplete ISO image After I ran HFSLIP again and made sure it was complete, no problems. Here are some additional items that can be removed by editing FDV's fileset. 1. To remove WordPad (who's running Windows w/o running Word?), put a ; in front of the following entries in LAYOUT and TXTSETUP. This example is taken from LAYOUT. The numbers in TEXTSETUP differ but filenames are the same. [sourceDisksFiles] ;wordpad.chm = 1,,31191,,,,,,3,3 ;wordpad.exe = 1,,185104,,,,,,3,3 ;wordpad.hlp = 1,,25770,,,,,,3,3 ;wordpad.inf = 1,,6780,,,,,20,0,0 2. To remove the Accessibility Options from the Accessories folder in the Start Menu (never use 'em), put ; in front of the following files in SYSSETUP.IN_ [FDV provided most of the information plus some suggestions, which I tried out and this setup works.] [startMenuGroups] ;Accessibility = %accessibility%,0 [Accessibility] ;%magnifier% = magnify.exe,magnify.exe,,0,%magnifier_infotip% ;%reader% = narrator.exe,narrator.exe,,0,%reader_infotip% ;%screenkeyboard% = osk.exe,osk.exe,,0,%screenkeyboard_infotip% ;%utilman% = utilman.exe,"utilman.exe /start",,0,%utilman_infotip% 3. To remove Win2k's built in disk cleaner, put a ; in front of the following entry in LAYOUT and TXTSETUP. This example is taken from LAYOUT. The numbers in TEXTSETUP differ but filenames are the same. [sourceDisksFiles] ;cleanmgr.exe = 1,,42256,,,,,2,0,0 Instead of using Win2k's cruddy diskcleaner, I suggest you use CrapCleaner (that's the real name ) instead. It's free and it's awesome. Get it at ccleaner.com 4. If you use a text editor other than notepad, you may want to remove Win2k's built-in notepad, which kinda sucks. Here's how: a. Put a ; in front of the following entries in SYSSETUP.IN_ [Accessories] ;%notepad% = notepad.exe,notepad.exe,,0,%notepad_infotip% [Files.NoWin31.System32ToSysroot] ;NOTEPAD.EXE b. Put a ; in front of the following entries in LAYOUT and TXTSETUP. This example is taken from LAYOUT. The numbers in TEXTSETUP differ but filenames are the same. [sourceDisksFiles] ;notepad.chm = 1,,24616,,,,,21,0,0 ;notepad.exe = 1,,50960,,,,,2,1,0 ;notepad.hlp = 1,,12566,,,,,21,1,0 5. If you have a real defrag utility (I have O&O and it's awesome) and never use Win2k's built-in defrag, here's how to get rid of it. a. Put a ; in front of the following entries in SYSSETUP.IN_ [infs.Always] ;dfrg.inf,DefaultInstall [OleControlDlls] ;11,,dfrgsnap.dll,R ;11,,dfrgui.dll,R b. Put a ; in front of the following entries in LAYOUT and TXTSETUP. This example is taken from LAYOUT. The numbers in TEXTSETUP differ but filenames are the same. [sourceDisksFiles] ;defrag.chm = 1,,22354,,,,,21,0,0 ;defrag.hlp = 1,,12855,,,,,21,0,0 ;dfrg.inf = 1,,2429,,,,,20,0,0 ;dfrg.msc = 1,,98304,,,,,2,0,0 ;dfrgfat.exe = 2,,62224,,,,,2,0,0 ;dfrgntfs.exe = 2,,76048,,,,,2,0,0 ;dfrgres.dll = 1,,28160,,,,,2,0,0 ;dfrgsnap.dll = 2,,42768,,,,,2,0,0 ;dfrgui.dll = 1,,109328,,,,,2,0,0 P.S. 95% of these "tips" came from FDV. @FDV, in going through your fileset, I noticed that you don't put a ; in front of the following entry which appears in both TXTSETUP and LAYOUT: ;welcome.exe = 1,,366864,,,,,1,0,0 Wouldn't it be a good idea to get rid of the "Welcome" file? Anyone who uses HFSLIP and your fileset doesn't need the Welcome to Windows tour. I left the above entry alone because I thought you had a reason to keep it in since all the other entries associated with "welcome.exe" are commented out with a semi-colon.
