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Everything posted by beppemito

  1. i've already slipstreamed XP SP2...
  2. this method http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/installhotfixes_old.htm works for XP SP2 too? PS:i want to install framework with svcpack.inf
  3. how can i create this (ITALIAN VERSION), like http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/applications/netframework.htm? is there a guide?
  4. i've read some post about some problem with silently installation of nero i'm not english and i don't understand anything.... so...what's the switch?
  5. can i use a method like this? runonceex (Window Post Install script: WPI) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\75\\1", "cmd.exe /c %systemdrive%\install\\winamp5\\install.cmd", "REG_SZ"); install.cmd start /wait %systemdrive%\install\winamp5\winamp505.msi INI="%systemdrive%\install\winamp5\winamp.ini" /qb EXIT winamp.ini [SETUP] XAUDIO=1 Xmodernskin=1 Xextra=1 Xregopt=1 XNAME=xxxx XKEY=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
  6. i use runonceex: WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\75\\1", CDROM + "\install\\winamp5\\winamp505.msi INI=\"" + CDROM + "\install\\winamp5\\winamp.ini\" INSTALLDIR=\"%ProgramFiles%\\Winamp\\\" /qb", "REG_SZ"); is it right?
  7. a new version is available: http://www.koepi.org anyone know the switch?
  8. 4. and FLASH, shockwave, java?
  9. i've slipstreamed sp2 italian version on my xpcd!now i want to know some answer: 1. are directx 9C already included? 2. and wmp? 3. and framework? thanks
  10. yes i found this topic...but i want to be sure auto-it script works with too...
  11. new version: http://news.swzone.it/swznews-12267.php the switch?
  12. i'll go to try
  13. i've used -r switch but...... no setup.iss are created!
  14. do anyone made .msi?
  15. then i can delete Q839643,can't I?
  16. can i exclude some useless file?and.... if i install dx9C, can i delete Q839643 from svcpack?
  17. can you post the dxsetup.exe hexedited? the switch? only /opk?
  18. can i install it via divxdec.ax and regsvr32.exe, and regedit?
  19. a new version is out: 5.0.3C!!!! we need msi file :D
  20. i use post-install wizard 1.2: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=11491 winnt.sif [GuiRunOnce] %systemdrive%\install\bootlogo.cmd %systemdrive%\install\prepare.cmd %systemdrive%\install\patch\installa.cmd %systemdrive%\install\wpi.cmd %systemdrive%\install\install.cmd %systemdrive%\cleanup.cmd i've also a folder called INSTALL in my cd root! and another INSTALL folder in $OEM$!!: CD DRIVE | |_$OEM$ | | | |_install | |_install |_I386 |_autorun.inf |_setup.exe |_win51ip |_etc... now,after the XP installation and all hotfix are installed,the system reboot and run GUIRUNONCE! bootlogo.cmd work propertly prepare.cmd work propertly installa.cmd work propertly then....wpi.cmd runs!!!! my wpi.cmd: start /wait %systemdrive%\install\WPI\WPI.HTAmy cleanup.cmd: shutdown.exe -r -f -t 60 -c "Installazione completata. Windows XP si riavviera' tra 1 minuto..."REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\wfpriabilita.regRD /S /Q %systemdrive%\install\EXITwhen run WPI.CMD,the windows where i must chose the programs i want to install appear: but at the same time CLEANUP.CMD runs!!!! and all the installations i have chose before.....stop!!! what's the problem? sorry for my english!
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