I have leeched information from this forum for months now since getting bitten by the unattended install bug - here's my contribution in return, I hope it works for everyone else as I have only two similar PC's available to test it on. I never figured out how to stop the start menu entries from being made, so if anyone else figures this out, please post. This results in a WinRAR sfx packaged installer of 27.4 MB. There are no error pop ups, Nero Scout is not installed, nerocheck.exe is disabled, full start menu is created ("Nero 7 Ultra Edition" as opposed to "Nero 7 Demo") and is the only method that has worked for me on an unattended install DVD. Extract Nero- to a folder ... call it NeroX for now. Delete all BUT the Cab and Setup folders and Nero.msi, then delete contents of the Cab folder. Open the setup folder and delete all the eula's but EULA_enu.rtf and delete NeroDelTmp.exe. Now back to Nero- ... run it as if you were going to install it or upgrade your current installation, then click cancel when it settles in at the first screen were you would click next. Now put _Cabcopy.cmd in %temp%\Nero7.tmp\Cab and run it. This created a new folder named "Cab_temp" and copied the required 127 cab files to it. Copy the 127 cab files from "Cab_temp" and paste them into the Cab folder of the NeroX folder created earlier. Open NeroX\Nero.msi with AdminStudio6, AdminStudio7, InstallShield 11.5, or other Installshield msi editing capable program. Go to Installation Designer Tab ---> Organization ---> Setup Design and delete all but Nero Product Setup, Nero Suite Installer and Nero Burning ROM. Open Nero Suite Installer and delete the two special offer entries. Open Nero Burning ROM and delete NeroMediaLibraryxxxxx. Go to Behavior and Logic ---> Property Manager and make the following changes: NERO_SCOUT=FALSE Change Product Name if desired (eg drop the Demo from title) SERIALNUM_CORRECT=TRUE SERIALNUM_USERVAL=(replace demo serial number with yours) Click on Direct Editor, then Edit ---> Find - Search for and "drop" all rows with "medialibrary" in them. Run the search until it comes up empty. Click Project Assistant Tab ---> Application Registry. Click "Yes" to configure the registry and delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\currentversion\run" this kills nerocheck.exe in the startup configuration. You can also import a reg file that you have previously saved with all your settings on this screen. Save changes to Nero.msi and close AdminStudio. Now package the contents of NeroX folder with a self extractor set to execute "Nero.msi STARTPARAM=CallFromExe DONOTRUNSETUPX=1 /QB" without the quotes. To add other features ...... When you do the AdminStudio part, leave in the feature you want to install. When you try to do the install with your output, there will be an error box pop up wanting a particular Cab file. Remember the Cabs in %temp%\Nero7.tmp\Cab? They will be there. Keep track of what Cabs you have to add for what feature and post back here and we can have a data base of required Cabs for selected features until someone comes up with a better install procedure. _CABcopy.cmd