  6. ratba, maybe I was being overly sensitive, didn't quite understand what you were saying. my apologies.
  7. Ratba, TommyP and FDV are giving their time and expertise to make HFSLIP and the FDV files. I think you should be more polite to both of them, especially if you want them to help you out.
  8. Trying to burn an ISO image of my HFSLIP Win2k so that I can run it in VMWare to test it out. Nero won't let me burn an ISO image. I check "Make Bootable CD" option, I add the files in SOURCESS, and then try various save and burn options, but none of them let me save as an ISO as recommended by FDV. Any suggestions?
  9. @FDV: On your web page you say the following re HelpExplorer "HelpExplorer - For reading Help files. HTML Help and IE both use Windows' built-in HTML display functionality. Download HelpExplorer and extract DINO_D67_v1.01_demo. Find the BIN and GRC subdirectories and move them to C:\WINNT\ and then create a shortcut for helpexplorer.exe on your desktop. Then, associate help files with that binary. (If you have to ask how to associate a filetype with a certain program, please use Google. These kinds of fundamentals are not included in this guide). You could tinker with xCHM too." Do you mean the "GRE" subdirectory, not the GRC subdirectory? I couldn't find a GRC subdirectory. "To add Outlook and Address Book, open SYSSETUP.INF, find the [infs.Always] section, and uncomment just MSOE50.INF." Should the above be changed? Also, I'd like to remove Wordpad. Should I just put a ; in front of the wordpad entries in LAYOUT and TXTSETUP? Does anything need to be done with WORDPAD.INF to remove wordpad? Finally, I use CrapCleaner which is free and a much better cleaning utility than what comes with Win2k. I think you should have a reference to it on your webpage of useful programs to add, www.ccleaner.com. I want to remove the built in disk cleaner utility so I put ; in front of "cleanmgr.exe" in LAYOUT and TXTSETUP. Will that do it?
  10. @Oleg_II, in instruction 2, how do you run "winhtml.inf"? @fdv, is the Limited Edition OE installer available on your website?
  11. @fdv: I should have caught the tongue in cheek reference to "reload" but my brain wasn't working at 3 a.m. @tommyp: I was just about to burn a CD but now I gotta wait until you come out with your next version!
  12. Check out STEP 4 on your web page for Win2k SP5 http://www.vorck.com/2ksp5.html Windows2000-KB890859-x86-ENU.EXE is not listed and there's no link to it. It makes sense that you'd want to include the codecs even if you don't install Windows Media Player. What I couldn't figure out was why TommyP installed a hotfix for Windows Media Player, specifically "WindowsMedia9-KB885492-x86-ENU.exe" and did not install the updated codecs in "KB891122" (whichever version). I was wondering if TommyP had some critical insight, or didn't care about the codecs, or got the codecs from somewhere else. @FDV, have you figured out how to get Outlook back into your fileset? Or is it too much work with the curveball M$ has thrown on the latest fixes? Also, aside from auto updating, did QuickBooks give you any other problems if IE was removed?
  13. It's interesting to compare the hotfixes used by the two "gurus" of HFSLIP. Couple of questions: TommyP includes the following hotfixes that FDV omits: 1. Windows2000-KB890859-x86-ENU.EXE (FDV, this looks like it is necessary) 2. WindowsMedia9-KB885492-x86-ENU.exe (is this necessary if you are planning to rip out Windows Media Player?) TommyP does not include the latest Windows Media Player Codecs while FDV does (WindowsMedia9-KB891122-x86-ENU.exe).
  14. It's too bad M$ screwed around with Outlook and Outlook Express. I use your old fileset on an old home machine (WORKS GREAT ) but I need Outlook at work because, unfortunately, my time management program only synchs with Outlook. Thanks for the infor on M$ crappy fax services. If it's not even as good as that crap from WinFax, that's pretty bad. I'm shocked that M$ still can't get Update Rollup right. That is just pathetic. They're probably using college intern programmers for Win2k right now and providing the bare minimum in support and security updates to force everyone to upgrade to XP or Longwait.
  15. FDV, does this mean that it's best to leave OE and WAB in when using your fileset? In other words, should I just remove the semi-colon in front of MSOE50.inf in SYSSETUP.INF? Also, do you know if removing Win2k's built in fax service will kill fax programs like WinFax, for example? On your website, you mention a CPU Idel issue with the rollup. Wasn't this fixed in the Update Rollup v2?
  16. The revised Update Rollup 1 for Win2k is out. FDV and TommyP, let us all know what you think. I'm going to install it. Doubt it'll give me any problems as the first version of Update Rollup 1 didn't give me any problems.
  17. FDV I don't know what you mean by the unattended forum but I've passed your vorck.com url out to a lot of my friends who have gotten burned by IE and many now are getting to the point where they just want to get rid of it from their system, particularly in light of the latest IE exploits. Unfortunately, most of 'em run that bloated pig of a program IE so they are trying nLite out instead. You and TommyP shouldn't worry about the competition thing. This is the internet. What you guys are doing is fantastic and word will spread, just takes time.
  18. @FDV: wow, rough night.
  19. @fdv: I think the file to edit to get rid of languages you don't want is INTL.INF, which is a truly long and monstrous .INF file. These are the instructions included in the INTL.INF file with my comments like this ??COMMENT?? ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; HOW TO USE THIS FILE ; ; To install or remove a language group, ; ; 1) Invoke the section whose name is LG_INSTALL_#, where # is the number ; of the language group. The language group number can be determined ; from the LCID by looking in the [Locales] section. The language groups ; are listed in the [LanguageGroups] section. ; ; To change system default locale, ; ; 1) Invoke the section whose name is the LCID of the locale to change to. ; 2) Look in the [Locales] section to determine the matching OEM code page. ; 3) Invoke the section whose name is [Font.CP<oemcp>.Files.<fontsize> ; where <fontsize> is 96 for small fonts or 120 for large ones. ??What is LCID and how do I invoke it?? ; ; Your code must also perform any non-registry manipulations that may be ; necessary, such as SetLocaleInfo() calls, etc. They are not done here. ??FDV, what does this mean?? ; ; To just change to large or small fonts, do step 3 only. ; ; NOTE: You must install the language group before setting a system default ; locale. Only the locales in installed language groups will show up as options ; for setting the system default locale. ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  20. @vci - the high encryption pack has been included as part of service pack 4. It used to be a separate download because it used encryption methods that were copyrighted by some branch of the U.S. government. Under the terms of the copyright, U.S. citizens/resident could get the high encryption pack download, but non-U.S. citizens/residents could not. As a result, M$ would (as required by law) allow you to download the high encryption pack only after you had certified that you were a U. S. resident/citizen. The copyright ran out sometime in 2000 I believe. As a result, the encryption method became public property and everybody (M$, Linux, BSDs, UNIXes) was free to incorporate the high encryption algorithms directly into their OS. I believe WinXP is 128 bit encryption out of the box and Win2k included high encryption commencing from SP2 on. http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/downl...sp2/default.asp @tommyp FDV's fileset is great. Kudoes to him and you. I just wanted to rip out a few more things (like non-English languages, defrag and disk cleanup utilities, easy access) that I never use. It's not critical to remove them, and I'm not going to cry if I can't get them out using FDV's fileset, I just wanted to see if it was possible. FDV already told me how to get rid of some of this stuff (easy access, defrag and disk cleanup), but I was wondering if he had in his collection of modded .INFs a languague .INF where I could ; the languagues I didn't want.
  21. @tommyp I tried nLite on a Win2k made with HFSLIP and FDV's files. Didn't work. According to FDV, I can't nLite something made with his fileset. In any case, I'm looking forward to your latest work
  22. FDV, which files do I have to hit if I want to get rid of extra languages that I won't use? I'd like to make my install CD as slim as possible. Thanks again to you and TommyP for doing what M$ should have done in the first place.
  23. @FDV, I'll give it a shot and tell you how it goes. Just asking because the default utilities that come with the Windows OS (both 2k and XP) are not too great. Win2k defrag obviously doesn't do pagefile, registry hives, boot files and MSFT tables. I understand WinXP defrag is better in that it does MSFT tables and boot files. In any case, I liked what you did in replacing Win2k's NTDETECT.EXE and NTLDR with WinXP's (to make it faster). I was looking into replacing Win2k's awful defrag with XP's or even Diskeeper Lite, but couldn't figure out a way to do it and just said screw it. Best thing to do is just get it out of there since I don't use it anyway and replace it with Sysinternal's page defrag and O&O's free O&ODefrag2k. I plan to do the same thing with Notepad and Disk Cleanup program. BTW, FDV, a good replacement for Win2k's disk cleanup program is CrapCleaner, you can get it at ccleaner.com. Works a lot faster than Disk Cleanup and it's free.
  24. @tommyp, thanks for the tip, didn't know actually @FDV, OK what you said makes sense. Easier, more flexible and easier to update by leaving stuff in and fixing only what you have to. I was just trying to see if there was an easy way by editing your fileset to get rid of certain options like the "Easy Access" utilities, or certain junky system programs included in Win2k like Notepad (hate the fact it doesn't have wordwrap) and defrag. I'll hack around with it, see if I can figure out anything. I'd love to be able to just replace Notepad with something else in the install, same with defrag. Thanks again.
  25. Re FDV's latest SP5 fileset: 1. SYSOC.IN_ If I put a ";" in front of the following 2 entries, will I get rid of the accessibility start menu folder and corresponding programs (which I never use)? AccessUtil=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,accessor.inf,,7 AccessOpt=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,optional.inf,,7 2. SYSSETUP.IN_ On FDV's Remove IE page, Fred says the following: Let me take some space here to show this entry in my version of this file: [infs.Always] ; ie.inf,DefaultInstall ; You _could_ install IE, if you wanted ; icwnt5.inf,DefaultInstall ; Internet Connection Wizard ; amovie.inf,DefaultInstall.NT ; Active Movie for IE ; wbemnt5.inf,DefaultInstall ; Web Based Enterprise Management ; mstask.inf,DefaultInstall.NT ; Task Manager - opens Port 135, is it really worth it? ; msoe50.inf,DefaultInstall ; Outlook Express ; wab50.inf,DefaultInstall ; Windows Address Book ; tshoot.inf,DefaultInstall ; Troubleshooter ; rsm.inf,DefaultInstall ; Removable Storage Manager requires COM ; msnetmtg.inf,DefaultInstall ; Netmeeting ; mplayer2.inf,DefaultInstall.NT ; Harmless - modded to only create associations for the GPL MP Classic ; rstorage.inf,DefaultInstall.NT ; Remote Storage Recall Notification ; icminst.inf,DefaultInstall ; defaults for Image Color Management 2.0 ; apcompat.inf,DefaultInstall ; Application Compatability - trust me, you don't need it When I looked at the latest version of the SYSSETUP.IN_ file, I saw the following: [Registry Infs] [infs.Always] ie.inf,DefaultInstall mdac.inf,DefaultInstall icwnt5.inf,DefaultInstall amovie.inf,DefaultInstall.NT wbemnt5.inf,DefaultInstall mstask.inf,DefaultInstall.NT ;msoe50.inf,DefaultInstall ;wab50.inf,DefaultInstall tshoot.inf,DefaultInstall dfrg.inf,DefaultInstall rsm.inf,DefaultInstall msinfo32.inf,DefaultInstall axant5.inf,DefaultInstall msnetmtg.inf,DefaultInstall mplayer2.inf,DefaultInstall.NT mpcodecs.inf,DefaultInstall.NT rstorage.inf,DefaultInstall.NT icminst.inf,DefaultInstall apcompat.inf,DefaultInstall shell.inf,DefaultInstall ;syssetup.inf,SpecialInstall rca.inf,DefaultInstall wmpocm.inf,DefaultInstall.NT It looks like a lot of the programs that were commented out on Fred's web page aren't commented out in the latest SYSSETUP.IN_. Specifically, the following files: ie.inf,DefaultInstall icwnt5.inf,DefaultInstall amovie.inf,DefaultInstall.NT wbemnt5.inf,DefaultInstall mstask.inf,DefaultInstall.NT tshoot.inf,DefaultInstall rsm.inf,DefaultInstall msnetmtg.inf,DefaultInstall mplayer2.inf,DefaultInstall.NT rstorage.inf,DefaultInstall.NT icminst.inf,DefaultInstall apcompat.inf,DefaultInstall Fred, I'm assuming that you got the above files out by other means and you're just force feeding these entries into the Windows Registry to fool Windows into thinking the above files are installed when they're not?
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